From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1270: living king of hell

Chapter 1270 The Living King of Hell

What Qiao Jia saw after entering the building was a scene of chaos...

Most of the Philippine military and police are not of high quality. If they encounter any resistance or escape, they will beat them mercilessly.

There are a group of people kneeling in the hotel lobby. There are about 100 people in total. Most of them have tattoos and are wearing fancy clothes...

 Jack Chen helped communicate as a translator and said to Boss Qiao: "Sir, these are the thugs who manage this building..."

Qiao Jia frowned and walked around the group of thugs kneeling in several rows, and said, "Why do the fraud groups need so many thugs?"

 Jack Chen didn’t know much about this, so he simply found a middle-aged man in a police uniform to come over...

“Sir, this is the commander of the Quiapo District Special Police. He knows the situation here better than I do…”

The middle-aged man in police uniform saw Qiao Jia turning his attention to him. He adjusted his uniform and said in a deep voice: "Sir, these fraud groups are very well organized, and the mission of these thugs is not to target the outside world, but to target their internal members.

 Because most of the tickets for those people coming to the Philippines were purchased with the help of fraud groups, these fraud groups have relatively severe punishment mechanisms within them, which require management by these thugs.

At the same time, they are also responsible for negotiating with outside bounty hunters and organizing the arrest of escaped persons..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia pinched the bridge of his nose painfully. He already understood what was going on...

To be honest, the current methods of fraud groups are not too cruel compared to underground casinos...

 The formation of early fraud gangs was based on a mentoring model. Once a person succeeds, he will return to his hometown to organize people to fight again, hoping to obtain greater benefits.

At this stage, there is nothing to do if you don’t want to do it. The leader of the team will always go home. If you follow him back to his hometown and fail to come back, it will be over.

Those who take the lead will not go too far, because everyone comes out together, and there are a few people missing, so it will be difficult to explain after returning to their hometown.

 But it is different at this stage, because Internet fraud, a labor-intensive profit model that casts a wide net, requires a lot of manpower.

 So they started posting high-paying job postings online and reimbursed their air tickets to the Philippines.

You don’t have the protection of your hometown compatriots, and your performance is not good. If your emotional intelligence is even worse, you will not be able to get along in the fraud group. The food, food and housing are the worst, and it will be difficult to leave once you come...

If you want to leave, you have to pay a ransom fee of 100,000 to 300,000 yuan, but why do people with such money at home take risks?

So someone will run away...

The fraud group's way of dealing with the escape is to search nearby areas, and thugs block the stations and airports. At the same time, they release information to Filipino bounty hunters and pay them to arrest the people.

This bounty hunter's net, born out of Lao Du's anti-drug campaign, covers an extremely large area. If one person is caught, the bounty will be tens of thousands, which is more than killing a drug dealer.

  How can a group of people find it difficult to commit fraud at home and find it stressful to commit fraud abroad? How can they escape?

Joja lacks sympathy for those scammers, but is even more disgusted with the thugs of these "scam slave owners".

 Because they are truly merciless to their fellow citizens…

Looking at the thugs squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands like quails, Qiao Jia said coldly: "Break one hand of each person, and then find a detention center with a worse environment and imprison him."

The middle-aged policeman was stunned for a moment, whispered a few words to a guy next to him, and then moved closer to Boss Qiao amidst the painful wailing, and said: "Sir, do these people need to be registered when they are imprisoned?"

Qiao Jia looked at a thug who was probably less than twenty years old, his arm was broken by a baton, and he was crying and rolling on the ground in pain...

He hesitated for a moment and said, "No need to register. I will come and take everyone away after I have arranged everything."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia took a small bag containing 1 million in cash from Dorian and hung it on the shoulder of the middle-aged policeman. Then he said seriously: "Let the people in the detention center pay attention. During the detention, check the leader here. , I will handle it then..."

The middle-aged policeman reached out and squeezed the small bag, and he immediately knew what was inside...

The middle-aged policeman, who was a little reserved just now, looked at Boss Qiao enthusiastically and said, "Sir, do you need me to help you solve this problem?"

Qiao Jia looked at a flowery-armed man in a flowery shirt. His left arm was broken. He sat in the corner without saying a word and looked at him with resentful eyes. He smiled and shook his head, pulled out his pistol, replaced it with bullets and ammo, and fired it at him. He was shot twice...

 “Bang bang”

Two bullets hit Huang Mao's chest. The guy was stunned the moment he was shot, but the huge pain soon woke him up from his coma...


This guy didn't even care about his arms. He knelt on the ground and kept comparing the hardness of his head with the wall, which frightened everyone.

Qiao Jia waved the two policemen who were trying to catch him aside and said with a smile in Chinese: "Leave him alone. If he has the guts to knock his brains out, he will suffer less in the future..."

Huang Mao was still immersed in pain and couldn't extricate himself, but the people around him were frightened...

These are basically people from China. They usually attach themselves to the big brother in a fraud group, or rely on their whole-hearted devotion to get their current jobs.

 Most of them are cruel villains who take advantage of others' power. How can they withstand such intimidation?

"Brother, brother, I was wrong, let me go, I will do whatever you ask me to do..."

 “Brother, I was wrong…”

“Brother, I was forced, and I can’t help it, please let me go...”

 Several older thugs were kneeling on the ground, shouting and kowtowing...

Chaojia ignored these people...

 Because if there may be some unlucky people who are completely forced among those fraudsters, then there must be no innocent among them.

 Qiao Jia stood in the lobby, watching the arms of a hundred or so people being smashed, and then he said with satisfaction to Jack Chen, who had a complicated expression: "Let's go upstairs and have a look..."

 Jack Chen took Boss Qiao to the third floor with some worry...

The third floor is a completely undecorated room with about 1,500 square meters of space.

This place is filled with simple dining tables, which should be a place for people in the building to eat.

When Qiao Jia arrived, people were being escorted down the stairwell one after another and concentrated on the third floor for management.

There were both men and women among these people, and they were dressed quite normally. Except for a few people who looked disheveled, most of them had normal complexions.

Therefore, language barrier is very fatal. Among the people who were escorted, except for a few guys in white shirts who kept communicating with the police in English and trying to understand the situation, most of the others did not even dare to resist and were sent After coming down, I just dared to sit there and lie there with my head in my hands.

 Occasionally, someone will whisper something to the people around them, but they just don’t dare to communicate with the police.

Chaojia was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, and no one here could recognize him. When he walked to a table, he clearly heard a middle-aged man warning the people next to him in a low voice...

 “Don’t say anything and wait for the boss to solve it.

If the police come for real, just pretend not to understand what they are saying. If you have no other choice, just say that you were deceived and ask for the embassy..." After hearing this, Boss Qiao simply sat down on the table and laughed. Then he said: "Is it useful to go to the embassy?

 When you look back at your own and your family’s accounts, you will know what you have done.

Overseas fraud is also punishable by jail time..."

The middle-aged man who spoke was stunned for a moment, looked up at Qiao Jia, then nervously held his head and stopped talking...

The disapproval in the middle-aged man's eyes was immediately caught by Boss Qiao. He smiled and grabbed one of the middle-aged man's hands, pressed it on the table, and broke off two of his fingers...

Seeing the middle-aged man let out a suppressed scream, his body trembling but not daring to resist, Qiao Jia shook his head, broke off two of his fingers, and then said: "Tell me, what happened to the money you earned?" You can take it back without being discovered and let me learn a lot..."

The middle-aged man huddled on the chair with his hands in pain, and said tremblingly: "It's cryptocurrency. Every time we go back, the boss will give us a USB flash drive with some cryptocurrency in it.

With that USB flash drive, we can exchange it for cash from other people..."

 Chaojia understood it as soon as he heard it...

What nonsense cryptocurrency is, it is actually the money laundering routine of underground banks.

In the Philippines, you can put the money into the designated account of the underground bank, and then with the secret key, you can exchange it for cash at a small fee in the country...

 Conversely, some domestic individuals with relatively large demand for foreign currency also operate in the same way.

This is much more high-end than the early method of transferring money directly to the bank card of a fraudster, because as supervision becomes stricter, overseas funds and suspicious accounts have become the focus of supervision, and transferring money in this way is almost the same as surrendering.

Scammers will also keep pace with the times, especially this kind of fraud group with a bit of technology.

However, for underground banks, or the internal and external funds controlled by fraud groups, these are just small businesses...

The amount of funds in this kind of underground bank is very large, because there are restrictions on foreign exchange exchange in the country, and there are too many people and too much money trying to find ways to get out.

 The most important thing is that if fraud groups want to transfer the money they defraud in the country, they also need to use this channel.

You must know that although the fraud scheme is very deep, there are currency and bank restrictions. Most of the money defrauded by the fraud group is still in the domestic banking system, because there is a limit for citizens to convert foreign currencies every year.

 They need to launder the money through methods like running scores, brushing orders, and more high-end methods, and then transfer the money overseas on a large scale through compliant investment methods.

Boss Qiao is not very interested in this kind of underground bank related to RMB, because it is inconvenient for him to go back. If he doesn’t kill all these underground banks, he will easily get muddy, which will not be good for Qiao Liang’s career in China.

What he wants to touch is the money laundering channel controlled by the pirate tycoon Faiz. That is the real big deal!

After figuring out how these fraudsters paid their wages, Boss Qiao said with a smile: "Is there anyone here who is forced to commit fraud?

 Raise your hand if you have, I will send the person to the embassy as long as I investigate and confirm that what he said is true..."

While Qiao Jia was talking, people were still crowding into the canteen. After hearing Boss Qiao's words, the people looked at each other in confusion, and no one stood up to speak...

When Qiao Jia saw this situation, he looked around, took a loudspeaker from a policeman, pressed the record button and repeated what he just said, then put the loudspeaker there and played it repeatedly. After several times Still no one responded...

The middle-aged man whose finger was broken by Boss Qiao just now said in pain: "Brother, it's useless, the boss has warned everyone..."

Qiao Jia ignored the middle-aged man. He placed the loudspeaker on the ground and kept playing. Then he turned around and walked out of the increasingly crowded canteen and returned to the lobby...

 Jack Chen couldn’t figure out what Boss Qiao wanted to do. He said worriedly: “Sir, what exactly do you want to do?

 You are ready to crack down on the entire Philippine online gambling fraud industry, which employs tens of thousands of people.

The Philippine prison system cannot handle so many people. If you really want to do good, then handing them over to the Chinese police together with the computers here is the simplest and most convenient way. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia looked at Jack Chen and said with a smile: "You all know not to waste the judicial resources of the Philippines, why should I waste the judicial resources of China?

As long as these people go back, they will definitely deny it. If they want to convict so many people, the collection of evidence alone will exhaust many people.

 They are not worth wasting your time! "

 Jack Chen looked at Boss Qiao’s cold eyes and said with a little horror: “Sir, you can’t mess around, there are too many people...”

Chaojia spread his hands and said, "Tell me, according to the current laws in the Philippines, what will happen to them if they are caught?"

 Jack Chen was silent for a while and then said: "Online gambling is legal, but fraud is not. However, without the victim reporting the crime, the fraud is not established.

Unless the Chinese police conduct a joint operation with us and can find evidence against them, we will just detain them, fine them and then deport them..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and said: "Look, you have no way to do anything to them.

But I am different. I deal with problems with the intention of treating illnesses and saving people.

Whether there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of such people, it doesn’t matter to me, I have ways to deal with them..."

 Jack Chen was even more worried, and he said with a trembling voice: "Sir, can you make it clearer? If, if..."

Qiao Jia looked at Jack Chen’s worried look and said with a smile: “I won’t make it difficult for you!

He first locked them up here, and later captured others and detained them where they were, and provided them with food and drink.

If your superiors act quickly, one or two islands around the Sulu Sea will soon be freed up...

 At that time, you will transport them all to the island for temporary detention, and after a period of time, you will notify them of fines and deportation, and it will have nothing to do with you..."

 Jack Chen stared in disbelief and said, "You want to lock them on the island?"

Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "How can we say it is closed? They can leave at any time...

 It’s just that pirates are rampant in the area around the Sulu Sea, so the ferry ticket is a bit expensive, which is reasonable, right?

But I am a kind-hearted person and cannot force people to die. If they can swim out, it is God protecting them, and I will not go against God.

Those who don’t dare to swim and want to leave can still find a way to work in the fields and earn money to buy tickets. Is that reasonable?

 They can work for fraud syndicates, why can’t they work for me?

I guarantee that the salary will not be lower than the median salary in Philippine cities. Although there is no insurance, I guarantee free medical care on the island, and a movie or something like that can be shown a week to entertain them.

With these people working hard, they can almost save enough money for the ferry ticket in three to five years. If they are willing to work longer, they may be able to save a little more...

 They have come all the way to the Philippines, but they always want to bring something back with them.

Farming is an important skill for human survival, so we teach it to them for free...

 Do you think I am a good person? "

 When Jack Chen looked at Boss Qiao who looked like a ghost, and then looked at the thugs with severed hands, there was no disgust in his eyes, only sympathy...

Jack Chen has only seen this person in his life who said that forced labor reform was so fresh and refined without being struck by lightning...

This is not a "good person", this is the living king of hell!

 (End of this chapter)

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