From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1283: Big cleaning

 Chapter 1283 Cleaning up

 The sudden appearance of Boss Qiao made the Philippines the center of the storm...

 The news that a private military contracting company cursed its two eldest brothers at the United Nations overshadowed the news that underground casinos and fraud syndicates were smashed in Manila.

While everyone’s eyes are focused on a higher perspective, the news of the death of many people in the Manila Telephone Fraud Group has been ignored.

The main reason is that there is not much difference in the local people's experience of public security. After all, the people who died were all foreigners, as well as wealthy people who were far away from the common people.

 Eight underground casinos and pig slaughterhouses run by associated kidnapping gangs were destroyed, more than 30 leaders and accountants were captured alive, and all the remaining people were beaten to death on the spot.

All the top executives of 9 electronics fraud companies were arrested. The thugs identified by the ‘employees’ all had their right hands smashed and then were imprisoned together with the ‘employees’.

 Falling into the hands of P·B, death is the easiest punishment...

Garci and a group of old spies worked overtime to interrogate them, squeezing out all the remaining value of these living people.

Facing old men who have come from the Cold War, it is impossible for these fraud leaders to hide any wealth.

Not to mention the bank accounts of these fraud leaders, even the accounts of their wives, children, mistresses, illegitimate children and even the accounts held by others on their behalf were also 'questioned'.

These are of course not all they own, but assets such as real estate, trusts, and stocks will take time to sell off.

This is a systematic and huge process. According to Galci's assessment, it will take at least half a year to completely drain these people without leaving any omissions. This is with the support of the Philippine Ministry of Justice and the acquiescence of the old mother. Down…

However, Boss Qiao is already satisfied with the early harvest!

The majority of the funds come from electronic fraud groups. These people have very complete and fast online transfer channels. When they are caught, these channels will naturally fall into the hands of Galsi.

This old guy has been a spy all his life, and this is the first time he has made so much money in a month...

 More than 4 billion RMB, 500 million Philippine pesos, 17 million US dollars…

In fact, the funds obtained by these people through fraud are not a large amount, because the fraudulent funds will cause a lot of losses during the flow. The funds that can finally enter the group's senior accounts have gone through a series of distribution and cleaning, and are not as much as the outside world imagines. .

The biggest gain came from the old mother. This "general cleaning" not only wiped out the telecom fraud syndicates in Manila, but also wiped out the domestic funds of these overseas telecom fraud syndicates.

  A series of virtual coin dishes were struck at the old mother’s house, but this time instead of cutting the leeks, the umbrella and sickle buried in the leeks were cut away together!

The money was finally concentrated into a separate account set up by Jialiang Trading, and then quickly converted into supplies and sent overseas.

  The direction of the funds after cleaning the fund plate is easy to check, because Boss Qiao has no hidden ideas at all.

There are also people who are trying to put pressure on Jialiang trade through some means, and some are even trying to expose and discredit Jialiang trade...

 But the young monster Jialiang Trading doesn’t care at all!

 This young company is actually only famous in a certain circle because it is not listed or publicized and even its profit margin is always lower than that of a normal company.

It is also restricted on the Internet, and its funds are managed by a specialized department of China G Bank...

 Let alone the so-called financial people who make a living by cutting leeks, even some senior officials outside the capital area are not familiar with Jialiang trade...

Seeing that all their money has been taken away by Jialiang Trade, these greedy guys will naturally not sit still and wait for death.

 The result was that what these people did not expect was...

Two young men, Qiao Liang and Tong Tong, were invited back to the headquarters of Jialiang Trading under the background of sanctions against P.B. Then people from various ministries went there to express their condolences in turn, and several major military industry giants even set up a service next door. at…

Then people in the financial industry were horrified to discover that, let alone getting the money back, anyone who touches Jialiang trade at this stage will die...

 These umbrellas and scythes, which have suffered huge losses, are really dirty!

Aaron used his own experience to judge Boss Qiao's profits from strangulating the fraud group. He never thought that Boss Qiao could actually eat a few big cakes at his mother's house under the background of sanctions, and he could also exchange money for supplies. Get it out.

And this money is the key to Boss Qiao’s support for land development in the Philippines...

The Philippines is already very happy. They definitely don’t have access to the old mother’s funds, but the funds seized within the Philippines and the subsequent visible asset disposal profits have already made them full... An island of 200 square kilometers, plus a small surrounding archipelago, and the indigenous people on it have been handed over to P·B Company.

 The materials and infrastructure converted from the 4 billion RMB will all be invested in the development of those islands.

Although the location of the island is not particularly good, the old mother needs a kind force to provide some support in the Philippines...

So the miraculous scene of initiating sanctions on the military industry issue while converting 4 billion domestic funds into premium materials and sending them over was staged.

Those fraudsters did not realize that their fate had changed, and they were put on cargo ships one after another and then taken to the islands on the other side of the Sulu Sea...

People from several infrastructure companies and agricultural companies followed soon after. These foreman brothers from China began to recruit people among fraudsters according to the salary standards set by Boss Qiao.

The fraudsters couldn't imagine it. They thought they were going to jail, but they didn't expect that they would even have to build their own place to live, and they would have to grow their own food in the future.

 The abnormal prices on the island will quickly empty their pockets. In the next 2 to 3 years, they will have to rely on high-intensity labor to support themselves.

What they did not expect was that they were not prisoners at all, and their old mother would not allow the Philippines or P·B to imprison so many people without trial.

 So these people themselves don’t know that they are actually dispatched laborers, and the only obstacle that prevents them from leaving is actually the expensive ferry ticket!

Aren’t you going to work in Southeast Asia? Then work hard. If you don’t look at the prices of goods on the island and the price of ferry tickets, the salary is actually very good!

The Philippines now feels that the sudden influx of funds and the development of local areas make them happy...

Naturally, the old mother's house is also very happy, because as long as the development goes smoothly, the old mother is equivalent to having a 'colony' in the Philippines. Putting aside international law, this is a modern replica of the Mayflower, where a group of fraudsters were exiled Arriving at Sulu Sea…

Things are proceeding in an orderly manner, but Boss Qiao has turned his attention back to the interior of Manila...

After talking to the commander of the United States Asia-Pacific Region, P·B managed to stabilize his position.

Shah's Devali and the UAE's Tahnouni served as wingmen, and their performance made the United States "very happy" when Boss Joe encountered sanctions.

Although they know that they still cooperate with the old mother, the stance they express can make the United States feel at ease to a certain extent.

 They are just ‘buyers’!

  And he’s a buyer who doesn’t give much face!

Coupled with the death of several giant figures in the United States, this gave Boss Qiao the right to move freely in the Philippines, the back garden of the United States...

 No one will tell P·B’s actions anymore!

Aaron's black market transactions have not stopped, nor have the secret confrontations hidden in the background of the great purges.

Representatives of several underground giants arrived in Manila half a month ago, but the fierce confrontation here kept them in a wait-and-see attitude.

 It wasn’t until Aaron started the transaction process at the end of the cleaning operation that the transaction that made many people extremely nervous was officially started.

Boss Qiao doesn't care about this kind of black market transaction. The kind of thrilling people imagine does not exist here at all.

 In fact, it is an illegal transaction carried out by a group of bad guys in a place with poor security in the Philippines.

While the black market transaction was going on, Boss Qiao had already boarded the Princess and sailed toward the Sulu Sea, where he began to crack down on the pirate gangs funded by Faiz.

At the same time, American naval warships also began patrolling the internal waters of the Philippines, preparing to disrupt the most important delivery process in the transaction.

Boss Qiao boarded the "Princess" via a small boat in full view of Manila, and then took P·B fans to visit the interior of the "Princess" in the form of a live broadcast...

 (End of this chapter)

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