From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1280: Feng Shui turns

Chapter 1280 Things are changing

Qiao Jia never imagined that the mercenary "Cactus" he met in Oregon had been secretly conducting investigations.

This guy is a madman who crawled out of hell. All his comrades were wiped out, and he was severely burned all over his body and turned into a ghost-like figure.

If Jorga hadn't asked Thompson to pay for his medical expenses, this guy would never have had a chance to walk out of the hospital alive.

 After he survives, the only desire left in his life is revenge!

 But revenge is not simply about being able to shoot, his enemies are a group of people.

Without outside help, 'Cactus' can kill one or two people, but his features are so obvious that he cannot escape the enemy's pursuit.

Thompson has been secretly funding ‘Cactus’, letting him observe and look for opportunities...

 ‘Cactus’ focused on this Maine gangster named Lafitte, and knew that he often came to the swamp to fish...

This is the third time that 'Cactus' has met him, and he happens to be one of the names on the list left by the old lady...

 Qiao Jia took a car and circled around the Bay Area, and soon returned to an abandoned seafood processing factory on the edge of the Bay Area...

This place should have been prosperous in the past, but now it is surrounded by abandoned ships and smelly garbage dumps.

 Issa from British Military Intelligence provided him with the location of a CIA safe house...

 Qiao Jia sat in the car and looked at the seafood processing factory not far away, and said to Poisonous Wolf: "Actually, the so-called agents are not mysterious at all, you think so..."

Poisonous Wolf is not a person who likes to talk. After hearing what his boss said, he was silent for a while and then said: "I have seen some so-called agents in India. When face to face, these so-called agents scream louder than women.

But these same people were able to use the LTTE to make chaos on the fringes of Sri Lanka. "

As he spoke, Poison Wolf loaded the magazine for his rifle, then stood up and said: "Boss, don't show up this time. Leave the people on the other side to us, and I will capture them alive..."

Qiao Jia shook his head slightly and said: "It's not necessary. I know who wants to target me. Knowing a specific name will prevent me from performing...

 There is no point in killing one or a few big shots because new people will soon fill the power space of the big shots.

 Only indiscriminate retaliation and letting the knife hang over their heads will make those people afraid! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pressed the communicator and said, "Niujiao, are you in position?"

“Team E is in position. I will lead the Steelers and Loomers to attack from the west, diverting the enemy’s attention while forcing them to flee eastward…”

 Qiao Jia nodded with satisfaction, put on a mask and a peaked cap, gave up the familiar HK416, put on an HK417 and pushed the door to get off...

 “Block mobile phone signals and start attacking…”


A sniper grenade fired from a few hundred meters away hit a warehouse. The grenade entered through the window above the warehouse door. After the explosion, a large amount of thick smoke came out...

Then two machine guns opened fire, and a large number of bullets penetrated the iron sheet of the warehouse and shot into the interior of the warehouse.

Poisonous wolves, poisonous scorpions, and poisonous snakes naturally formed a triangle at the moment Boss Qiao took action, with the poisonous wolf as the arrow, protecting Boss Qiao in the middle.

Sniper Ronaldinho rushed up a mountain of **** with a sniper rifle in hand, providing cover from behind...

Boss Qiao, the four of them, and Niu Jiao and the others formed a pincer attack on an abandoned factory building. However, what surprised Boss Qiao was that Niu Jiao and his two machine guns fired 200 rounds of bullets without killing the people inside. Force it out.

When he rushed to the door of the warehouse, Poison Wolf took the lead and stuck two explosives on the hinges of the door with his backhand, then turned around and lowered his head...

After a "boom" explosion, a big hole was opened at the hinge of the door, and then the door twisted and fell to the ground...

 The moment the gate collapsed, Viper and Scorpion threw four shock bombs into the warehouse...

 After the continuous explosions, Poison Wolf turned around and broke into the warehouse, but a few seconds later, he suddenly screamed in surprise...

“Boss, everyone here is dead, someone arrived before us…”

After hearing this, Qiao Jia entered the warehouse with a frown, then walked to a corpse and looked down...

The heavily armed CIA field equipment should be very advanced, but Qiao Jia noticed that the high-end communication equipment on these field agents had disappeared...

Night vision devices, sights, and communication equipment that cannot be purchased from the outside world have all been removed...

Standing up and walking around the corpse, Qiao Jia said in surprise: "Only three of the eight people made a move to resist, and the rest were shot to death..."

Poisonous Wolf stood up from a corpse and said: "Three of them were killed by .22 pistol bullets, and the other three were killed by 9mm special bullets.

I don’t know about the pistol, but the only one that can fire this kind of special ammunition is the Russian VVS. Was it done by someone from the Russian Intelligence Agency? "

As he spoke, Poison Wolf looked around, shook his head and said, "This doesn't look like a safe house..."

Just as Qiao Jia was thinking, the poisonous snake not far away suddenly shouted: "There is a basement here, FUCK, this is not a safe house, but a CIA black cell..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia walked over and took a look out of curiosity...

 The Viper has jumped into the basement at this time and has completed the search alert...

Qiao Jia went down the stairs without hesitation, and then saw two rows of closed cells in the huge underground space. When he got off the stairs, four people fell behind the bunker, and the air was still filled with the smell of gunpowder after the grenade explosion. …

 Checked the surrounding cells and found that they were all empty...

Qiaojia frowned and said, "Who is it?"

As he spoke, he tripped over something under his feet. After kicking away a plastic syringe connected to a water pipe, he subconsciously said: "This is a toy..."

Viper picked up the thing and said with a smile: "This thing is called a 'rectal feeder'. There must be very tough guys in this dark prison."

 Qiao Jia thought for a while before he realized what this thing was. He waved his hand in disgust and said, "Throw it away, these CIA perverts really impress me."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked around and after confirming that there was nothing worth seeing, he climbed up the stairs and said as he walked: "Let's go..."

Just when Qiao Jia called everyone to retreat, Niujiao, who had been on the outside, suddenly shouted loudly: "Boss, someone released smoke bombs on the east coast. They want to escape... shit, it's a speedboat..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia rushed out and released the micro drone and flew towards the sea...

The micro-drone does not fly very fast and can only capture blurry images of people on the speedboat.

 But when Qiao Jia saw the man driving the speedboat, he already knew who it was...

 ‘Mountain Eagle’!

What makes Qiao Jia strange is that in addition to two old men with weapons and a few prisoners in a messy appearance, there is actually a woman with a child on the speedboat...

 “What the **** is going on?”

 “Don’t attack, leave the horns to deal with the scene, others retreat...”

 After speaking, Qiao Jia muttered a few words with a strange expression, and then while speeding up his pace to evacuate, he took out his phone and dialed "Shan Ying"...

 More than ten seconds later, ‘Shan Ying’ answered the phone…

Frowning as he listened to the noise on the other end of the phone, Qiao Jia smiled and said, "You can slow down. Driving too fast can easily attract the attention of the Philippine Marine Police..."

The ‘Shan Ying’ on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment and said, “Are you the people outside the warehouse?”

 Qiao Jia got into the car and motioned to Poison Wolf to drive, while saying: "It is not a wise choice to fall out with the CIA before we have obtained the exemption documents.

 Why did you attack the CIA's black cell? "

‘Shan Ying’ said helplessly: “It’s not that I want to attack them, but they keep chasing me.

Now I simply don’t believe that the so-called exemption document can make them give up targeting me. Rather than being frightened as a whole, it’s better to let them know how far I can go..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia felt a little aggrieved for this ‘mountain eagle’…

He shook his head and said: "The meaning of the exemption document is that as long as you get that thing, you are legally innocent.

 Laws are meaningless to the CIA, and abiding by the laws will not subvert the regime!

  Kill the CIA people you meet. This has nothing to do with you being an innocent person! "

 Speaking, Qiao Jia suddenly said: "How do you know this place? Why do you want to rob the people in the dark cell?"

'Mountain Eagle' was stunned for a moment and said: "'Blood Fox' has long figured out the CIA's hiding place in Manila. I came here to kill them so that I can get rid of the CIA's pursuit after the transaction. After all, it takes time to mobilize manpower." of.

 Boss Jackal, can you do me a favor? Let’s finish the deal quickly. I want to leave here..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and said: "Why are you in such a hurry? The CIA promised to give you two million in commission. I suggest you take the money.

The calmer you act, the less CIA people will dare to mess around...

 Don’t worry, I guarantee they won’t dare to do anything to you in the transaction..."

After hearing this, Shanying said with a wry smile: "Boss Jackal, I'm not worried about the transaction now..."

Qiao Jia was keenly aware of something. He smiled and said, "Are there any troublesome people among the people you rescued?"

After being silent for a while, ‘Mountain Eagle’ said: “There is a guy named Kalpin among these people, and his father is…”

“Eastern European black market tycoon Kalpin?

 ‘Mountain Eagle’, don’t tell me that you want to use Kalpin’s platform to do business! "

 ‘Mountain Eagle’ was stunned for a moment and said, “Do you also know that Kalpin?”

Shanying said with a bitter smile and said: "There is no choice in the work of international intermediary companies, and they don't seem to be as trustworthy as they boast. If I want to take on the task, I need more platforms...

This Calpin commitment can provide us with the greatest choice!

I don’t want to be a wild dog of war, I want to make my own choice…”

 Qiao Jia could hear the helplessness in 'Mountain Eagle''s tone. He sighed and said: "Then you have found the wrong person again. That Kalpin probably won't live long...

 Do you have any ideas about strengthening the Arctic Fox? In fact, I can provide you with many tasks here. I really appreciate you! "

 ‘Shan Ying’ hesitated for a moment, and finally refused: “No, P·B is very good, but P·B’s salary is too low!

I inherited the Arctic fox, so I want to continue the name of the Arctic fox...

 Arctic Fox is the team with the highest price in the world. I can’t take them to work for P·B, and you won’t accept it either! "

After hearing this, Qiaojia sighed slightly, hesitated, and said: "Do me a favor and let Mr. Kalpin show his face where there is a camera, and then you can leave Manila directly.

I know that the designer is in Sangha Town. Actually, you don’t have to show up to trade..."

When Shanying heard this, he said in surprise: "You know?"

Qiaojia said with a smile: "Nonsense, Sangha Town is my territory!

You are very smart to hide a white man in a tube building, but doesn’t that guy want to eat, drink, and defecate?

 Just do me a favor and take Mr. Kalpin to a place like the airport. The rest of the matter will have nothing to do with you. "

 As he spoke, Qiao Jia thought for a while and said, "I'd like to remind you, don't get too close to the Kalpin family.

They are a member of the Edward Foundation. This group of people cannot give you the kind of missions you want, and the Kalpin family will probably cease to exist soon. "

After finishing speaking, Qiaojia hung up the phone, crossed his arms and looked out the window, and said with a smile: "The CIA and Mossad people pushed Faiz out to block the gun...

Is it reasonable for me to push Kalpin out of the way to block the gun?

The boss of the world's largest black market platform, his son was arrested by the CIA, is it reasonable for him to come up with such a powerful thing? "

 (End of this chapter)

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