From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1288: A little bit

Chapter 1288 A little bit

With the support of his private plane, Boss Qiao finally made it back to Sangha Town before the kitten was born.

 He ​​was forced by Monica to spend a few minutes taking a shower and changing clothes before he was allowed to step into the delivery room to catch up with the final stage.

When Igor was born, Nice firmly refused to allow Boss Joe to follow him in the delivery room, but this time Monica was there. In order that her sister would not feel lost because Boss Joe was not around before, she firmly pushed Boss Joe into the delivery room. delivery room.

 Accompanying a woman to give birth is also a very scary thing for Boss Qiao!

 It wasn’t because of how **** it was, but because the kitten meowed so miserably that he could do nothing except hold her hand!

 Fortunately, this process did not last long, and a wet little princess was born.

When the nurse carried the little princess to clean it up, Qiao Jia seemed to have been engaged in a battle. He sat down beside the kitten a little tired, held her hand, and said with a smile: "The child is very beautiful, thank you for your hard work! "

The kitten covered her face and let the nurse help clean her lower body...

 “Forget what I look like now, I must be terrible...”

As he spoke, the kitten reached out to cover his belly and said unhappily: "Hurry up and let me see that little thing...

 She stretched my belly, and Monica said it would take a long time for me to get back to the way I used to be.

  FUCK, I still feel swollen! "

Qiaojia lowered his head and kissed the kitten on the forehead, and said with a smile: "As a person who has just given birth to a baby, what you have to do is let the baby try your milk..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at the kitten's chest and said, "I don't think having children is all bad..."

Mao Xiaomao glanced at the nurse, then looked at Qiao Jia, winked, and said, "Do you want to have a taste? I feel so bloated right now..."

Qiaojia stretched out his hand and pinched the kitten's face, then stood up and took the child that the nurse brought over...

Seeing this soft little guy with his eyes not opened, with two small fists pressed against his cheeks, he couldn't help but lower his head and kiss her, then carefully placed her next to the kitten and said: " A girl is a girl, she was born prettier than that little **** Igor...

 What do you think would be a better name for her? "

The kitten turned slightly to make it easier for the little guy to find the guy eating. Then he looked at Qiao Jia and said hesitantly: "Isabel, can you call her Isabel?"

Joja frowned and said: "Monica's original name is Isabel Andrea, why should we use her name?"

The kitten was silent for a moment and said: "Monica can't have children, so I think..."

Qiao Jia is still not used to the logic of foreigners naming children, but when he heard that Monica was unable to give birth, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "Then call her Isabel, but she I am Chinese and I need a Chinese name...

How about calling her Qiao Xiaotang?

  It means sweet and sweet. I hope she can be happy and sweet all her life! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the kitten who had no idea about the Chinese name. He shook his head slightly and said, "My name is Qiao Xiaotang. Feed her quickly and let me take her out to get to know my brother.

 Then I'm going to take her with me to Sangha Town. I have to let everyone know that I have a daughter! "


Because of the birth of the little princess in Sangha Town, the capitalists pinched their noses and gave all the workers who took advantage of the opportunity to ask for a day off.

Those small business guys were so happy. Under the guise of celebrating, they used discounts to attract people to the foot of Boss Qiao's manor, and then started a mindless carnival.

 The sports meeting has just ended, and the commercial enthusiasm that has faded slightly has increased again!

 Isabel’s birth was not as grand as Igor’s, but the celebration was much larger...

  There was a city on another continent that held a carnival for the child for three days, and the carnival there let the whole world know that Boss Qiao had a daughter.

The most high-profile British royal princess in the world was born, and she did not receive such treatment as Isabel.

The heartless and foolish boy Igor has signed a contract with Sangha Town and shouldered the responsibility since he was born.

But Isabel is loved by thousands of people. As long as she doesn't drink milk, she is like growing up on Qiao Jia's body.

Just when the United Nations volunteers were disappointed that Boss Qiao had no time to respond to them, Boss Qiao took all the children...

 Igor, Isabel, Little George, Jacques, Gino, Adele, and Briela, who must follow them life and death, announced that a press conference would be held...

Attending the press conference with Boss Qiao was the famous Gemma Alexander!

 The media who caught the scent soon began to gather towards Sangha Town...


On the day of the press conference, Igor, who was already two years old, was wearing a small pilot suit. He held the kitten's thighs with both hands and looked at his little sister who was eating sweetly. He kept smacking the milk bottle and giving it to himself. Take a bite...    When the kitten put the full Isabel into a small egg-shaped stroller, Igor couldn't wait to drag his sister, and trotted all the way to a nest of sloths, punching and kicking her. Let the sloth run away and show his power to his sister...

Qiao Jia put on a formal military uniform and watched happily as his silly son pushed his daughter all over the yard to chase down those innocent sloths. In the middle of the process, he was still a little dissatisfied and kidnapped little George, who was wearing a small suit. Got his own team of bullies…

Little George, who was slightly thin, was staggered by Igor and fell several times from a distance of more than ten meters...

Looking at the distressed Grace, like an old hen, she rushed over and opened her arms, ready to catch her son who fell again. Gemma Alexander shook her head and said with a smile: "Igor is more like a cowboy than little George..."

 Qiaojia watched his son pulling little George and his sister, wanting to jump into the swimming pool to play with his crocodile mount, but was stopped by the frightened Grace...

 He laughed and said: "That's my son, he was born wild!"

Gemma was silent for a moment and said apologetically: "I'm sorry that this happened when Isabel was born...

Those volunteers don’t know your situation, they just…”

Qiao Jia looked at the family members around him with happy smiles on their faces. He put his arm around Gemma’s shoulders and said with a smile: “No, you don’t have to say sorry to me, let alone apologize to those volunteers!

 You have done nothing wrong, and you should not be criticized for your kindness after trying your best.

 They came to me instead of asking the politicians for help, which makes me believe that I am indeed a big shot now!

 Big shots should take responsibility, right? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia waved his hand to Gemma who was hesitant to speak, and said with a smile: "Actually, I have been very hesitant before, because I felt that I was not ready...

 But the birth of Isabel made me realize something...

 I regard Isabel's birth as a revelation to me!

 The conflicts in this world may never stop. I have no ability to prevent the war from breaking out, but I can help those innocent children.

I admit that the world is unfair, but it is a dereliction of duty for all adults to let a group of children experience war, hunger, confusion, and despair!

do you know? Isabel has blue eyes and I can feel her curiosity about the world...

I hope she knows when she grows up, no matter how bad the world is, her father is always working hard!

I don’t know how far I can go, but even a little bit is worth it! "

After Gemma Alexander heard this, she hugged Boss Qiao hard and said, "Thank you!"

Qiao Jia patted her on the back and said with a smile: "No need to thank me, I'm the one receiving the money!

 The United Nations humanitarian supplies order is still very good!

And this time Princess Emina’s natal family, Qatar, took the lead in preparing sufficient funds, and I have already made money...

 I am the leader of the mercenaries, this is my job! "

After speaking, Qiao Jia reached out and patted Jino on the head, who had changed into a suit and tried to pretend to be an adult, and said with a smile: "Go and take Igor with you, let's go to the bottom of the mountain..."


When Boss Qiao appeared on the lawn below the manor with a group of children and announced to the media that P.B. would accept employment from the United Nations and go to the Canadian S zone to carry out humanitarian relief...

 Hundreds of media outlets collectively fell into silence, and then burst into warm applause!

Many of these media outlets received orders and came to make a fuss, hoping to make Boss Qiao step into the quagmire.

 In the end, none of them performed well, and Boss Qiao made the decision himself!

The current situation is very weird. Someone has set up a trap in S and wants P·B to step into it.

Terrorists are setting fire to fire, and people from the United Nations are inviting...

 For a time, adding P·B to S actually became a kind of political correctness, and even Israel, which should have had the strongest reaction, did not say anything.

Wallace, an acquaintance of the reporter, raised his hand with concern and shouted: "Sir, do you have any plans for the follow-up work?

The war in Yemen is not over yet. Are you sure you are ready?

 The issue of the S-zone is very complex. What preparations have you made? "

Qiao Jia held Isabel in front of many media, shook his head and said: "I'm not ready!

But there are no perfect preparations in this world! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at Gemma beside him and said with a smile: "I am honored to be trusted by a group of kind people!

 I believe that my buddy will have the same idea as me!

We will go to that place with a heart to protect the beauty. I am not sure what the final result will be. I just want my children to know that their dad has done his best for the world!

 Even if I can only change a little bit, it is worth it to me! "

 (End of this chapter)

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