From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1269: unify thoughts

Chapter 1269 Unification of Thoughts

Quiapo District is also considered a prosperous CBD area in Manila, but who would have thought that at the edge of the bustling city center where white-collar workers come and go, there is actually a building full of fraudsters...

 In fact, business in the Philippines is far less prosperous, and the demand for CBD is far less great.

However, the supporting facilities around here are the best in Manila, such as the Internet, electricity, communications and a series of facilities, which are needed by gangs that engage in Internet fraud.

 Coupled with the legal online gambling license, where else can there be a good one?

Joga was stopped by several representatives from the Philippines on his way out...

One of the guys is called Salu, a senator from the Philippines, and several others are from the intelligence service and the military.

These people are not here to cause trouble for Boss Qiao, but to verify whether the news sent back by Jack Chen is accurate?

 A big shot comes to help you do bad things. All he needs is a little land and some money to help develop it. At most, you need to tolerate his temper a little bit...

 What kind of mental illness is this?

The Filipinos would not believe this if it were about anyone, but when it comes to Boss Qiao, there is still a little bit of credibility.

Even if they don’t know the inside story of Afika and the Middle East, Boss Qiao’s funds in Malaysia have helped thousands of Bajau people, and countless people are still alive in the refugee camps facing Rakhine State.

This information is all public and endorsed by relevant United Nations departments. Many United Nations staff have been promoted as a result, including Filipino volunteers...

Now the ‘sage’ made an offer they couldn’t refuse. The Filipinos were worried that Jack Chen was hearing hallucinations, so they simply sent higher-level people to deal with it.

 Because compared to enduring the huge pressure from my old mother, condoning online gambling companies to harm the Chinese people...

From Lao Du's point of view, it must be to cut them off at once, and then show his merit to the old mother's family, and get some more benefits by the way.

After these big figures in the Philippines confirmed Boss Qiao's needs, they were no longer concerned about the life and death of the fraudulent companies...

They are concerned about how Boss Qiao can dig out the money from those people, and more importantly, how to transfer it to the government departments in need through reasonable means.

 No matter how bad the Philippines is, it is still a democratic government. If they want to confiscate the fraudulent funds, they need to go through quite complicated procedures and the overseas banks must be willing to cooperate.

 Honestly speaking, the Philippine government has no such dignity!

 Even if the banks give them face, the money will most likely not reach where they want to go if it goes through legitimate channels.

Whether it is the intelligence services or simply the Philippine government, it is illegal for them to collect these money, and once this behavior is exposed, the opposition parties will immediately jump out.

 Lao Du may not be afraid of boiling water, but there are definitely many people below who will be unlucky.

 Qiao Jia was sitting in a commercial car and watched several senior officials discussing in low voices for a long time in a language he could not understand...

 Until the car arrived at the destination, those people did not come up with a solution.

Qiao Jia saw that hundreds of military police had completely surrounded the building, but did not attack. He looked at the 'big men' with some helplessness and said: "Guys, I know what you are worried about?

 Want to hear my opinion? "

Senator Shalu was stunned for a moment, waved his hand to stop the people around him from talking. He looked at Boss Qiao and said: "Please tell me..."

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "You are responsible for complying with China's request, carrying out a special rectification, and signing an entrustment agreement with P·B.

 According to your anti-drug standards, cooperate with me to eliminate all online gambling dens in Manila and even the entire Philippines.

I'll be responsible for getting all the money those **** have stored in banks around the world.

I will be the bad guy!

The money will eventually be transferred to my bank, and then aren’t you worried that there is no legal procedure for the money to enter the government account?

Then set up a land department and go find islands under control around the Sulu Sea, and I'll buy them at a high price.

There are many large islands with beautiful scenery. If I come forward and express my willingness to invest in development, the parliament will certainly not set any obstacles.

As those of you who know the inside story, as long as you can send someone to take control of this temporary land department in advance and coordinate the interests of the areas surrounding the Sulu Sea, you can decide where the land money will go.

 The political and financial benefits generated by transactions worth tens of billions of pesos are enough for you to win over a large number of people in Congress...

I’m just buying **** land. I don’t want those lands to become independent from the Philippines, let alone drive away the locals!

 Except for some core islands, you can set up management departments there...

 You should understand that with this level of investment, the status of civil servants in the management department is valuable. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Senator Shalu, whose eyes were starting to turn red with excitement. He shook his head and said, "Man, what I want is the lives of those bastards, and you are responsible for getting more people to participate and benefit.

 Our actions have no conflict with those outside the fraud industry.

 Coordinate and mediate to let the money go where it should go...

Even if some of it goes into the pockets of some individuals, it doesn't matter, it's better than being squandered by those son of a **** fraudsters.

Those **** rely on their money to buy status everywhere, and they talk shamelessly about who they want to represent...

 The greatest contribution they can make to the world is to ‘disappear’! "

After hearing this, Shalu lowered his head to suppress his excitement. A few minutes later, he suddenly opened the car door, waved to several military and police bosses waiting on the roadside and shouted: "Act, control everyone in the building... "

 After the order was issued, a large number of military police rushed into the building...

Senator Shalu looked at Qiao Jia's satisfied expression. He smiled and said: "Jackal, I personally very much agree with your proposal just now. I will go to the president to report tonight, and I will give you a clear decision within a week at most." reply.

 During this week, I will ask Jack Chen to lead the field team of the Intelligence Bureau to fully cooperate with your actions. ” ˆ ˆ ˆ Shalu hesitated for a moment and said, “Jackal, do you have any specific requirements for the land near the Sulu Sea?” "

Qiao Jia waved his hands indifferently and said: "The size of the island doesn't matter. The only thing I have to pay attention to is that I don't want a small piece of land, and it is best to keep the islands together so that I can invest and manage them.

 Oh, one more thing to note is that part of the island needs to be farmable, and this proportion cannot be less than 30%. "

After hearing this, Shalu said curiously: "You want to invest in agriculture?"

Qiao Jia nodded calmly and said: "That's right!

 In the past, I always thought that farming was the least profitable business, but now my views have changed.

 Food is a very important strategic resource, and the demand for food in our humanitarian channels is never-ending.

 Man, if you are willing to believe me, you can protect your friends and invest in agriculture, and I can purchase any of your output.

I don’t guarantee that you will definitely make a lot of money, but I guarantee that the grain industry you purchase and establish will always be a valuable asset.

 In fact, it doesn’t have to be food. Sugar and canned fruits are also very good products. I will always need them! "

This is the benefit of mastering a huge consumer goods market. Boss Qiao can use this as a heavy bargaining chip to discuss any issue with anyone.

 It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. The resources that Boss Qiao possesses allow him to easily win over government officials.

 Because it is illegal to collect money, but how do you check whether it is a reasonable and legal business to farm or open several factories?

Seeing that several senior officials in the car were excited, Qiao Jia smiled and said: "These are small things, you can start at any time if you want to.

 Before that, you have to find a way to cooperate with me and let me deal with these fraudsters.

The online gambling licenses you issue all have information, please have someone send it to me...

  Until all of them are defeated, P·B will never close down the sword in the Philippines! "

 As he spoke, Qiao Jia turned sideways and stretched out his right hand, saying, "Do we make a deal?"

Shalu put his hand on the back of Boss Qiao's hand and said with a smile: "I'll join..."

The director of the Intelligence Bureau stretched out his hand: "I will join too..."

 “I’ll join too…”



  When a person has superior force and righteousness, all he needs to do to consolidate his power is to restrain his greed...

 In fact, Boss Qiao has secretly changed the concept, because all the money he used to buy the land is going to come from the fraud gang.

It’s just that for the Philippines, land is not a valuable thing.

 And without Boss Qiao, the money would eventually go elsewhere.

It does not have much benefit for the Philippines. The only benefit may be that it enriches some financial practitioners and some senior officials who protect the fraud group...

Anyone can settle this kind of account!

 After Qiao Jia got off the bus, the commercial vehicle turned around and drove away...

 As an ‘important person’ who accompanied him all the way, Jack Chen’s look at Boss Qiao has changed from admiration to horror.

This big boss mobilized most of the Philippines' top management before doing anything substantial.

It was as if the dozens of people who died in the hotel didn't exist, and the big guys didn't even ask a question.

The huge influence built up by identity, status, wealth, power, and the reputation accumulated from so many things done in the past was completely beyond the scope of Jack Chen's understanding.

Qiao Jia didn't pay attention to Jack Chen's psychological changes. He saw Dorian and the others walking over in full force and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous. Let's go up and have a look. Those who only dare to cheat money through the Internet or over the phone. I generally don’t have much courage…”

Dorian glanced at the wolf-like military police and said curiously: "Boss, how much do you hate these people?

 It is enough to seize their leaders. Is it necessary to do this to them?

 What a waste of time!

The Philippines cannot afford to support these people, and it is even less possible for us to support them. In the end, they will just send them back to the country..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and shook his head. As he walked towards the building, he said with a smile: "Go back to China?

These people have chosen a path for themselves, and I want to ensure that they finish it even on their knees! "

Qiao Jia said in a low mood: "Actually, being poor is not terrible. What is terrible is that after you get rich by any means, you feel that you can enjoy it for granted, and even ridicule those who work hard to live.

I bet no one wants their neighbor to be such a person, including such a person himself..."

 (End of this chapter)

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