From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1281: Big event

 Chapter 1281 Major Events

  Suddenly on all social media in the Philippines, a blood-spraying ‘reward’ appeared!

The legendary P·B Jackal, with a **** bandage on his upper body and a serious expression, issued a "reward" to the world accompanied by the Philippine Secretary of Defense.

“As a direct victim of the Crown Hotel bombing, I stand here and declare that Faiz, the Southeast Asian pirate, needs to bear all responsibility…”

While Boss Qiao was speaking, the camera was focused on a 'Mountain of Money' behind him!

 It’s really a mountain of money, a mountain made of cash!

 The 300 million Philippine pesos robbed from the Crown Casino were piled more than three meters high because the denominations were not uniform.

No matter what its currency value is, these things have a shocking flavor when piled together...

Boss Qiao is extremely good at handling this kind of media scene. When the camera turned to him, he said with a serious expression: "Anyone can take away 100 million from me as long as they provide me with Faiz's accurate location information." peso…

If you kill Faiz directly and come to me with clear photographic evidence, you can take away 200 million pesos.

If someone can capture Faiz alive and bring him to me, he can take away 300 million pesos.

And if the other party needs it, I can arrange a new identity for him and let him take his family to settle anywhere in the world! "

Chauga paused deliberately for a moment, and then said in a simple and straight tone: "In view of the huge losses caused by the explosion, the Philippine government has declared that Faiz is a terrorist, and it is legal for anyone to attack him!

 No matter who you are or what your status is, you can call me...

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know Faiz. The link below the video contains all the information about Faiz. Although the photo is not particularly clear, it is enough for you to recognize him when you meet...

 The money is here now!

 So what are you waiting for? "

An online reward caused an uproar in Southeast Asia...

 300 million pesos is actually 6 million when converted into U.S. dollars, but in Southeast Asia, the purchasing power of this money is completely different...

 In fact, 6 million US dollars is a huge amount of money in the world!

 As for those who generally follow the gangsters, they rarely make such a large amount of money.

Now that Boss Qiao is showing off his attitude of "arranging status regardless of origin," he is actually encouraging the people around Faiz to betray him.

It is possible to earn 100 million pesos just by making a phone call or even sending a text message. Who can resist this kind of temptation? How can Faiz bear this kind of pressure?

 He is a pirate tycoon and a businessman. He uses a modern business management model and cooperates with the underworld's ruthless methods to manage all businesses.

 It is true that most wage earners are afraid of death, but when the income is pushed to an amount that a person cannot touch in his lifetime, and the person responsible for cashing out has always had good credit, how many people will not be tempted?

Pirate tycoon Faiz has huge influence in specific areas and specific people, but looking at the entire Southeast Asia and even the entire world, there may not be 0.1% of people who actually know Faiz. Some people Maybe you have heard of it in a certain wine shop, but usually it is regarded as a story...

Boss Qiao made Faiz completely famous, and when a tycoon in the black world became "famous", he also lost his concealment.

 In terms of ‘fighting under the sun’, Boss P.B. Joe’s strength is very capable even if we look at the entire earth.

As long as there is official endorsement and as long as the people feel that P·B is fighting bad guys, pirate tycoon Faiz will definitely be at a disadvantage!

The mercenaries all go into battle with guns, and P·B’s warships have arrived in the waters surrounding the Philippines...

What’s even more outrageous is that Boss Qiao reached an agreement with the Philippine Ministry of Defense in just one week to sell 6 Griffin-1s to the Philippine Air Force at a price of US$5 million each to enhance the Philippine Air Force’s strikes. ability.

This thing is too exaggerated!

The Philippine Air Force is a standard novice. They are still reluctant to throw the US Army’s World War II Mustang fighter jets into the trash can.

 The most powerful aircraft in their system are actually 17 FA-50PH Golden Eagle fighter jets produced by Peninsula.

This thing was delivered the year before last, but today, two years later, the Philippines is still digesting and adapting to various problems with this fighter, and it has not developed combat effectiveness at all.

The Philippine Department of Defense is also a sideline audience in Djibouti, and has been paying attention to P·B for a long time...

When Boss Joe was fighting drug dealers in Brazil, they ordered 6 Tucanos from the Embraer Group because of the excellent performance of the Super Tucano...

However, because orders from South American countries have occupied Embraer's production capacity, and the Philippines does not have enough dignity, it can't buy anything with money.

Now Boss Qiao is selling 6 Griffin-1s that performed equally well at the time, and they are said to be in stock for P·B's own use, and they were sold to the Philippines at second-hand prices.

The direction of this thing is too clear. It's almost like Boss Qiao is pointing at Faiz's nose and telling him that if you show up, I will send people to blow you up!

Within the next five days, six ‘second-hand’ Griffin-1s were shipped directly from Sevia, packed and sent to the Philippines on a transport plane, and a team of engineers were brought along to assemble the aircraft.

At the same time, another transport plane taking off from the Middle East also arrived at the same time. The people on the plane unloaded hundreds of Blue Sword-7 missiles at the military airport openly. All this is public, and the media are specially invited to take photos!

 At this time, Faiz, the enemy, was angry and collapsed, but what he didn't expect was...

Before he could find a solution to the problem, the commander of the US military base in the Philippines jumped out and accused Boss Qiao of selling dangerous air-to-surface missiles to the Philippines, which may affect the security of the US military...

  Immediately afterwards, someone in China stood up and said that Boss Qiao’s sale of Blue Arrow-7 to the Philippines was reckless and irresponsible.

This kind of confrontation between big powers is very interesting...

Faiz was still pleased that Boss Qiao had gotten away with it. How could a company fare well when it was sandwiched between two big countries in a sensitive area like the Philippines?

Unexpectedly, Boss Qiao jumped up and cursed the two eldest brothers in both Chinese and English in front of the Philippine media.

 Then things started to get louder and louder, and P·B actually seemed to be a little bit behind...

 In the end, this theoretically minor incident actually reached the United Nations with the help of thoughtful people, and the three parties began to start a war of words at the United Nations...

Monica jumped from the head of the New York branch to becoming P·B’s spokesperson for the United Nations!

As a humanitarian affairs contractor, in front of more than a hundred United Nations representatives who were watching the excitement, this beauty used a curse word speech written by Boss Qiao himself, making it difficult for representatives from China and the United States to leave the stage.

 The United Nations itself is a place of "quarrels", and fighting is not uncommon, and women have a natural advantage in this regard.

For example, if Monica greets your old mother, you can't reply in the same way, otherwise it will be rude, and it is really funny for two superpowers to target a company!

 Both sides are accusing P·B of abusing their status endorsed by the United Nations, but what insiders did not expect is...

China issued a sanctions project on its front foot, prohibiting China National Aviation Corporation from continuing to "sell" Blue Sword-7 missiles to P.B. On its back foot, the drone production line and the missile production line began to be transported to the Shah.

When interviewed by the media, Devali, the representative of the big dog owner, proudly packed up the inventory of Blue Sword-7 and sent it to the Philippines. He also said that he was a staunch supporter of P·B and that Jackal was his best friend. brother…

When Shah's UN representative was questioned by the Chinese representative, he reluctantly stated that the contract did not clearly stipulate that the Blue Arrow-7 missile could not be resold.

Moreover, the representative of the Shah said with a smile that P·B had made unparalleled contributions to the Shah's women's cause and was a staunch ally of the Shah. When he encountered problems, Prince Devali's approach should not be blamed.

 The original three-way spat has developed into four...

As one of the five gangsters, representatives of the Old Mother certainly refused to give up. They threatened to review Norinco’s sponsorship contract in Yemen and were preparing to stop military sponsorship of Mukalla.

Turning around, Prince Tahnouni of the United Arab Emirates jumped out and took over two new synthetic battalions that were passing through the Persian Gulf and heading to Yemen with his own "private money"...

While shouting loudly about fighting against unjust hegemony, this guy opened an expensive bottle of champagne with people from Northern Industries in the hotel. He turned around and sent away two synthetic battalions and soldiers who needed training without even unloading the goods. Went to Mukalla, Yemen.

This man said without hesitation to the media that Jackal is my brother. When his brother faces unfair treatment, he must stand up.

P·B’s separation from the Chinese military in front of the whole world left many people confused for a while.

But soon the Pentagon spokesperson stood up and said that P.B. was a trusted company. The Department of Justice jumped out and expressed its hope to cooperate with P.B. in more aspects. At the same time, Wall Street expressed concern about P.B.'s listing. The application has passed the first round of review...

Most importantly, the commander of the United States Asia-Pacific Region had a meeting with Boss Qiao in Manila. The two sides reached a consensus on combating piracy and protecting waterway safety. The US military base sent 50 overpressure Hellfire rounds as sponsorship.

While the two were talking, a Mossad team hanged themselves inside a high-end apartment in Manila's embassy district.

These people installed expansion nails on the ceiling, then shot themselves more than a dozen times in the back, and finally hanged themselves!

Before they died, these people left a suicide note full of regret, expressing their regret after collaborating with Faiz to cause the tragedy of the explosion...

 Finally, they said that in order to express their apologies, they expressed their condolences and hoped that those colleagues who remained in Syrian prisons would reform well and strive to be released from prison as soon as possible!

Most people didn’t understand what this drama was about. Only Aaron knew best...

“The Jackal made some concessions on the surface, but those people compromised!

 They are scared!

These people are far less tough than outsiders think! "

 (End of this chapter)

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