From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1273: Let the boss warm up

Chapter 1273 Let the boss warm up

 During the day, Boss Qiao just went out shopping, wearing casual clothes.

Now he has to go to the gang boss Alcante overnight, and the situation is another matter.

The scene of P·B’s men being armed is a kind of torture to all colleagues…

 Because that kind of advancement that is visible to the naked eye will make all colleagues feel depressed.

The latest Tyros armor is gray and black, and the flexible armor about 5 mm thick is adsorbed on Boss Joe's chest and back.

 To ensure body flexibility, the waist and ribs are open.

At the same time, in order to increase the body protection area, the flexible exoskeletons on the arms and legs extend flexible armor to protect most of the limbs.

 These extended armors are not only used to supplement body armor, but their most important function is actually to increase the load capacity of the flexible exoskeleton.

 In the past, the most advanced Tyros flexible armor could only increase a person's body load by about 30%, but now this figure has increased to 50%.

As the laboratory progresses in the later stage, induction devices will be added to these armors in order to realize those Frankenstein dreams...

Chaojia personally is not very optimistic that those guys can realize their ideas within 10 years, but he has already invested money in it, so he must be optimistic no matter what.

 P·B members wearing flexible exoskeletons look like future warriors from science fiction movies to outsiders.

  When the slutty Dorian customized the armor, he did not completely customize it according to his own body data. Instead, he pestered Boss Qiao to get him 8 neat armored abdominal muscles and a muscular back.

After this guy put on his pants, he didn't put on his shirt anymore and put on a tactical vest. Then he held his helmet and waved it in front of a group of technical field workers from the intelligence department who were working, attracting the attention of several girls. …

Rhino carefully attached the exoskeleton patch along the back of his palm, then moved his body and punched a concrete support column.

 After the "bang" explosion, the plaster layer exposed by the stone pillars cracked slightly, and large amounts of dust fell down.

This is the function derived from the protection of the human body by the Tyros exoskeleton. It slows down the reaction force, which allows violent thugs like rhinos to unleash their explosive power unbridled.

 In this regard, Boss Qiao is the younger brother among younger brothers...

The well -known wolf, the level of fighting is still at the stage of the street rotten, but he belongs to the kind that dares to die, so the overall is still together.

After the rhino's behavior attracted everyone's attention, the ugly man took off his respirator, revealing his terrifying nose, which caused a group of technical field workers to scream and interrupted Dorian's show off...

Looking at Dorian who was complaining with his hands spread out, Rhino took out a respirator spray-painted with a skull and put it on his face. Then the whole face seemed to be divided into two parts. The upper part was normal, but the part below the eyes was It became a skeleton...

Dorian looked at a Latina girl who was so scared that she even forgot about her work. He sighed and said, "Don't be afraid, that guy looks scary. In fact, he usually doesn't even dare to kill chickens, so he just A6, and I am A2…”

Qiao Jia watched Dorian put his hand on the girl's shoulder and started to trick her into giving her phone number. He shook his head and smiled, picked up a bullet and threw it over. He laughed and cursed: "Are you done yet? She's at work. …

If you want to go on a date, you can wait until after the mission is over..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Amanda, who was deliberately keeping a straight face, and said with a smile: "If you don't believe me, ask Amanda, she will definitely not mind her subordinates dating you..."

Amanda pursed her thick lips and said unhappily: "Sir, please be respectful. These are professionals in front of you."

Qiaojia sneered and said: "If you ask all the CIA ladies present to accompany our elephants on a date, I can consider giving you the actual combat data of the armor on the body."

Amanda was stunned for a moment, shook her head decisively and said: "NO, I never interfere in the emotional life of my subordinates outside of work..."

After hearing this, Qiaojia laughed loudly and said to Dorian: "Elephant, you have to be careful, you will probably have a lot of spare time activities in Manila.

I support you. If you meet someone you like, use the Tyros armor data as a gift...

If you have something you particularly like, you can sell the armor to others!

You'd better wear it on a date so that you can show off the practical effectiveness of this thing at any time, haha..."

Qiao Jia's words stunned everyone present. Isha walked up to Qiao Jia in disbelief and said, "Are you willing to sell this thing?"

Qiao Jia said with a smile: "I am the boss of a military contracting company. As long as the money is in place, there is nothing that cannot be sold.

This thing is currently the most advanced personal armor in the world. For the price of an Abrams, you can take it home. "

Boss Qiao’s insincere offer made Isa roll her eyes...

The price of 25 million makes the armor that looks extremely high-end useless!

 Just kidding, if you have this kind of money, you might as well buy a few Bradleys. Not only will the combat damage effect be better, but the protection will also be stronger.

Isa is one of the few people who understands the relationship between Boss Qiao and Aaron. She knows the character of the big boss in front of her too well...

If Tyros's armor is really high-end, he will definitely not simply express his willingness to sell it, but will use it as some kind of bargaining chip in exchange for more things.

Isa guessed a lot. The Telos armor is very advanced, but the armor itself is not irreplaceable. The core Telos system is not a secret to the United States, because the early development was all funded by the US Department of Defense.   25 million is just an imaginary number. This price has huge room for decline. If someone really places an order, Qiao Jia is really willing to sell it.

Jack Chen, who was organizing people from the Philippine intelligence department to make preparations next to him, heard the price and shook his head helplessly...

 The entire military budget of the Philippines is only about 3 billion U.S. dollars a year. After part of it was embezzled, it is estimated that the actual budget will not even reach 2.5 billion U.S. dollars.

As for the people P·B came this time, there were 25 front-line soldiers plus the old man’s intelligence officer...

If each person has a set of Tyros armor, according to Boss Joe's quotation, each of these 25 people will consume an average of 1% of the Philippines' defense budget!

 What is this concept?

Garci was keenly aware of the gloomy atmosphere of the Philippine Intelligence Agency. He came to these people with a smile and said with a smile: "Money has never been a criterion for measuring combat effectiveness...

Otherwise, Vietnam would not be able to drive away the American army, and Afghanistan would not be able to hold back the entire NATO.

 In the intelligence industry, money has never been the key. Meticulous and professional analysis and targeted investigation operations are the most important tasks of the intelligence department.

As someone who has been there, I can tell you clearly that when the intelligence department is fighting at home, the resources that can be deployed are far stronger than those of the CIA and Military Intelligence that you envy! "

As he spoke, Galsi handed a piece of paper with several phone numbers written on it to Jack Chen, and then said with a smile: "Young man, these are the addresses and numbers of several colleagues given by the Lin family's uncle and nephew...

Lock the location of these numbers and have your people go to these addresses for reconnaissance and surveillance. Our boss will set out to greet them immediately..."

When Jack Chen heard this, he said with a surprised expression: "Mr. Jackal wants Alcant..."

Garci smiled and waved his hand and said: "Young man, you don't understand our boss...

 Believe me, it would be best for everyone if he got out of here and found a few places to warm up. "

As Galci looked at Jack Chen who didn't seem to understand, he smiled and said: "Our boss's actions deviated from the customary principles of the intelligence organization. It is no longer realistic to find and capture Alcant quietly. .

Taking down a few underground casinos and making a very aggressive stance can force Alcante to shrink his power.

This not only makes it easier for us to find him, but also makes it easier for our boss to eliminate him! "

When Jack Chen heard this, he nodded and said, "I understand, let's just scare the trouble!"

Garci was stunned for a moment, shook his head slightly and said, "That's right, it's just that the action of 'beating the grass' is a bit big!"

As he spoke, Galci looked at the computers used by several Filipino agents. He smiled and said, "Do you mind adding a chair to me?

There are some things that would be more efficient if I communicated them to our boss..."

Jack Chen looked at Galci, who was calm and general-like. He nodded subconsciously and said, "No problem..."

Garci nodded with satisfaction, clicked on the first address on the note, and said: "Go and notify the boss, and then arrange for several teams to wear regular uniforms as the cleaning team.

This time our boss is going to take away all those people's money. I estimate there will be a lot of cash. Your people are responsible for transporting all the valuable things back..."

 Jack Chen had already been led by Galci. When he handed the address to Boss Qiao and watched them get in the car and leave, he realized that he had joined a 'carnival of gangsters'...

The entire military and police department in Manila will acquiesce to this gang of gangsters to rob those in underground casinos!

Jack Chen still hasn’t figured out why things developed like this?

   Stimulating the greed of the Philippine government and integrating global intelligence agencies, these things sound very fantasy, but their purpose is actually to combat online gambling, fraud, and underground casinos...

The most outrageous thing is that as long as the Philippine Department of Justice plays dumb, everyone will be the winner in the end except those criminals!


On a road in the Manila Bay Area, "Niujiao" sat in the passenger seat and complained endlessly...

“Waiter, can you drive?

My grandma is better at driving than you, can you follow closely? If you lose track of those people, we have to start over again...

That Alcante is very cunning, but we can be more cunning, listen to me..."

The stocky old man Puyol sat in the back seat, buttoning his ears irritably, then looking at the 'hare-lip' beside him and said: "This guy is actually the captain? How did he survive until now?"

‘Harelip’ smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: “If there were no horns, according to the configuration of Team E, we would have been scattered long ago.

This guy is a loyal idiot..."

Horn in front heard Harelip's words, he turned around and shouted in Spanish: "Harelip, you bastard, I bought your son's first toy, and I helped find someone to get your wife's driver's license.

 Do you still remember the first time you went to the battlefield...

 If it weren’t for me…”

 Happy lips rubbed his temples painfully, and shouted to the water ghost driving: "Water ghost, speed up, we will kill this bastard..."

Amidst Harelip's yelling, the water ghost slowed down the car. He reached out and grabbed the beard on the horns of the ox, making him look forward...

“Those people have slowed down and informed the ‘Iceman’ that we may have found a place…”

 (End of this chapter)

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