From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1268: Break down psychological defenses

Chapter 1268: Breaking the psychological defense line

 Jack Chen called to complete the communication with his superiors, and then quickly showed a cooperative attitude...

Soon several large trucks drove over and took the women in the hotel and the people in the casino to a vacant factory in the suburbs for temporary custody.

Qiao Jia had no intention of embarrassing those women who had basically lost their dignity and resistance. He asked Jack Chen to arrange for people to make statistics on their nationalities and identities, and then had someone act as an intelligence agency and send a car directly to send them there. Embassies of various countries.

The biggest advantage of involving the intelligence service is that it can use "national security" as an excuse to keep the case secret.

  It’s not that what Qiao Jia did was shameful, but that he didn’t have time to argue with the embassy, ​​which needs justice for its citizens.

While everyone was busy, Qiao Jia, in front of the Lin family's uncle and nephew, killed the minions that were not killed at the beginning one by one, and then found two clean sheets for them when they peed their pants in fear. Sit on the stool…

Then Boss Qiao stood up and said to Galsi and his old guys who came to support him, "It's up to you to dig out all their property and money.

An underground casino will not allow this guy to sneak into the position of vice chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. He must have other businesses, and they will definitely not be completely legal businesses..."

The old-school Galsi didn't like Boss Qiao's overly direct methods. He shook his head and said, "Sir, I suggest you take a bath and take a rest. Your rough actions have made a lot of preparations I made in vain."

As he spoke, Galci glanced at Jack Chen who was standing not far away and was unwilling to come over. He smiled and said: "But being able to win over people from the Philippine Intelligence Agency is also a gain.

The main task of this group of people is to collect intelligence on pirates and rebels. Unfortunately, they have not achieved much results over the years. "

Joga said with a smile: “The monthly salary of these people is only 15,000 pesos, which is only 300 yuan in U.S. dollars...

 It’s only a few hundred yuan a month, why bother?

Those pirates and rebels are very fierce! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at the Lin family uncle and nephew, and said: "Dig out all the money they have, give half to the Intelligence Bureau, and set up a fund with the other half, go to find beautiful places around the Sulu Sea to invest in a port, and then notify Said came over to build several luxury resorts.

In this way, our company's ships and people will have a suitable place to stay, whether they are looking for a place to rest or take a vacation. "

After hearing this, Galci frowned and said, "How much money can these two people have?"

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "As a foreigner, you simply don't understand that an underground casino cannot sustain the stature of a vice chairman of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce even if it kills gamblers.

·Operating underground casinos is usually accompanied by online gambling, fraud, money laundering and other businesses. Those are "big projects".

You have to seize the time and dig out all this information before their people can react. We raid those places overnight to prevent their people from transferring all the money. "

Garthie doesn’t understand why Boss Qiao, who is worth billions, cares so much about the business of the Lin family’s uncle and nephew...

In the past, this boss didn't have the habit of looking for trouble for himself. When he encountered enemies, he usually just killed them.

Qiao Jia has no intention of explaining. He hates these people who go abroad and still keep an eye on their compatriots...

 Firstly, because they have no bottom line, and secondly, because they are very embarrassing...

When Lao Du from the Philippines faced pressure from his mother on this matter, he always laughed in interviews...

As Qiaojia’s status became higher and higher, his inner sense of honor and national belonging became stronger and stronger.

 So he would feel particularly angry about this kind of thing where people harm each other...

 Qiao Jia comes from a lower class background, and he can understand that life is not easy for those who are also at the bottom...

 He can understand the anxiety of Chinese people because they have no money, because the general environment is so bad...

 People always want too much, but get very little!

 Since the 1990s, thirty years of rapid development have brought not only beauty to people, but also tearing...

 When all businesses around the world focus on the world’s largest consumer goods market...

ˆ With the developed Internet, consumerism began to prevail, and vanity, desire, and greed began to spread uncontrollably. ‘Getting rich’ has become the only goal of many people!

Then someone will find that in today's society, there are countless successful people as examples. It seems that as long as the bottom line is low enough, you can make money!

 In China, it is normal for many people to use the law as the bottom line to justify their actions.

When these people leave the legally constrained environment and ponder the wallets of their compatriots in foreign lands, the bottom line will continue to decline without exception.

From Qiao Jia’s point of view, what these people of the same ethnic group have done makes them feel very embarrassed!

 After sending Galxi to do the work, Qiao Jia felt a little depressed and walked to the corner of the factory to sit down...

 Jack Chen has the ears of a spy, and he heard what Qiao Jia said to Galsi just now.

This guy was surprised and delighted and communicated with his superiors again for a while. Then he walked up to Boss Qiao with some hesitation and said, "Sir, is what you just said true?"


Qiao Jia broke away from his depression, looked at Jack Chen, and said, "What did you say?" Jack Chen looked at Qiao Jia's eyes and said seriously: "In addition to giving half of the proceeds to the Intelligence Bureau, and then giving the other Is it true that half of the investment is in the Philippines?”

Qiao Jia suddenly said: "It's true!"

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the confused Jack Chen and said with a smile: "You think I dragged you into this because I was greedy for these people's money, right?"

 After speaking, Qiao Jia walked to several boxes, bent down and opened the boxes, revealing the thousand-yuan bills inside...

“150 million pesos is a lot of money in your eyes, but in my eyes, these are only 3 million US dollars, 2 million euros…

The money has increased ten times, a hundred times, and a thousand times. To me now, it is actually nothing.

 Money is a commodity that can be circulated. It is meaningless on its own, but as long as it is used in the right place, it can create value...

 In fact, I don’t need the money at all, I just hate those people!

It is impossible for me to kill them all, and most of their actions are not worthy of death...

 But I can take all their money and do something meaningful with it.

 For example, buy a few islands in the Philippines, build a few luxury hotels, and use tourism to boost the local economy.

 For example, buy a lot of land in the Philippines and then hire local people to grow food and cash crops.

For example, build a dock in the Philippines, and then use ships to take away the output of those lands and sell them, and exchange them for money to repeat the previous investment.

I can make money, and at the same time, many people will benefit from it. Even if their lives can be changed a little bit, this is a meaningful thing to me! "

After hearing this, Jack Chen looked at Boss Qiao in disbelief and said, "You mean what you want is not money?"

Qiao Jia shook his head and said with a smile: "You should have heard what I was talking to my people just now. I am planning to invest around the Sulu Sea. At the beginning, I only plan to invest in a small port so that the ships of Princess Maritime Security Company can have A place to stay.

But now I think I need to invest more!

 You are right, what I want is not money...

If your intelligence agency can coordinate enough land for me near the sea area I designated, the wealth gained from the future attack on Alcante and the pirate tycoon Faiz can actually be used as land transfer money and investment in the Philippines. On the land.

 I promise I won’t take away a penny…”

Qiao Jia looked at the stunned Jack Chen and said with a smile: "Man, let me remind you that these people who commit online gambling fraud are actually just small people. That Faiz is the big shark. If you catch him, you can Seize great wealth.”

 Jack Chen was stunned for a moment and stammered: "Sir, I, I want to call again, make a few more calls..."

Chauga waved his hands indifferently, then pushed two boxes containing about 30 million pesos each to Jack Chen, and said with a smile: "This cash is not within the scope of our agreement, I am ready to spend them all.

You take the money and go find me a suitable luxury hotel in the Bay Area, which is relatively close to Alcante. You take the rest of the money...

I guess you don’t dare to take cash, so exchange it for a good car. When I use it up, I will give the car to you all as a gift.

 You should remember the number of people who are coming to help, and make sure each person has one car. If the money is not enough, I will make up for it. "

Jack Chen is 28 years old this year and can definitely be regarded as an elite in the Philippines, but how can he withstand the bombardment from Boss Joe...

 From the beginning of the cooperation with the intelligence agency, his psychological hole was opened. When he cooperated with Boss Qiao in the hotel, he was already psychologically convinced...

 60 million in cash became the last weight, completely crushing Jack Chen's psychological defense.

People who work in intelligence have no moral integrity, and Boss Qiao has given too much, not only to individuals, but even to the country of the Philippines...

 A series of psychological shocks caused Jack Chen to completely lose control, because Boss Qiao gave him enough reasons and psychological support!

 Originally, fighting crime is a good thing, investing in the Philippines is also a good thing, and having sufficient funds for the intelligence agency is even better.

Although with so much money, it is certainly impossible for all of it to fall into the hands of the intelligence agencies, but from the perspective of a Filipino civil servant, this is a good thing anyway.

The best thing is that Boss Qiao cannot stay in the Philippines for a long time, so actions that break the legal boundaries will not become the norm.

Dorian came over with a note in his hand and saw Jack Chen Leng standing there. He bent down and picked up two stacks of cash from a box and stuffed them into Jack's pocket. Then he gave him the note and pushed it away. He touched his shoulder and said: "Find someone to block this address. No one inside can be let go..."

 After finishing speaking, Dorian turned to Boss Qiao and said, "Boss, according to what the guy said, he rented a building in Quiapo District, and there were nearly 2,000 fraudsters inside...

This is a big operation. Do you want to go and see it together? "

 Qiao Jia glanced at Galsi who was interrogating Lin's uncle and nephew. He hesitated and said: "Fighting fraud does not require too much force, but manpower.

 Inform Team E and Team C to stay, let’s go take a look…”

 (End of this chapter)

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