From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1279: Woe to mad people

Chapter 1279: Madness brings disaster

Joja didn’t have time to answer the call from ‘Shan Ying’ because he was busy killing people in the casino…

More than 40 gunmen blocked the third floor, and their orders were to resist...

These people wanted to escape and maybe surrender, but Boss Qiao didn't give them this chance!

 There is a saying called "Woe to madness"!

When the Poisonous Wolf of Team D captured Alcante on the roof of the building and joined Boss Joe and the others to leave the casino, a car carrying high explosives rushed to the entrance of the hotel and exploded.

They gave early warning and intercepted the bull horns covering the perimeter, but the starting position of the car was too close to the casino...

After a loud "bang", the members of the 'Blood Spider' mercenary group who had just walked out of the door were blown to pieces...

The huge explosion caused the entire porch above the casino gate to completely collapse. The impact of the explosion and the flying debris caused a devastating blow to all objects within a 15-meter radius of the casino gate.

 Aaron got the news through the news…

Looking at the large number of fire trucks and ambulances gathered at the entrance of the Crown Casino on TV, the TV reporter said with a solemn expression that the Philippines had suffered a terrorist attack...

Aaron nervously dialed Boss Qiao’s phone number. After receiving a message that ‘can’t be connected’, he smashed the phone hard and picked up another satellite phone...

 “Faiz, is that you?”

“NO, it’s not me, I don’t even **** know who the person who attacked Alcante is!”

After hearing this, Aaron was silent for a moment and said: "Then you are dead, because the person who attacked the casino is P Jackal..."

Faiz was silent for a long time and then said: "P·B's jackal?"


After getting the answer, Faiz suddenly said angrily: "Is this guy a madman? Why did he attack my people? Why did he appear in person at Crown Casino?"

Aaron took a deep breath and said: "These are not important now. Since I thought of you first, then others will think the same!"

 As he spoke, Aaron paused slightly and said, "I probably know who framed you...

  People at P·B are all lunatics, and you will avenge their boss at all costs...

You are dead!

 But before that, you have a chance to pull out the person who framed you..."

Faiz was stunned for a moment, and said with a sneer: "PB is very powerful, but that was in Afika and the Middle East, this is Southeast Asia, and this is my territory...

 Why should I listen to you? "

Aaron sighed slightly and said, "Because if you don't explain yourself, no one on either side will give you a chance to explain..."

After Aaron hung up the phone, he rubbed his cheek vigorously and said to Ma Hong: "Let Andre change the course of the 'Poseidon' and let the torpedo explode at the US military base in the Philippines..."

The Nimitz is parked there..."

When Ma Hong heard this, he said in horror: "Boss, this will break out a world war!"

Aaron said with an ugly face: "Ma Hong, this may be what the world should look like...

 In fact, the world has always been like this, but people like Jackal have created the illusion that there is still hope..."

After Ma Hong heard this, he looked at his boss's eyes that suddenly became extremely cold, and he nodded worriedly...

Just when Ma Hong took the satellite phone from Aaron and wanted to contact the outside world, a call came...

Looking at the number above, Ma Hong suddenly took a deep breath, handed the phone to Aaron, and said: "Boss, how about you answer the call first?

 There is no need to be so anxious about a world war..."

Aaron frowned and took the call. Just when he was about to speak, he heard a familiar voice...

 “Why are you calling me? I’m in trouble now!”

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and suddenly shouted loudly and cursed: "Are you a **** psycho?

Is it worth taking the risk for a gang leader?

 I thought you were **** dead! "


In the lobby of the Crown Casino, Qiao Jia, who had just returned from the vault of the Crown Casino with a full load, looked at the messy casino door and the 'blood spider' that was blown to half of its body but still had breath...

"You want me to die so much, but you still want to push a big head like Faiz out to top the cylinder. Is it the CIA or Mossad?"

Aaron didn’t expect that Boss Qiao could think about the problem so calmly. He said in a deep voice: “Looking at the method, it should be someone from Hezbollah or Isis, but they don’t have such intelligence capabilities.

I think it is Mossad. They have funded and trained many bombers and are capable of carrying out such attacks.

However, the Mossad intelligence network in the Philippines has not locked down your capabilities, so..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia hung up the phone, sat on a suitcase full of cash, looked at the **** spider that was dying, and the lame leg whose left hand and left foot were both damaged by bombs, and said, "We met in Italy. The Blood Spider people are **** who don't care about human life. You need to be prepared for this...

But I am a trustworthy person. As long as one of you is alive, the commission of 600,000 will be credited to your account...

 When you are all dead, I will also find out where your family members are, and then send them the money. "

Medical Officer Bird, who was trying to stop the bleeding of the lame, saw the lame suddenly vomiting a mouthful of blood in excitement, and then his body began to tremble. He shouted unhappily: "Don't get too **** excited, or you will have no future, FUCK, Luo Ni, elephant, help hold him down...” ˆ ˜ ˜ Qiao Jia sat in the lobby full of corpses, but his mind was spinning rapidly...

Before, because he entered the casino's vault, he could not receive information from the outside world, but the Telos system allowed him to keep in touch with his own people because of the relay of micro drones...

Now only we know that he is safe and sound, no one else knows...

Thinking about being targeted in this way, Qiao Jia shook his head in disappointment and murmured to himself: "You can't impress those people by always doing good things..."

As he spoke, Qiaojia reached out and patted Dorian on the arm, and said: "You stay to deal with the Filipinos. If anyone asks, just say I'm injured and can't show up. Team D and team E are following me..."

Dorian was stunned for a moment and said, "Boss, what do you want to do?"

Qiaojia sneered and said: "Of course I'm going to kill something..."

With that said, Qiao Jia stood up under Ayou's worried eyes and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will go find you in 8 hours at most..."

After finishing speaking, Qiaojia kicked the suitcase next to him and said with a smile: "We will take the gold back ourselves. All the cash will be given to Galsi and let him post a reward in Manila. I want news about Faiz..."

Dorian was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a sneer on Boss Qiao's face. He nodded subconsciously and said, "I understand..."

Joja knew that Dorian didn't understand, but this was not the time to talk about this. He turned around and said hello to Poisonous Wolf, and slipped out of the back door of the casino...

Neither Mossad nor the CIA dared to blatantly target Boss Qiao. What happened was because Faiz, a big head capable of carrying out attacks, emerged, giving them a person to shirk their responsibility...

If Boss Qiao had not received the information from the ‘Mountain Eagle’ and was calm enough, he would not have thought of the CIA and Mossad at the beginning, but would have focused all his attention on Faiz...

 Because P·B’s contract in the Philippines is aimed at Faiz, and the Crown Casino is basically Faiz’s property. Now that he is attacked by P·B, everything this guy does is reasonable!

Especially after Boss Qiao’s ‘death’, the angry P·B can easily be used as a gun by the CIA!

Theoretically speaking, the best thing Boss Qiao can do now is to stand up and take charge of the overall situation, but Qiao Jia is not the kind of person who doesn’t know when he has suffered a loss...

On the way out of the Bay Area in the car driven by Poisonous Wolf, Qiao Jia called several people in succession, and finally he dialed Thompson’s number...

“Boss, I heard there’s a problem in Manila…”

Jojia heard Thompson's voice, and he said in a deep voice: "Some people just don't give up, so I want to make a response..."

"how do you want to do it?"

Jojia rubbed the bridge of his nose and said in a deep voice: "When we were in Germany, the old woman gave a list...

 I want some of them dead! "

Thompson was silent for a moment and said: "Boss, you must be them..."

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "But it must be the interest group they represent!

I want to tell them that I may not be able to take down the entire interest group, but I can destroy them individually.

I need an answer. Those on the list must be willing to drag more people into the water before they die! "

Thompson felt for the first time Boss Qiao's unreasonable cruelty. After thinking for a moment, he said: "I understand, I'll do it...

 But there are only two chances at most!

In order to complete the revenge while also preventing the other party from breaking out and acquiescing to our revenge, we need to use some means..."

Qiao Jia said nonchalantly: "You can do whatever you want. The New Jersey branch is a bargaining chip for those people who think I won't mess around, but it's also the reason why those people relax their vigilance...

 Let’s do something out of the ordinary to test it out, and we’ll know who is the enemy and who is the friend!

 In the past, I always wanted to win over everyone, but now I feel like I should change other people’s opinions of me!

  We actually have quite a few allies and potential allies, but we have not given them a chance to show off in the past..."


  A swamp farm in western Maine…

‘Cactus’, who suffered severe burns all over his body, was wearing a hooded coat and sitting on a small boat. He tossed the fishing rod in his hand from time to time and soon caught a big carp...

On a fishing boat not far away, a fat old man wearing a cowboy hat and holding a cigar whistled and shouted loudly: "Hey, ugly guy, that's not a good fish..."

‘Cactus’ took off the hook, hit the carp on the head with a hammer, and then re-baited the hook...

Just as he was trying to cast the pole again, his cell phone rang...

  Taking out the phone and looking at the message on it, ‘Cactus’ took a deep breath...

He took off his hood to reveal his ghost-like appearance, turned to look at the old man on the fishing boat, and shouted: "Hey, Mr. Lafitte, there is someone who wants me to ask you a few questions..."

 Speaking of "cactus", at the moment when the old man's two bodyguards drew out their pistols vigilantly, he took out a revolver and shot the bodyguard twice, then he took out the paddle and slowly leaned towards the fishing boat...

“Remember that battle in Oregon?

 There was a mercenary named "Bloody Mary" who fought until the last moment before he realized that he had been betrayed...

I have been paying attention to you people, but I was unable to take revenge before. Fortunately, someone is angry now, and he is willing to support me in collecting debts!

 Sir, don’t be nervous, I promise it won’t be too painful…”

The old man was so frightened that he fell down on the deck of the fishing boat and shouted in horror: "Who are you talking about?"

 (End of this chapter)

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