From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1282: Aaron's little plan

 Chapter 1282 Aaron’s little plan

Aaron was sitting in a wheelchair happily looking at the sunset outside the window. Opposite the hotel he was in was the place where Boss Qiao met with the commander of the U.S. Army in the Philippines...

Looking at Amal, who was smelling of blood, standing aside, looking like he was hesitant to speak, Aaron smiled and said, "Why this expression?"

Amar hesitated and said: "Boss, I don't understand...

 Now the whole of Manila is in chaos, and jackals are killing people everywhere.

P·B's special forces are killing people in fraud companies and underground casinos everywhere, and the places where fraud companies are located have become concentrated.

The men of P·B hanged the elite Mossad men and hung them in an apartment opposite the Israeli consulate.

 But no one seems to have a bad word to say about him...

 You just said, ‘Those people compromised’!

Why? Why are those people so soft? "

As Amal looked at his newly washed hands, he said a little sadly: "Why do others think we are madmen, executioners, and terrorists when we do the same thing?

 We are not even half as ferocious as jackals, and the result...

I don’t understand. It’s clear that some people in the United States are playing tricks on the jackals. Why did they give in so quickly?

 Just because China sanctioned P·B?

This is not fair, Libya did nothing wrong back then, but look at what happened to us..."

 Aaron looked at Amal who looked melancholy, and he shook his head in a funny way...

This I'm afraid the third generation has been very busy in recent days...

They are busy communicating with Hezbollah and the North African YSL organization, busy strangling some unstable factors, busy serving as the leading party, and letting the CIA people attack Iranian spies and Venezuelan agents...

 Aaron’s unique stance left Amal a bit at a loss...

This guy is extremely capable, and because of his identity, he has a strong appeal within the MSL extreme group.

 But it was also the issue of origin that prevented Amal from fully understanding Aaron's approach.

This boss not only eats both sides, but also jumps and backstabs from time to time. In this way, he can actually earn benefits in the end and allow many people to trust him.

 Amar is convinced by Aaron in his heart, but he is a front-line operator, so he can't help but compare himself with the teams of his boss's allies...

 The gap is too big!

Wherever P·B goes, the locals seem eager to welcome him. They start killing him, and then the Philippine intelligence agency and police rush in to clean up the place.

As for Amar and the others, even if they have a quarrel with someone, they have to worry that the Philippine police will cause trouble.

Boss Qiao has warships, fighter jets and missiles, and he has dragged the Philippines into the vortex of great power competition. As a result, when the old Du was interviewed by the media, he actually said...

‘Jackal is a good friend of mine. We share the same philosophy. I look forward to P.B. being able to make greater contributions to the fight against crime in the Philippines! ’

 Amar felt very sad. He believed that what he had done in Manila in the past half month, judging from the results, was definitely contributing to the security of Manila.

 But he is still a bad guy, and the murderous jackal is praised by many people as the ‘sin buster’!

If you don’t know each other, Amar can accept the gap between the two parties calmly, and will sneer at Boss Qiao’s ‘hypocrite’ performance.

But now everyone is obviously an ally, and my boss seems to have a love brain, silently cooperating with Boss Qiao to do whatever he wants.

Aaron knew Amar’s thoughts very well. Anyone would feel unbalanced if something like this happened, but compared to the future gains, those ‘imbalances’ were really insignificant in Aaron’s heart.

Those who stand in the sun gain face, those who stand in the shadow gain honor...

fair enough!

 Boss Qiao’s investment in the Philippines is not a profitable business...

It sounds like buying islands with money obtained from fraudulent companies and using labor reform prisoners to develop agriculture is a waste of time.

  But in fact, anyone who knows the industry knows that without large-scale mechanization, it is almost impossible for modern agriculture to make a profit in the international market.

Coupled with the fact that more and more fraudsters are being managed centrally, these people eat, drink and eat a lot of money every day.

Even if these people can create benefits in the future, they cannot cover up the current situation...

  During this period, the consumption of P·B in the Philippines is very scary...

The Princess gave up its **** mission and cruised around the Sulu Sea with two Seahawk-43s. Although there was no war, it was burning money every day!

 6 Griffin-1s are not second-hand goods at all, but the price given by Boss Qiao is a second-hand price, plus a total of nearly 200 Blue Arrow-7 missiles...

Boss Qiao invested an equivalent of 20 million U.S. dollars at one time, and the only condition was that before the Philippine pilots completed their training, these Griffin-1s would be jointly commanded by P.B. and the Philippines, and the pilots would all be P.B. people.

This does not include the cost of the operations of the special forces. The madmen of P·B are like tireless machines, searching and suppressing all over Manila...

 In killing, interrogating, and looting, according to Amal, this group of people behaved more horribly than terrorists.

 In the past, when the fraudster leaders were caught, they needed to be interrogated in a low-key manner and then transfer their various assets.

Now, they have packed up the fraudster’s house, car, and even the family’s luxuries.

For more than half a month, Boss Joe's people gathered together a fleet of Alfas whose license plates always had 6 or 8 in them. They always drove such high-end vans when going to war, and Boss Joe's own Rolls-Royce was inexplicably... There are several more cars.

 But even so, it is not worth the expenditure of P·B!

If the big fish Faiz is not caught alive in the end, or Boss Joe cannot extract enough rewards from Faiz...

Just based on the so-called contract fees in the Philippines, and just on this business, Boss Qiao has already lost his pants.

 And what about Aaron?

With the withdrawal of "Shan Ying", the designer deal promised by Boss Qiao was directly "remotely completed"!

After the designer in Sangha Town confirmed the authenticity of the ‘Swift’ information in Aaron’s hand through the Internet, Aaron made a net profit of US$100 million just by selling this information to four big companies.

  In the future, if we cooperate with the CIA to eliminate several giants in the dark world, we must first complete the transaction of nuclear materials and data.

 This is a huge deal that is backed by the CIA and is worth US$200 million. It is bound to be completed, and there are many people interested in participating.

Amal has been maintaining order in the underground world recently, preventing the chaos caused by Boss Joe and making transactions out of control.

Honestly speaking, what Amar has done recently is a good thing, and the people of Manila should thank him!

 And Aaron did make a lot of money just sitting in the hotel!

Of course, Aaron’s profit model is completely different from Boss Qiao’s…

 The "face" he got was quick money, and Boss Qiao was able to get back his own profits over a long period of time by virtue of his "face".

 The different philosophies of Eastern and Western people are vividly reflected in two people with completely different personalities and identities, but their positions are inexplicably the same! Looking at Amal with a confused expression and an angry look on his face, Aaron smiled patiently and said: "The Kadazhuo back then did not have the deterrence of a jackal!

It has nothing to do with how many troops you have or how many weapons you have...

If you knew the death list of big figures in the United States in the past half month, you would know why those people compromised.

 They stepped on the line, but they cannot apologize to the Jackal and ask for peace because they stepped on the line.

 Because on the surface, Faiz was responsible for the bombing, and there is no difference between them taking the initiative to sue for peace and pleading guilty.

Now there are several top big shots and a group of little people running errands who have died, inexplicably and in all kinds of strange ways...

However, the FBI cannot obtain any evidence related to P.B., and the Department of Justice is also obstructing the investigation of P.B.

Everyone knows that jackals did it, but no one will take the initiative to discuss it, or even pretend that they don’t know anything, because they were the first to step on the line.

 When your status reaches a certain level, ‘retaliation’ is also a kind of power!

Once someone expresses the idea of ​​depriving this power, facing a jackal showing the ability to retaliate, the situation will escalate to an uncontrollable level, and no one can bear the price!

Jackal is not the kind of guy who can be manipulated by others. The old man Tom Reed has been in frequent contact with many people recently and has taken away a lot of benefits. Then there was the matter of cutting off P.B. with the Chinese Arms Company...

 This is a gesture, which the Chinese call "retreating in order to advance", in order to force those people to make a quick decision.

 He is not afraid of losing, but those people are afraid of death!

 Obviously, the jackal won this one..."

As he spoke, Aaron looked at Amal, who looked surprised, and he said with a smile: "If you want to enjoy equal rights, you first need to become a 'table player'.

 The Jackal is now the player, and his opponent has a good hand, but the power is too spread out.

Do you know why the terrorists always lose?

 Think about what your father did in Libya…

Three generations of your family combined have not killed as many people as P.B. killed in one battle, but you have plunged countless people into the abyss of hunger and poverty...

The ferocity of the jackal is obvious to all, but no one can deny that he has pulled countless people out of the abyss of hunger and poverty.

 The neonatal mortality rate in Tobruk is now lower than that in the United States!

The benefits generated by that port city radiated to half of Libya, and the Jackal didn't even have a political stance there...

 What is the Libyan Government of National Accord doing? What is Al Qaeda doing in Tripoli?

As long as they identify themselves as Libyans, as long as they want to restore peace to Libya, as long as they have a little sense of responsibility for the civilians, they should negotiate with Haftar, who is supported by jackals, and try to restore peace to Libya!

Even if they hate Haftar, it does not prevent them from finding the jackal.

  Humanitarian corridors are a material network, but they are also a large network that enables communication and connection.

As long as P·B's truck is allowed to drive in, people from several parties can stay sane during the conflict...

 This humanitarian network circulates materials, but in fact it delivers security and hope!

This is why the Libyan militia government and all terrorist organizations dare not allow humanitarian access to their territory, because they fear that civilians will change their stance after gaining hope and they will lose power.

Ammar, the problem with terrorists is not who they kill, but whether they really consider civilians, whether they are their own civilians or those of their opponents...

No one can compare to Jackal in this regard, because he does not represent any country, so he has no so-called position...

No matter how many people he killed, no one would blame him, because he filled the bellies of the living, helped them gain safety, and even saw hope..."

Amar lowered his head and was silent for a long time, and then said in a low voice: "Boss, if everything Jackal does is right, then what are we doing?"

Aaron was stunned for a moment, he touched his nose, sighed and said: "This world is divided into black and white, and it will never change...

 I admire what that guy did, but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to learn from him!

That guy is a freak who started his business at a loss. Anyone who imitates him will end up going bankrupt and begging for food!

 Amar, establishing a set of order in the darkness is what people like us should pursue!

I promised you and Madeline that I would show you the true face of power...

 I have done it, what you should do next is help me grasp these powers, and then share the glory that power brings.

 At that time, you won’t envy those people in P·B…”

Amar was stunned for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "I understand!"

As Amal suddenly thought of something, he said curiously: "Boss, I don't know much about the United Nations, but it's strange that the jackals only killed Mossad people.

Hunting a reward for Faiz, killing Mossad, and only letting go of the CIA. This is not the jackal's habit. "

After hearing this, Aaron shook his head slightly and said, "How could that Jackal guy let go of the CIA people?

 He is waiting!

Getting the top management to compromise is just the beginning. He will find ways to make the middle- and lower-level executors heartbroken...

 Only by making people in the middle and lower classes feel the pain will they think more about it when they receive orders in the future. "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at a large number of reporters appearing at the door of the house opposite the balcony. Jackal and the commander of the US military Asia-Pacific region appeared on the door steps together...

He said with a smile: "Black market tycoon Kalpin will arrive in Manila tomorrow. For you, the fun has just begun then!"

As he spoke, Aaron glanced at the phone that suddenly rang next to him. He sneered and hung up, then said to Amal, who had a complicated expression: "Look, this guy Faiz still doesn't know what happened?

 He is the top figure in the underground world, but when he was pulled into the rhythm of PB by the Jackal, this kind of big man performed little better than others..."

Ammar frowned and said, "Boss, then we will ignore Faiz?"

Aaron sneered and said, "How could you ignore him?

The more nervous he is, the higher my asking price will be. Who made him reject me before? "

As he spoke, Aaron suddenly thought of something interesting. He smiled and said: "Jackal is a shameless and black-hearted bastard!

His shouting and killing are often just farts. Most of this guy's harsh words are just to make himself look like a tough guy!

The Glory Jackals gained a foothold in Afica, and Moussa Suleiman was beaten into disgrace by him nailing him to the position of 'enemy', reflecting his honor all the way...

Faiz’s pirate empire is now the ‘right enemy’ that Jackal dreams of!

It's a pity that Faiz is not up to par, and he probably can't afford a warship, otherwise I can try my hand at big business..."

 (End of this chapter)

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