From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1286: Asking prices

Chapter 1286: Asking Prices

"You should find a way to control the Kalpin family's industry and people, and then have people protect the International Atomic Energy Organization go to the S column, put pressure on them in the name of investigation, and force the Edward Foundation people to dig out Kalpin... "

“Allowing the CIA to investigate the Edwards Foundation is sending a sheep into the tiger’s mouth. You need to find an entry point so that the Edwards Foundation cannot find legal loopholes.

  Put pressure on Israel and dismember the Kalpin family just like we did with the Rahway family before, in order to avoid possible dangers that may follow..."

Aaron, who has arrived in Madagascar by plane, accepted a question from the U.S. Senate National Security Panel in a coastal manor...

Facing a group of anxious senators, Aaron smiled and said: "Gentlemen, I don't think you need to worry too much...

 We all know who Kalpin's father was and what he did. This is the custom of their family.

The more Kalpin shows his madness, the worse his situation becomes.

 Unless you are prepared to compromise with him, I am telling you the best solution. "

 Aaron's words made the people on the other side of the online conference fall into deep thought...

Several decision-making groups in the U.S. Senate have huge power. This time, the poor performance of White House security adviser Chauvin and the CIA caused them to lose their dominance over the matter, and it was left to the Senate's National Security Pillar Group to decide what to do...

As one of the core of the incident, Aaron naturally became the target of consultation by these people.

Kim Singer, the chairman of the National Security Pillar Group, thought for a long time, then looked at Aaron and said: "Mr. Dupont, you have had close contact with Kalpin. I want to know, based on your judgment of Kalpin, he What will you do next?”

Aaron spread his hands and said: "If I had to guess, Kalpin's revenge is probably not over yet.

  The CIA kidnapped Calpin’s son, locked him in a Manila black cell, fed him with a rectal feeder, humiliated him and tortured him, just to get him to betray his father...

I have met the boy once. He is an artist and Kalpin's favorite son.

  Attacking the aircraft carrier fleet is just a statement of his attitude. In fact, his revenge has not yet begun.

I don’t know how much uranium is lost in Yemen, but if I were Kalpin, I would build a few more dirty bombs and take them to the United States.

Isis relied on this to maintain a stalemate with you for several years. If that jackal hadn't messed everything up, Isis would still be the ruler of northern Iraq and eastern Syria!

 Carpin made a big mistake, so he needs enough chips.

Don't forget, this guy's family is one of the pillars of the Edward Foundation. Now he has a batch of weapons-grade enriched uranium in his hands. Once he gets the detonator from Israel, the situation will become even worse. . "

After listening to this, Kinzinger rubbed his temples painfully and said, "The final focus is still on Israel..."

Aaron spread his hands and said: "We all know that Israel's nuclear weapons are not entirely controlled by them.

When you decide to shift your focus to the Asia-Pacific, Israel will be afraid. What can make them feel reassured is nuclear deterrence.

 Nuclear deterrence without autonomy is not enough for Zionists...

 This may be why they secretly mine uranium. "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at the livid old faces on the screen, and he said in a deep voice: "Sir, I personally think you need to be prepared for the worst!

 I have no right to decide your actions, but whatever you want to do, you need to speed up.

 You are competing for time with Kalpin. Once he puts the knife to America's chest, the knife will never be put down! "

 After Aaron finished speaking, the other end of the network conference cut off the communication...

Aaron closed the computer, stood up with difficulty, and walked slowly to the window. Looking at the coastline of Madagascar, he reached out and made a cross on his chest...

“God, even though it’s all Jackal’s bastard’s idea, I think I’m so good, so my mansion in **** deserves to be a little bigger…”

While Aaron was talking nonsense excitedly, his assistant Ma Hong appeared in the room with Madeleine...

Ma Hong, who was in a very good mood, walked to Aaron and whispered: "Boss, Poseidon has been found, and Andre is shutting down Poseidon's engine..."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Just get it..."

After hearing this, Ma Hong looked back at Madeline, and then said to Aaron: "Boss, Poseidon is too big, we have to find a place to hide it, and the follow-up maintenance of that thing is also a Big problem!”

After hearing this, Aaron said with a smile: "Disguise Poseidon, find a cargo ship, and send it to Mukalla, Yemen.

 I'm just a businessman and can't handle this kind of thing, but there is someone who definitely can!

That **** owes me a big favor. He must help me protect Poseidon before my Madagascar base is completely completed..."

Madeline walked to Aaron's side and said with a tangled expression: "Boss, is it really okay for you to hand over the final safety valve to the Jackal?"

Aaron looked back at Madeline, shook his head and said with a smile: "Madeline, you are wrong, Poseidon is not the final safety valve, it does not carry nuclear weapons at all.

Poseidon can only be a real killer when combined with the nuclear bomb I have at the Jackal. Our base in South Africa is no longer usable. Until the base in Madagascar is completed, it is safest to have these things at Jackal's place.

 Because he has no interest in the ‘power’ represented by nuclear weapons!

Madeline, Poseidon is only the last resort, and the jackal is the safety valve.

This guy is unique, he has the ability to break down some barriers that I can’t break through…

 With his presence, our career will become unique! "


 “Do I look particularly stupid?”

Boss Qiao stood in the command room of the Princess, while watching the cannon on the bow of the ship fire continuously at a small island, and said to the phone: "Mr. Chauvin, I am very busy now and have no time to **** the IAEA. The investigator went to column S.

I have heard about what happened to the Reagan. Do you remember what I told you before?

Go and arrest the people in charge in Israel, put them in a dark cell and serve them with water torture...

 You refuse to listen to me, and now you want me to **** a bunch of weaklings to Israel. Do you really think I am a fool?

 Are you still unclear whether Israel has nuclear weapons? "

After Chavin heard this, he said depressedly: "Jackal, things are a little different this time. The CIA messed up and the enriched uranium was lost.

 We are worried that those extremists will become uncontrolled...

 Jackal, the invitation from the United Nations Humanitarian Office has been sent to you. We will try to propose a new resolution in the Security Council to make P·B an important force in maintaining peace in Gaza. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia sneered and said: "I spend astronomical military expenditures and receive a monthly salary of 1,500 from the United Nations. I am a **** fool!"

I guess you heard it. You want to use me to put pressure on Israel, right?

how? Can't you control them? Send your aircraft carrier over..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at someone sailing a boat out to sea on the island in the distance, holding a white flag and shaking it desperately. He reached out and patted the captain on the shoulder, indicating to him to decide what to do next, and then walked aside with the phone. …

“You all want me to go to Gaza to swim in the murky waters…

 Man, I am a good person, but I am not a fool. I am responsible for everyone who eats with me!

 So you’d better hire someone else, Gao Ming! "

After speaking, Qiao Jia hung up the phone, handed the satellite phone to Dorian beside him, and said: "If there are calls from the United States in the next few days, you are responsible for greeting them with the most foul words.

The lowest person calling is a consultant from the White House. Most people don’t have this opportunity to patiently listen to the dirty words! "

When Dorian heard this, he smiled and said: "No problem, I like this kind of work.

boss, do you think it’s possible for that big-mouthed Tang to call you in person?

I think it would be particularly exciting to greet the President of the United States with dirty words! "

Qiaojia pushed Dorian in disgust, shook his head and said, "Your taste is a bit unique, but I support you. You can use this phone to send a dirty text message to greet Big Mouth Tang every day.

That guy is a dishonest bastard, you deserve to be scolded! "

Dorian fiddled with the satellite phone in his hand, then looked at Boss Qiao furtively and said, "Boss, are you really not going to Gaza?

I have called home several times. Gemma Alexander is at home now. He is waiting for you to return with a team.

I heard that boss Xiao Qiao has started to modify the packaging of humanitarian supplies and is preparing to participate in the bidding for supplies. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said helplessly: "Elephant, there are some things that cannot be explained..."

 Do you think Chauvin doesn’t know where Gemma is?

As long as I don't answer Gemma's call, the more firmly I refuse, the more ways the United States will think of.

 Their best option is to indulge Gemma's reform of UN humanitarian procurement and then make me an offer they can't refuse. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Dorian, spread his hands and said, "So do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, Dorian held the phone and nodded heavily and said: "I understand, greet anyone who calls with dirty words. Until Gemma gets what she wants, that's when we really make an offer..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded with a smile and said: "There are some problems with the details, but the general idea is almost like this.

 Elephant, this is a negotiation. No matter whether it is successful or not, we have nothing to lose, so how much we win is what we have to consider.

The American **** is sticking his neck out, we can't be too polite..."

 (End of this chapter)

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