From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1287: Publicity accident

Chapter 1287 Publicity Accident

 The fight against pirates in the Philippines is going on very interestingly…

 Using the 3,600-ton Princess to fight pirates is a bit like using a cannon to fight mosquitoes.

 Philippine pirates are okay at sea, but not when they settle on shore and are blocked.

 The Marines went ashore to take position, and then the "Princess" fired a few shots, and the battle was over.

 From the beginning to the end of the battle, no one died from being shot. It was really the pirates who surrendered as soon as the cannons were fired.

The battle itself is not interesting, but after Boss Qiao tried to use live broadcast to show the scenes of fighting pirates, he found that many people actually like to watch this type of battle.

  Not just bullying, but loving to watch the operation of the Princess Royal. The jokes made by Boss Qiao, a layman commanding a warship, are enough to fill a collection of jokes.

  Dorian took a camera with him to lure the crew to complain about their boss. In the end, it was edited into a series of videos. The P·B website simply made a separate channel to complain about the boss...

 Boss Qiao has taken the European and American self-defeating trick to the extreme, and has even carried it forward.

 Not only the crew members on the Princess Royal, but also people within P.B. will also join in the fun with all kinds of complaints and flattery...

People from the cooking classes in various places pointed to the four meat and vegetable dishes and one soup, saying that the nutrition of the soldiers was somewhat inadequate, which was caused by the bosses being reluctant to spend money.

The Cobra, which was facing off against the local chicken air force in the safe area, had a frown on its face, leaning on the wheels of a Su-27 and complaining loudly that its boss was a stingy miser. Up to now, the P·B fighter jets are still IWC brand. Even advanced missiles are reluctant to be used.

Aunt Zhao from Sangha Town licked her face and stood in the crowded commercial street of the slums. She complained loudly that Boss Qiao cared more about pirates than his hometown. She solemnly launched a street vote and vowed to use public opinion to live up to expectations. The responsible boss Qiao was taken back.

This kind of offensive complaint is much more cordial than serious propaganda, and it is also deceptive.

Terrorists who are ignorant also want to yell at Boss Qiao, but there were too few serious online media that were willing to accept them in the past.

Posting the video on the dark web is meaningless to the public. Al Jazeera, the only TV station that is relatively sophisticated, has basically no influence except in the Arab world.

Now the P·B website has opened up review for the first time, allowing videos attacking Boss Qiao to be uploaded...

Terrorists from all over the country immediately posted videos of themselves working overtime, partly to promote themselves and partly to vent their frustration at being beaten by P·B.

It’s a pity that these people’s understanding of modern online marketing is too superficial. They are still at the stage where they can’t attract attention without cutting off a few heads. They can’t attract traffic at all by cursing Boss Qiao.

In the end, young people from the United Nations had an idea. They produced a 10-minute video, which detailed the places of Tobruk, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Canada from the perspective of several little girls of the same age. comparison,

Finally, these innocent children looked at the camera and counted Boss Qiao's "irresponsible" behavior...

The little girl from the oil refinery in Tubruk had basically never experienced war. She sat on the carpet at home and complained that P.B. soldiers always used loudspeakers to urge her parents to go to work, and also sent her to the emergency room. Terrible kindergarten.

The Iraqi shepherd girl had a dirty face, hugging her shaved goat, and complained loudly that the P.B. soldiers in the supply center wanted even her family's wool and dragged her brother to **** her. Work.

A little Kurdish girl in the Syrian safe zone sat in the classroom, holding her chin in her hands and complaining helplessly that P.B. actually rejected her application to join the army. She said that she wanted to join the martyr camp and wrote many letters to Jackal, but he never No response was given.

A little girl from Mukalla in Yemen was dressed in shabby clothes and carrying a big bag. With tears in her big eyes, she complained that the candies that PB sent to the welfare community were not enough every time. She worked very hard every time, but every time They can only exchange for one or two pieces of candy, so they can't save at all.

But the child with the added S at the end was sitting on the ruins, asking the photographer with wide innocent eyes, will you help me dig out my dad? My strength is too weak...

The video seems to be a complaint, but it actually makes a horizontal comparison of the war-torn areas that P.B passed by.

 Tobruk, which was first taken over by P·B, must have the best living environment today, followed by the safe zones in Iraq and Syria, and even in the worst place, Yemen, where war orphans have been taken care of.

The video ends with a few photos…

 Girls from Tobruk sit with their families and enjoy a sumptuous dinner...

The little girl in Iraq sold the wool and sheep separately with her brother, and then exchanged the money for a cart of goods and returned home.

  A little girl in the Syrian safe zone was danced in the middle by a group of female soldiers from the martyr camp.

A little girl from Yemen was sitting on the threshold of the outpost with a P.B. soldier. She was holding a lunch box filled with food in one hand, while the spoon in the other hand was inserted into the P.B. soldier's rice bowl. Picked up a large piece of meat.

 Although the little girl with an S at the end had a smile on her lips, her big innocent eyes were full of confusion...

 After this video was released, it caused a huge sensation!

  This is an alternative summary of what P·B has done in the past, which can be regarded as flattering from a unique angle.

 This is a good thing and a recognition of P·B’s past efforts, but this approach puts Boss Qiao into an extremely passive situation.

UN volunteers don’t understand the situation faced by Boss Qiao. Most of them feel that since the UN Humanitarian Office and the Secretariat have issued invitations and so many people support them, why hasn’t P·B taken action?

You must know that during the sports meeting, the statement issued by Hams and the actions of terrorists around the world trying to bring P·B to Canada were equivalent to putting Boss Qiao on the fire.

 Now that the United Nations volunteers have arrived, those people have instantly seen an opportunity again.

The United States is still begging Boss Qiao to protect the International Atomic Energy Agency from going to Israel, but the P·B website itself has made an own mistake. At this time, they will definitely choose to make a fuss...

The terrorists also changed their tactics at this time. Instead of scolding Boss Qiao, they began to complain that Boss Qiao only dared to attack poor buddies like them, and they lost the courage when they moved to Israel. Facing the well-intentioned UN volunteers who did something wrong, Qiao Jia didn’t know whether he should be angry or upset.

Honestly speaking, this video was shot very well and very professionally. It showed the current situation of several places through horizontal comparison in just ten minutes.

 An individual can see the difference and can clearly express what P·B does in those places.

In the eyes of the local people, P·B did not take anything away, but gave away a lot. They did not feel any sense of being exploited, only the joy of peace.

Those young people added S not simply to urge P·B to take action, but more of a helpless complaint.

The United Nations cannot make the world a paradise. The greatest significance of the existence of the United Nations is actually to reach out and help some places or civilians when they are about to fall into **** to prevent them from falling into hell.

Those who don’t understand the working mechanism of the United Nations will accuse it of being incompetent, but in fact many people in the United Nations have tried their best.

Those front-line workers need to use limited budgets and powers under complex regulations and take risks to carry out humanitarian work in order not to offend those countries.

 But the world seems to be sick, and more and more people need help. After working in the United Nations for a long time, many people will feel powerless.

Now this feeling of powerlessness has been transmitted to the keen Boss Qiao, which caught him off guard and made him feel a little bit unspeakably proud.

 Because before, whether it was Hams or others, when inviting P·B to join S, they always had the idea of ​​using P·B, or even setting up a trap to harm P·B…

 But these United Nations volunteers are simply asking for help!

 They feel they have no choice!

To a certain extent, this is a kind of moral kidnapping!

  But when a person reaches a certain position, he needs to assume corresponding social responsibilities...

 Because with greater power comes greater responsibility!

 Chauga can stand up to the President of the United States, because the discussion with such a person is about interests, and there is no shame in comparing penny to penny.

 But it was difficult for Joga to refuse help from good people, because these people appealed to him not for their own sake, but after being unable to do anything.

Chaojia is indeed not completely prepared. He has his own plan and is executing it in an orderly manner.

He has a hundred ways to fend off those requests for help, delaying time to force the United States to provide more benefits, and at the same time make himself more prepared when he steps into the quagmire.

 But the appearance of another little life made him change his mind...

The kitten's due date was one week ahead of schedule. As soon as Qiao Jia got the news, he took a plane and rushed back to Sangha Town...


 The favelas of Rio Rocinha, Brazil…

Forrest and a group of black bosses wearing yellow shirts were waiting in the conference room for news...

No one would have thought that people here in Brazil would be more nervous about a kitten giving birth than Boss Qiao’s own father!

Andrea Company already has the prototype of an empire, and countless people point to Andrea Company for dinner!

Once problems arise in this unlisted family company, it is uncertain elsewhere in Brazil, but Rio will definitely be in mourning.

 The takeaway and express delivery industries are closely related to everyone, and Andrea's company does not make profits from them.

Whether this company can be sustained for a long time and get more assistance from Boss Qiao depends on whether the kitten can give birth to an heir!

Forrest is also very nervous. This guy is having a great time working in Brazil, and the development prospects of Andrea's company determine that he will be even more happy in the future...

A group of Rocinha gang leaders were wearing yellow shirts that looked like football uniforms, their eyes fixed on the phone on the table...

I don’t know how long it took, but Forrester’s phone suddenly lit up and displayed a message...

Forrest quickly picked up the phone and took a look, then made a call to confirm again...

 A few seconds later, Forrester dropped the phone, rubbed his fat face vigorously, looked at a group of black bosses staring at him, grinned and said, "She's a princess!

  The heir to Andrea's company is a princess!

 Inform your people to set off fireworks!

Although we can't go to Central Africa, we want Miss Kitten to know that we always remember who is the master of Rio! "

As Forrester became more and more excited as he spoke, he tore off the tie around his neck, jumped up on the desk, waved his fists and shouted loudly: "Remember what we did when the company was established?

 Notify all bars and restaurants in Rio that all drinks are discounted by half today...

We want to tell all our members this good news, and let more people become our members!

Hey guys, tell everyone to go to the streets and make some noise...

 Carnival, carnival, carnival…”

A group of evil-looking gangsters raised their hands, as if the Brazilian team had won the World Cup, cheering and calling their younger brothers to inform them...

 A few minutes later, countless fireworks rose from Rocinha. The huge light made the statue of **** overlooking Rocinha colorful and seemed to be smiling...

People in Rio thought those guys in the slums were crazy, but when countless guys in yellow took to the streets on bicycles and went door-to-door to announce that drinks in Rio would be 50% off today, the city became happy along with it...

 (End of this chapter)

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