From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1285: All are actors

 Chapter 1285 They are all actors

Aaron fended off the questions from the CIA, turned around and went to the airport under the protection of his subordinates, and left the Philippines on a private plane...

 After boarding the plane, Aaron made a very unhappy call to Boss Qiao...

“What do you want to do, you bastard?

A Burke-class destroyer was attacked by a mine. The rescue is not going smoothly now, and the ship may even sink..."

Qiao Jia knew what Aaron wanted to do with him. He stood on the deck of the Princess and looked at a middle-aged man who was decently dressed and handsome. He had heavy chains tied to his body. He raised his cell phone and called him Said: "Mr. Kalpin, this is Aaron on the phone..."

When Kalpin heard this, his desperate eyes lit up with anger...

 “Aaron, you are going to hell…”

Aaron on the phone was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "I have reserved the presidential suite in hell, you can go and take a look for me first...

Of course, you will definitely not be able to live in the presidential suite, because all your things will be taken over by me.

 Oh, I almost forgot, your son has landed safely in Thailand.

  The CIA is trying its best to arrest him because of you..."

Qiao Jia saw Kalpin's face livid and gasping for air. He raised his hand and shot the guy in the head, then pushed him into the sea. Then he put the phone to his ear and said: "Now you can I said thank you..."

 Aaron didn't take this trick on the phone, he said unhappily: "It's you who should say thank you to me!

 You put me at extra risk you bastard...

Do you know how difficult it is to take over Calpin’s black market channels?

 Do you know how much time and energy I spent trying to figure out his operating model?

 Now you have to make everyone think that Kalpin is still alive, which will cause a lot of trouble for me to take over the European black market business. "

After hearing this, Qiaojia said with a smile: "If Kalpin dies, how can we explain the missing nuclear materials?

This guy is a natural big brain. The Edward Foundation is a group formed by a bunch of far-right Jewish lunatics. The CIA can understand whatever they do for revenge...

As for the mistakes made by the Jews, the American government will always appear to be extremely tolerant! "

After hearing this, Aaron lamented and said, "Jackal, don't go too far, you are a good man!"

Qiao Jia lay on the fence, looked at the clear sea around him, and said with a smile: "Good people should not let people point guns at them!"


While Joga and Aaron were talking, two suicide speedboats that had caused a series of problems in the Mediterranean rushed towards the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier...

 The aircraft carrier will not act alone, it is surrounded by fleet protection.

 Two suicide speedboats trying to attack the Nimitz seemed like a joke...

But this time, the US military **** ship reacted a little slowly when faced with the suicide speedboat traveling at high speed against the sea surface...

When the speedboat entered the radar range, they just gave a routine warning. When the radar soldier discovered the speedboat's bizarre high speed and reported it to the fleet, the entire process took three minutes.

This was not originally a mistake, because when the speedboat entered the visual range of the fleet, even if its speed reached an astonishing 180 knots, this high-speed speedboat, which was basically unable to maneuver, could not escape the close defense created to deal with missiles. Cannon interception…

The close-in defense gun on an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer opened fire and easily hit two speedboats. At this time, they were still about four kilometers away from the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.

When the people on the warship started cheering, they unexpectedly discovered that the two speedboats rolled out of control and rolled forward for several hundred meters on the sea surface, and then a violent explosion occurred...

 Two huge clouds of gunpowder smoke rose into the sky, and then drifted towards the Reagan driven by the sea breeze.

The nearest Arleigh Burke-class destroyer was the first to sound the alarm when the smoke drifted near them...


 “It’s a dirty bomb!”

 No one would have thought that someone would attack the US aircraft carrier fleet, and no one would have thought that someone would use dirty bombs to attack the aircraft carrier fleet...

People in the aircraft carrier fleet cannot imagine it themselves, because the power of such an explosion is too insignificant for the aircraft carrier fleet!

But when the dust containing strong nuclear radiation floated to the sky above another supply ship with the sea breeze, and spread to the vicinity of the Reagan...

The captain of the aircraft carrier asked someone to sound the alarm, while drawing a cross on his chest and dialing the Pentagon's phone...

"The Reagan is attacked by a dirty bomb. We will implement emergency evacuation procedures. As the captain, I will lead the team to stay on duty. Please dispatch the Philippine fleet to assist in the process."

 At this time, the Pentagon was also confused. When they asked for details, the top brass of the Navy fell silent.

 Is it a big accident?


 But is the situation serious?

 It seems like it’s not serious enough and we need to treat it like 911…

There were no casualties in the fleet. Only a few sailors on the destroyers injured themselves due to nervousness. However, in the eyes of the Pentagon, the actual consequences were too devastating!

  The harm caused by a dirty bomb exploding at sea is not great, but all "infected" ships need to be shut down for inspection. Absolutely no sailor is willing to work on them until it is confirmed that there is no problem. Cleaning up nuclear radiation residues is still a very complicated task so far...

An Arleigh Burke-class ship, a supply ship, and the Reagan, which has infected one-fifth of the area, will take at least two years to clean them all, pass the Navy's acceptance, and regain combat effectiveness. , given the current situation in the United States, this time may be delayed even longer.

 The Reagan's home port is in an island country, and its withdrawal will leave a short-term power vacuum in the Asia-Pacific and Pacific waters.

 When your fist is not strong enough, in order to make up for this power vacuum, you either have to send more aircraft carrier fleets here, or you have to use political mediation to safeguard geopolitical interests.

No matter which one you choose, the damage caused will be so great that it is difficult to estimate!

And when CIA Amanda, who was still staying in Manila to deal with the mess, saw the attack images sent by the fleet, her eyesight went dark, and then she slumped down in her chair.

The plan to arrest three world-class gangsters completely failed...

Faiz was targeted by a jackal, but he could still get by.

Spanish arms dealer Alex Vincent smelled danger, so he didn’t show up at all.

 The most important one, Kalpin, disappeared in the final stage and took away enriched uranium and the design information of "Swift".

Everything in this is enough to send Amanda to hell!

Coupled with the fact that two Delta teams were killed and an Arleigh Burke-class ship was severely damaged, Amanda was ready to break into the basement of hell, but now a more serious problem has arisen...

A piece of information was also sent to Amanda along with the images of the aircraft carrier fleet being attacked...

 Uranium mining in this world is limited and regulated.

At present, the only confirmed missing uranium raw material in the world comes from Yemen, which is the uranium mine illegally mined by Israeli companies.

In this case, it is not difficult to guess the source of the dirty bombs that attacked the aircraft carrier fleet.

The suicide speedboat that has been shown to the world once, the uranium mined secretly in Yemen, the Jewish background of the Edward Foundation, the criminal record of the destroyed Rahway family...

After these conditions were combined, the Calpin family of the Edward Foundation was marked as the number one enemy!

 Because these people have criminal records!

The far right wing of Judaism are all lunatics!

 They assassinated several European nobles who rescued large numbers of Jews from concentration camps. The reason was that these nobles went to Palestine to try to mediate their conflicts with Palestine.

 In fact, Jewish far-right people are the originators of modern terrorism on earth.

These people started the trend of attacking cruise ships and hijacking passenger planes. They told the world what to do if they want everyone to hear their voices!

It was the reckless actions of this group of people, coupled with Britain's hesitation on post-war issues at the time, and many other reasons that led to the famous Resolution 181.

 In fact, after the end of World War II, Europe and the United States were not willing to accept a large number of Jewish refugees, but the Palestinians accepted some of them.

When the Jews arrived in Palestine on the passenger ships provided by Europe and the United States, those people held a big sign that read...

“Nazi destroyed our home, please don’t destroy our hope!” (Photos can be found now)

Then the kind-hearted Palestinians accepted them and allowed them to establish settlements in Palestine.

At that time, Palestine did not have the concept of a country, and that area was just a place for the survival of the Palestinian nation.

 It can be said that after the Israeli Zombie lunatics made their voices heard through terrorist means and finally achieved their goals in various forms, countless fanatical Jews rushed to Palestine one after another, so it became a hot battlefield in the world.

 And the Edward Foundation was established as the most radical group of those crazy Jews!

 They have experienced many rounds of suppression by the United States and still have a strong influence in Israel.

 The current Israeli Prime Minister Netanya is actually a centrist, but in order to suppress the left-wing parties, he had to unite with the far-right lunatics.

 The specific manifestation of the far-right madman's rise to power is the increase in settlement construction in the West Bank!

The United States has suppressed them for many years, but as the right-wing policies of Big Mouth Tang came to power, America's strategy changed, and those far-right guys began to become more and more crazy.

 In the peak year, Israel’s Ministry of Finance approved the construction of 13,000 settlement houses…

The specific manifestation is that they forcibly demolish the Palestinian houses in the settlements they demarcate, drive the people away, then build the houses and plant a few trees and let a group of militiamen live in them, which means that the land here is owned. Me.

 This is why the land area of ​​Israel is getting larger and larger!

 The most comical thing is that the ruler of the west bank of the Yod River, Fah Tah, who is supposed to have the strongest resistance, is a moderate.

 Hashtag, which is imprisoned in the Gaza Strip and behaves the most radically, was actually supported by Israel itself to counter the influence of Fah.

Now Kalpin jumped out and launched a horrific attack on the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet, and demonstrated its power completely out of American control...

Amanda feels like she has reserved a reservation for the lowest level of hell!

Because it was the CIA team she led that kidnapped Kalpin's son and set up a trap to try to eradicate him, so Kalpin was completely angered!

Amanda sat on the chair, holding the cross in her hand and whispering something...

 “God, what should I do?”

 (End of this chapter)

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