Chapter 1272: Looting

Chaojia knows that the people in these intelligence agencies are capable, but he does not expect them to work wholeheartedly.

 So after people from the three intelligence agencies started working, they took the initiative to contact people from Russia...

His request is very simple. The United States, Britain and France should fight against fraud groups, while Russia needs to cooperate with P·B to deal with underground casinos.

Those are the most inhumane groups, and if DaRu attacks them, it will not cause friction with the other groups.

 The communication with the people from DaRu was very smooth...

 Because Boss Qiao, through the mediation of Eric and Banganon, had a nearly three-hour phone call with Boss Pu, covering issues such as Venezuela, North Korea, Syria, Beixi, etc...

 After the phone call between the two, in order to deepen the communication results, Dazuitang will go to Helsinki, the capital of Finland, in February, where he will officially meet with Boss Pu.

Just as Boss Qiao imagined, for Boss Pu, meeting with Dazuitang is actually more important to ease the tension between Russia and NATO than the information and designers of ‘Swift’.

At this stage, the willingness of the United States to move its strategy eastward is too obvious...

As a pure pro-European, Boss Pu, coupled with the fact that almost all important resources, industry, and commerce in Great Russia are located in the western part of Great Russia, makes him try his best to maintain a peaceful situation.

 As the head of a big country, Boss Pu is undoubtedly qualified...

 Because compared with cooperating with the old mother to develop the desolate Far East and causing tensions in the NATO group, cooperation with Europe at this stage is more in line with the interests of Russia.

 In the final analysis, the Slavs are white, and Great Russia belongs to Europe…

 Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism, and Protestantism are just expressions of different practices, beliefs, and cultures born out of a fairy tale.

  Unfortunately, as a passive party, there are some things that the boss cannot control.

He probably wanted the United States' Asia-Pacific strategy in his heart to push his old mother to the opposite side to block the gun.

It’s a pity that it’s useless no matter how optimistic he is. The time bomb in Eastern Europe will definitely explode, because this is an important step for the United States to integrate internal interest groups and the NATO group.

But this has nothing to do with Boss Qiao. He acted as a middleman just to get himself out of the "Yuyan" mess.

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Department has already acquiesced that Qiao Jia can protect the designer. The remaining information competition depends on their own ability and has nothing to do with Boss Qiao.

In fact, Aaron has sent a copy of all the information and experimental data of 'Swift' to Boss Qiao, but in front of other people, Boss Qiao doesn't want to touch that thing!

 He wants to keep himself busy so that even if some accidents happen later, the people in the intelligence department will not suspect that it is related to him.

 In the interrogation room, the uncle and nephew of the Lin family collapsed...

 Old man Galci didn’t even abuse them, he just made them confess everything through verbal interrogation...

Lin Yuanhang, a native of Hubei Province, came to Southeast Asia in his twenties and learned how to make phone calls and defraud from Wan Dao and Hu Jianren. Then he returned to China and recruited people to form his own team and start his own business. He made a lot of money in a few years.

This guy not only engages in electronic fraud, he also has a group of people in the country who specialize in financial logistics work. He has also engaged in several large-scale fund-raising frauds, and has ensnared many politicians and celebrities.

This guy has some brains. When he got rich, the first thing he thought of was to get a public identity for himself, so he became the vice chairman of the Manila Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Now he has a domestic money laundering channel in his hands, and a virtual currency trading platform that is preparing to close the network. What is left are a few family trusts and equity, and the cash is far less than Boss Qiao imagined.

 There are other solutions, but there is no solution for trust funds established in Singapore and the United States...

 Once the assets enter the trust management company, it is almost impossible to take them out, because those assets are said to be in custody, but in fact, when they enter the trust company, the ownership has been changed.

It’s not that rich people are stupid, but it’s the only way to avoid the risk of bankruptcy and liquidation.

No matter how arrogant Qiao Jia is, there is not much he can do against those financial giants!

So it is really difficult to liquidate these bad guys who are smart and understand finance. Even if all black and white methods are used, sometimes there are not many ways.

Glancing at Lin Yuanhang, who had wet the floor, Qiao Jia didn't even think about talking nonsense to him. He turned to Galsi and said, "How long will it take to collect all the money in his bank?"

Garci adjusted his neat suit and said with a smile: "The most profitable place for this guy is the transfer channel. I have asked Puyol to arrest his accountant. I expect there will be news soon.

 If all goes well, all his bank funds and physical assets can be gathered within 3 to 5 days.

The only thing that is more troublesome is the funds in China...

I just checked according to this guy’s explanation. His virtual currency trading volume in China has reached the level of 1 billion RMB, and there is still a large amount of funds lying in a large number of scattered accounts.

 We are not a professional money launderer. As long as the money is moved, it will be caught by Chinese supervision. "

As he spoke, Galci looked at Boss Qiao, who was frowning. He sighed and said, "Boss, if you want to fight against such a criminal group, you can't simply kill a few people..."

 You want to understand all their internal operations and take away all the benefits. Long-term preparations are required in the early stage, and this kind of work sometimes takes three or even five years to complete.

Now we don’t have this condition, we can only give up most of the relevant stakeholders of the criminal group, and also give up a lot of interests that could have been locked..." After hearing this, Qiao Jia sighed and said: "How can I have time to do this?

But now it’s pretty good. If you find a few more people, there will be many similar situations that need to be dealt with in the future...

 Let me figure out a solution for China's funding problem. If the money cannot come out, it will be the same if it is exchanged for supplies. I can still earn a tax refund! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia rubbed his temples and said: "At first, I thought it would be good if this guy could squeeze 3.5 billion RMB, but now it sounds like this number can be doubled several times.

By getting a few of these guys, I will have enough money to invest in the Philippines. "

After hearing this, Galci said with a smile: "Boss, did you misunderstand something?

The money doesn’t all belong to this guy, nor does the money in the virtual currency trading fraud network he operates in China belong to him. "

Qiao Jia grinned and said: "I know, as a community of interests, if we wash this plate first, we can trap this guy's domestic umbrella together.

None of those **** who hold power and finance are good people. Let me, a layman, teach them a lesson this time! "

After hearing this, Galci nodded slightly and said, "Then I need some professionals to assist in the work, preferably someone who understands China Banking."

Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "There is no need to be secretive in the P·B system. I asked my brother to open a special account and put all the money into it.

I will let Jialiang Trading come forward to set up a fraud relief fund to solve the basic life of some people who have been defrauded.

The remaining money will be converted into supplies and entered into humanitarian channels! "

As he spoke, Qiaojia looked at Galsi's slightly complicated expression. He spread his hands and said, "Don't look at me like that. I'm a Greek. People give me face not because of my skin color, but because I have the ability to influence A bargaining chip for the employment of dozens or millions of people..."

Garci sighed, nodded and said: "Boss, if Chris could have half the vision you have, he wouldn't put himself in Iraq and stare at his little bank deposit every day...

 By the time he saves enough one billion euros there, Gami may be past her childbearing years.

 Boss, please help me persuade him that these underground financial problems in Southeast Asia are more suitable for him...

 Iraq has entered a stable period, and the development path there has been set.

 But as long as you continue to fight against fraud, there will be a huge pool of funds, and both this pool and communicating with Philippine officials require a suitable person to operate it. "

Jojia looked at Galsi with a serious face, he shook his head and said with a smile: "As a father, you can be considered as dedicated to your son.

However, I am accustomed to respecting the opinions of professionals. It is your responsibility to contact Chris..."

Garci was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly and said: "Boss, Chris will not let you down..."

Qiao Jia waved his hands indifferently and said: "When it comes to money, there is no such thing as disappointment!

 What I care about is whether the plan can be implemented, and most importantly, whether those who I think deserve to die will die! "

As he walked out, Qiaojia said: "The intelligence department and the Philippine military police are responsible for combating the fraud group, but I have to do it myself to combat the underground casinos and the black boss Alcante who protects the underground casinos!

 Some people have to die, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep..."

Garci looked at Boss Qiao who was filled with murderous intent. He shook his head slightly and then nodded...

“The situation now is different from yesterday, and destroying Lin Yuanhang’s property will definitely alarm Alcant.

However, as long as he can notify the high-level officials in the Philippines to block information about you, then according to the gang's thinking, he will most likely feel that someone wants to **** benefits from him.

 Since this is the case, let’s simply get rid of him and then take over his territory and industry. This may lead to the real boss behind the scenes, Faiz. "

As he spoke, Galci smiled and said: "Boss, those people in the intelligence agency consciously blocked the news of your coming to the Philippines...

I guess except for a few people, no one would have thought that you would fight against a fraud group at such an important time.

However, the Philippine government's confidentiality capabilities are relatively poor. We must solve Alcant within 3 to 5 days, so that Faiz's source of information in Manila can be cut off.

As long as the Philippine government cooperates a little bit and we seize this time difference, we may be able to solve the problem easily. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded in approval and said, "Three to five days are too long, I can't wait any longer..."

 Give me an address and I’ll leave right away!

Grasp this guy, you can ask all the underground casinos of the entire Manila. I want to let those places flow into a river ... "

 Speaking, Qiao Jia walked to the side of the equipment table and opened a box...

He took off his clothes, put on the latest Tyros armor, and said to Dorian: "Elephant informs everyone to prepare. It's no fun to bully those losers who lie to people through the computer...

 Let's go and have a real encounter with the tough guys! "

 (End of this chapter)

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