From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1278: Fierce fighting between multiple parties

Chapter 1278 Fierce fighting between multiple parties

Qiao Jia hung up the phone, and the people watching the "Blood Spider" gathered in the casino lobby, causing a series of commotions...

  The ‘Blood Spider’ mercenary group is a standard war wild dog that accepts any job, but mercenaries have mercenary industry rules...

No one has any objection to using money to fight for your life. Even if you were an enemy yesterday and you are a comrade today, it has happened...

 But once one of the warring parties decides to surrender, the other side will rarely choose to fight to the death as long as it does not suffer serious losses.

 Because it is not necessary. After all, eliminating mercenaries itself has never been the main part of the task.

 ‘Blood Spider’ is also unlucky...

He originally wanted to retire after doing a big business in Syria. As a result, Iblis not only survived, but also gathered a lot of strength again.

Although Iblis’s main target of revenge is not the ‘Blood Spider’, the incidental revenge of such a character also makes the ‘Blood Spider’ unable to bear it...

This guy had to pick up weapons again and go back to his old business, sheltering himself in an international intermediary company.

 But he never thought that he would actually meet people from P.B after he went to Southeast Asia to eat.

Ayou's body shape is really eye-catching. The jaw of the 'Blood Spider' was once broken by Ayou with his bare hands, so he has a deep impression on this devil-like lady.

 So the moment he discovered Ayou, he decided to pay liquidated damages on the spot and evacuate.

  Fighting P·B for tens of thousands of dollars is something only a severely mentally retarded person would do!

There is a big scar on the neck of the 'Blood Spider'. The scar is now red due to nervousness, making the 'Blood Spider' look a bit ferocious...

Seeing Boss Qiao at the door hang up the phone, and then turn his attention to himself, the 'Blood Spider' waved to a group of newly recruited guys and said: "Don't move, I'll go say hello to them..."

 A young soldier with a pothead frowned and said, "Boss, why are you so scared? There are more of us than them..."

 ‘Blood Spider’ was stunned for a moment, looked back at the young soldier, shook his head and said, “Boy, if you knew who they were, you wouldn’t say these things.

That's P·B, and the person at the door is not one of P·B's teams, but P·B's boss...

 If you want to live longer in this industry, don’t take on quests about P·B! "

 The young soldier said a little disapprovingly: "Boss, what we do is hard work..."

 ‘Blood Spider’ nodded melancholy and said: “Yes, we are doing hard work, but we have to live to get the money for working hard.”

 Speaking of "Blood Spider", he turned towards the door, raised his hands and shouted loudly: "We surrender, let us evacuate here..."

Qiao Jia looked at the second floor above the lobby through the glass. Some figures were moving vaguely...

 Boss Qiao, who was delayed in his opportunity to attack, shouted unhappily: "For $500,000, I'll hire men to fight...

 Take me to Alcante and I’ll add another 100,000…”

'Blood Spider' was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked at each other with a few old guys. Then, amidst the surprised expressions of the newcomers, he turned the gun without hesitation and started shooting at the exit of the second floor of the super large curved staircase. …

“The ‘Magic Wolf’ has driven away all the troublemakers on the first floor. Let’s go up..."

The young soldier was holding a machine gun and wondered whether he should follow his boss and go crazy. A middle-aged man with a slight limp kicked him...

"Shoot to suppress them, let's go, let's go..."


Lame fired and shouted loudly: "Because that is P·B's boss, because he is ten times more generous than Alcante, what did you just say..."

The sudden rebellion of the 'Blood Spider' caught Alcant's people off guard, but after all, they occupied the advantage of the terrain, being condescending and protected by bunkers.

In addition to a few people being killed at the beginning, the bullets fired from the second floor soon began to make the people of the Blood Spider feel the pressure.

Qiao Jia did not expect that the 'Blood Spider' would be so decisive. At the moment when the firefight occurred, he shouted to Ayu: "King Kong Rhino opens the door, let's go too..."

Ayo and Rhino rushed to the door with their shields in hand, opened the thick glass door, and then Dorian and Medical Officer Bird took off the rainproof cloth covering the car...

 “Get out of the way...”

When Dorian and Medical Officer Bird pushed two automatic grenade launchers into the lobby and opened fire, a chill ran down the back of the 'Blood Spider'.

Seeing explosions on the second floor, thick smoke filling the sky, the young machine gunner huddled at the angle between the front desk and the ground, shouting loudly: "Boss, are these people crazy? "

At the same time, two teams of gangster gunmen armed with automatic weapons rushed out from deep on the first floor. As they ran, they attacked the Blood Spiders and the others in the open area. A black mercenary lying on the ground was hit continuously. Shot...

Just when the young man was at a loss, there was a sound like a chain saw coming from the door...

 Then the gangster gunmen who rushed out fell neatly to the ground like wheat cut by a scythe. The young machine gunner looked back. He suddenly gasped for a few breaths. He took out the medicine to treat asthma and put it in his mouth. After taking a few deep breaths, he cried to the lame man and shouted: "FUCK, FUCK, we what to do…"

The lame man kicked the young machine gunner in disgust and shouted: "The people from P·B are responsible for covering, let's go up...

 This is what we earn! "

 After saying that, he stood up lamely and rushed to the side of the injured black man, dragging him all the way to the front desk...

  Looking at the black man's injuries, Lame pulled out a lot of gauze, then pulled a screaming girl and asked him to hold the black man's wounds...

 “You’re lucky…”

Lame said something to the black man, and then shouted in the direction of Boss Joe: "We are responsible for the attack, you are responsible for the cover, Alcant is on the third floor, and the elevator is on the left hand side in front...

 Let the medics come over to help..."

The experience of this veteran on the battlefield showed its benefits at this time. He first made his position clear, used the wounded to show his trust in Boss Qiao, and then pointed out the road so that Boss Qiao and the others could send heavy weapons upstairs...

This not only makes it easier for Boss Qiao and the others to cover, but also puts themselves under the guns of P.B., preventing them from appearing in a position that would make Boss Qiao and the others nervous.

Qiao Jia saw that the scene was basically one-sided. He replaced the medical officer bird and asked him to rescue people, and then he pointed the automatic grenade launcher at the third floor and exploded randomly...

A lot of rubble caused by the exploding wall hit the 'Blood Spider' in the middle of the curved staircase and was hit on the head. He did not dare to say anything, but wiped it away and rushed up to the second floor with his hands. In the corridor of the building, a fierce battle began with the gunmen hiding behind the stone pillars...

 A few minutes later, when the 'Blood Spider' made a safe gesture, Qiao Jia said loudly to Dorian: "Go to the elevator..."

 Speaking, Qiao Jia first released the grenade launcher, and then changed the Tyros car to follow mode...

 Actually, he didn’t need the help of the people from the ‘Blood Spider’…

But when he discovered that there were many people working in the casino early in the morning, he realized that the sentry system that controlled the Gatling and grenade launchers was useless, because at present, P·B's identification of friend or foe only had 'me', and the others were useless. It's the enemy!

Once entering a chaotic scene, the advanced sentry system can only be used as an automatic weapon station. It needs to rely on the controller to use the Telos system to mark the enemies in detail and control them to attack the target.

 In this case, it is not as efficient as doing it manually!

Just as Boss Qiao and the others rushed in, the fire stair door on the west side of Crown Casino was pushed open...

 The confrontation on the first floor was like a drop of cold water poured on everyone’s heads. Alcante’s mood instantly hit rock bottom. Face was no longer important at this time...

Alcante loudly called his men on the radio to hold them back, and at the same time asked several bodyguards to **** him as he tried to escape from the fire escape. There were prepared vehicles below...

A tall bodyguard pushed open the security door, stood on the iron stairs to check, and then wanted to turn around and wave for others to follow...


 A large-caliber bullet fired from the building opposite hit the bodyguard in the upper right chest area near the shoulder...

The 12.7mm bullet instantly shattered the bodyguard’s clavicle joint, leaving a **** gap in the shoulder, leaving the bodyguard’s arm only connected to a little skin and flesh under the armpit…

Dapeng's blood poured on Alcatel who followed him out, causing the weather-beaten black boss to scream in terror, sit on the ground and crawl back to the building.

A bearded bodyguard stretched out his hand to pull his injured companion, but a bullet hit his head and entered from the side, lifting his entire face like a shovel...

 At this time, the injured bodyguard realized what had happened to him?

He looked sideways at his messy shoulders and the thing in the hollow of his chest. While roaring in terror, he turned around and wanted to enter the building...


 A bullet hit the bodyguard's neck, completely breaking his neck. His head turned backwards in a weird way and fell to the ground from behind.

The headless corpse was stuck in Alcante's crotch, making the black boss jump in fright...

 “Let’s go, let’s go to the top of the building and call the pilot, there is a helicopter there…”


And while Boss Qiao and the others were having a fierce battle in the casino, the 'Mountain Eagle' supported the 'Elk' who was shot in the body, and rushed out of a building carrying a large bag...

The 'Blood Fox' who was responsible for the response got out of the car and helped get the 'Elk' into the car. After stepping on the accelerator and getting on the road, he loudly called on Tammy to help hold down the 'Elk''s wound, and shouted to the 'Mountain Eagle': "what happened?"

'Mountain Eagle' took out a large pile of gauze and piled it on the abdomen of 'Elk', and asked Tammy to hold it down. He grinned and checked the rib injuries, and then said in a deep voice: "It's the CIA's cleaning team, six people. These **** are working with the Manila gang..."

Speaking of "Shan Ying", he took out the phone and hesitated for a moment...

"I want to inform Jackal that the CIA people will not give in easily..."

 (End of this chapter)

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