From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1289: stuck in it

 Chapter 1289: Stuck in it

The press conference held by Boss Qiao with his children quickly spread to the Internet...

This time, Boss Qiao stepped on the trap set by the other party, took advantage of the other party's open media control, and forced him into the trap, which drove a wave of traffic to Palestine.

 Palestine doesn’t require any teaching at all. They also have mobile phones and the Internet, and it’s not a hassle to register as a member of the PB video website.

While the attention of Europeans and Americans was being attracted, a large number of videos about the living conditions of Palestinians were posted on the Internet.

Honestly speaking, at this stage in 2019, people in the Canada S region were living in dire straits, but people in the West Bank were still living well, where the per capita GDP was US$5,600 a year...

 If you don’t look at the land area that they are gradually being squeezed out of, don’t consider their status as third-class citizens, ignore Israel’s atrocities of occupying water resources and farmland, and using the means of expropriating natural resources to continuously expel Palestinians…

 Putting aside the facts, the Palestinians in the West Bank are no worse off than Hezbollah next door, and they are much better off than the ordinary people under the rule of the Houthi armed forces in Yemen.

These things were used by the Jewish media, giving some people in the international community the illusion that Hamas is the party constantly looking for trouble...

 You see the people in the West Bank are living well, why can't you surrender?

I am even willing to let some Palestinians obtain Israeli citizenship and let them participate in politics. What else do you want?

 Let alone Europeans and Americans, there are even some people in Palestine who have this idea.

 This is where Israel’s political skills are sophisticated. Supporting Hamas and dividing the Palestinians can be used as a reason to deny the legitimacy of the Palestinian state.

Supporting an organization that is hell-bent on the destruction of Israel sounds like you are out of your mind...

 But in fact, as long as Hamas maintains this idea, Israel will have reason to refuse negotiations and refuse to recognize the existence of the Palestinian state.

 This method is all too familiar to any Chinese who understands modern history!

In the past, Palestinians didn’t even have a place to talk. Only Al Jazeera would pay attention to them and help them shout out a few words.

 But after Boss Qiao brought traffic and opened the network platform, the situation began to gradually change.

 No one wants to be treated like an animal that can be driven around at will...

Some Palestinians posted a video complaining that their house was occupied...

 Someone posted a video complaining that the Israeli police used concrete to block Palestinian wells...

A teacher posted a video complaining that Israeli police harassed and intimidated students at the school...

The fishermen in Canada showed off their small fishing boats riddled with bullets to accuse the Israeli navy of atrocities.

 The girl with S stood on the ruins of her home, crying bitterly and asking, "I'm only 14 years old, what should I do?" ’

The Israelites treated the Gazans like livestock and trapped them in a small place. Then whenever they felt they needed it, they would hypocritically notify them, "I'm coming to blow up your house. I'll give you 30 minutes." Run away...'

Support Hamas, and then portray Hamas as a terrorist organization that does all evil, allowing the Israelis to commit atrocities without any hesitation.

These accusations from the people in the occupied territories have not been able to awaken the sympathy of all Europeans and Americans in a short period of time, but they have made everyone in the world feel the same...

 In just three days, the European and American media that had been promoting the need for peace in Canada suddenly shut up collectively. The famous Zuckerberg directly banned content about Palestine on Facebook...

Those Jewish media underestimated the spreadability of the P·B video website. They felt that the people here were all crazy women and a bunch of militant rednecks.

 But they just ignore that these "crazy women" happen to be the most combative group of people on the Internet, and they are also the most left-wing group of people.

And those right-wing red-necks are the most disgusted with Jewish rich people!

Of all the online media in the world, perhaps only P·B’s video website can bring these two groups of people together and make them live in peace.

 When hundreds of pieces of solid evidence are posted online and begin to spread, no one can turn a blind eye.

Central African President François reiterated Resolution 2334 passed in 2016 at the United Nations General Assembly.

Then he not only held up his mobile phone while playing the video while yelling at the Israeli representatives, but also initiated a new resolution at the same time...

 The content is to ask the International Criminal Court to use international law as the standard to judge whether the occupation of land in the West Bank by Israel is legal.

This was completely beyond those people's expectations. They never expected that Boss Qiao would not go to JiaS immediately, but his first move would come so fast and slap them in the face, and they would have to slap themselves in the face...

François is completely proud this time, because he has completely detonated public opinion.

 A large number of Arab immigrants began to take to the streets to support the Central African president who had no presence in the past.

 They blocked in front of the United Nations building, shouting slogans while waiting for the outcome of the resolution.

 At this period, Israel's propaganda caliber was still superior in the traditional media, because with the beacon of Hamas, they felt that everything they did had a justifiable reason...

What? If a woman dies, then she is a woman...

What? If the child died, then he was a teenage Hams...

What? The child who died was only five years old. Well, I have to slow down for a moment. Maybe you saw it wrong. It was a dwarf Hams disguised as a child... These propaganda methods have been unfavorable in the past, but this time they are trying to push Boss Qiao to enter the country. He took the initiative to tear open the trap.

 When they came to their senses, they suddenly discovered that the hole had been torn quite a bit!

It’s not that the so-called big shots are not smart enough. In fact, they have abundant resources and the power of their circles is extremely huge.

But there is a problem with this group of people that cannot be said to be a problem, and that is that they are relatively conservative. As the saying goes, they will not shed tears until they see the coffin...

 They are always skeptical of new things until their existing strengths and resources prove useless.

Even though they have suffered a loss in online media and allowed Big Mouth Tang to ascend to the throne, it has not made them less dependent on traditional media.

These high-ranking big shots never thought that Boss Qiao's first punch would actually be delivered through Central Africa!

 What made them even more angry was that the resolution initiated by François was actually passed with 83 votes in favor, 24 votes against, and 54 abstentions!

At the call of Francois, the poor friends of Afika stood up hand in hand to vote, and then Brazil, the South American representative, also stood up to vote. For the first time, the Shah and Iran stood on the same side, and the Gulf Alliance was all over. vote…

 A new resolution is born!

Although Israel has not joined the International Criminal Court as a member state at all, and subsequent ICC investigation statements are of no use to them, the opposition votes cast by the United States, Britain, France and Germany are like a slap in the face of 'European and American human rights' on the face…

Those people asked Boss Qiao to drive up the traffic. Now they want to turn around and suppress it, but they can no longer suppress it!

Just as Boss Qiao was mobilizing his troops to coordinate resources and strength and preparing to go to Gas, the extremist terrorist organization in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula issued a statement...

“As long as P·B keeps his promise, we will leave the Sinai Peninsula and go to Tripoli, Libya!”

Egypt is very happy. Since Mubarak stepped down, the Sinai Peninsula has become a playground for terrorists...

In the early days, it was just an extremist organization organized by some Palestinians to regain Jerusalem. Later, the remnants of Isis, extremists from Afghanistan, and displaced lunatics from Syria all began to gather in the Sinai Peninsula under the banner of Al Qaeda...

Egypt used to live a good life guarding the Suez Canal, but when terrorists interfered with it, the situation became a little bad...

The Sinai Peninsula is just on the east side of the Suez Canal. If this maritime transportation artery is missing by half, the benefits will be greatly reduced.

 Egypt has spent too much energy on the Sinai Peninsula and always suffered losses. Several tourists were killed and injured in succession, causing Egypt's tourism industry to suffer a heavy blow...

Now that this group of terrorists are actually willing to evacuate on their own initiative, Egypt certainly hopes that P·B will pass as soon as possible.

Looking at the statement issued by the terrorists, the Egyptian authorities simply announced that they could set aside an area near El-Arish, a city close to the Gaza Strip, for P·B to establish a temporary base to facilitate them to protect the safety of United Nations humanitarian relief personnel and supplies.

In order to get Boss Qiao to add S, the whole world is really trying hard...

 There is an invisible force controlling the transfer of Al Qaeda...

Once Boss Qiao was trapped in Canada, al-Qaeda in Yemen, which was besieged and suppressed, would immediately relax. Al-Qaeda in Tripoli, Libya, would immediately form a three-legged situation with the National Army and the militia government.

The terrorist organizations in northern Afica can also feel a little more relaxed because of this. This group of people is facing the squeeze of the Great Green Wall plan and is already breathless. Now the part of them that does not have a fixed territory is also moving towards Mali, Chad's direction rallied.

The French military leaders in Chad have issued multiple warnings and strongly requested P·B to fulfill its responsibilities as an ally and transfer back all the fighter jets that are still fighting fiercely with the Turkish Air Force in the safe zone to help defend the Chadian military base.

  It really affected the whole body. P·B’s team did not start, and the whole world fell into a strange atmosphere.

The United States wants to put pressure on Israel to let Kalpin take the lead, or to let Israel find a way to make friends.

France, the country with the largest number of Jews and Arab immigrants in Europe and the most frequent terrorist attacks, encountered serious obstacles in Chad and began to require P.B. to fulfill its responsibilities as an ally. At the same time, it also began to seek a greater voice on the Great Green Wall project. right.

The Turkish Air Force suddenly gave up the high-intensity ‘exercise’ with the P·B Air Force, and even the captured pilots temporarily gave up, just to give enough space for the P·B Air Force to retreat back to Afika.

The funniest thing is that when Boss Qiao asked the Middle Eastern countries not to just talk, but to collectively exert actual pressure on Israel in order to facilitate the request of P.B. to take root in the Sinai Peninsula, no government gave a clear response.

However, a few friends of the prince made it clear that if you want money, give money, and if you want weapons, give weapons...

Boss Qiao understands their approach and is grateful for the private assistance provided by several prince friends and supporters behind them, but he feels that the Arab world is really hopeless.

 Every family has its own demands, and every family is making its own calculations...

 Boss Qiao tried his best to temporarily push the situation to a very favorable position, but these people in the Middle East are still limited by the needs of their own interests and cannot give clear political support.

This is not their fault, they also need to be responsible for their own people, and the Palestinians have done many things badly in the past few decades.

  Killed a president of Egypt, had a falling out with Jordan, and even had Hamas traditional performers play...

 They are being played by Israeli politicians like puppets on strings, and they can't find a way to break the situation!

 Now that Boss Qiao is deeply involved, he suddenly finds that the situation is ten times more complicated than he imagined...

 (End of this chapter)

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