From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1292: Preparation

Chapter 1292 Preparations

 Sinai Al-Arish…

Chris stood on the barge dock and watched a dozen barges on the sea slowly lining up to dock...

The mayor of El-Arish City, Eshin, the Vice President of Egypt, and several military generals stood behind Chris.

Chris is also a well-known figure in the Arab world. This guy is in charge of the humanitarian channel business in Iraq. At this stage, the business is completely stable. He is more popular in the Middle East than the President of the United States.

It's a pity that the profits of the humanitarian channel are not very high. Chris, the guy who gets dividends, cannot raise 1 billion euros in a short time to marry Gami.

As a result, Boss Qiao wandered around the Philippines and found a way to make more money.

So Galci strongly recommended his son Chris to go to Southeast Asia, vowing to fight for his life to wipe out online fraud companies and let his son Chris make a lot of money there.

Chris came to Egypt just to help Boss Joe negotiate a few business deals. After that, he would rush to the Philippines.

He is an intelligence broker and is well versed in all kinds of international transfers and payments. He is very suitable for the job of robbing and defrauding his big brothers.

The Princess Royal also raided pirate and opposition bases in the Philippines. At the same time, it used its contract with the Philippines to fight against the pirate tycoon Faiz while expanding its influence and stabilizing the surrounding waters of the purchased islands.

The American aircraft carrier fleet ran away, and another Arleigh Burke-class destroyer was damaged by bombing in the Philippine Sea.

 Now the "Princess" is equipped with 6 Griffin-1s and is invincible around the Philippine Sea!

Chris can’t wait to go there and feel the feeling of holding absolute force in his hands.

Boss Joe’s time in the Philippines is too tight, and it is far from being an instant success. Chris’s task is to deepen the scope of the attack and attract a group of high-level Filipinos.

High -profile things are low -key, and make P. B's reputation. After winning the trust of some countries, you can enter Thailand through the name of anti -drugs, and find an old mother to cooperate into the Golden Triangle.

  P·B's team is even ready to enter the Golden Triangle...

The retired Lao Du regained his second youth in Sangha Town. With more than a hundred ordinary soldiers, he suddenly achieved good results in the top three in the offensive and defensive competition.

 What big country T1 and what kind of international brigade are all inoperable!

This veteran leader, who had participated in ten years of battles, used various bizarre and even eliminated tactics in this type of exercise battle, which generally had low technological content but very fierce firepower, to defeat the teams led by T1 from the big powers. of shredded…

The old guy led the team for more than a month and won a bronze medal. Even his hair began to turn black, and he felt a bit like a child again. This scared his wife, who was afraid that this old man would grow up in Afika. New flowers bloom.

 Finally unable to persuade him, the old woman hugged the old man’s thigh and settled down in Sangha Town.

Now the old man was very proud of himself. He persuaded two restless old guys from the cooking class to build a powerful assault company according to Hua's establishment. He was just waiting for Boss Qiao to give the order to go to the Golden Triangle to follow the people. The war started.

Chris is the one who plays the front line...

This was originally supposed to be Boss Qiao’s job, but unfortunately a video from a United Nations volunteer completely disrupted Boss Qiao’s schedule.

But this also gave Chris a chance...

This guy was very high-spirited now. When he saw Lao Zhu leading a group of energetic bodyguards from the Pakistani special forces and a large group of technicians off the ship, he turned to face the Vice President of Egypt and the mayor of El-Arish, Essien, and smiled. Said: "Look, that's the construction team I'm talking about...

The technicians there will look for a suitable location in the north, and then start building a natural gas power plant and a solar power plant. At the same time, as long as you are willing to provide enough land, our boss will also provide solar charging panels that can cover 300,000 hectares of desert. .

 The electricity provided by solar power plants and photovoltaic panels will all be supplied to El-Arish, while the electricity produced by natural gas power plants will be supplied to the S-zone.

 These are several major projects, and the technical construction team we hired promises to complete them within half a year! "

As he spoke, Chris looked at Elish Mayor Essien and said with a smile: "All construction funds will be borne by P.B. You only need to provide land, and most of it is desert land that you think is useless! "

After hearing this, Essien rubbed his hands and said a little uneasily: "Is it really okay?"

After hearing this, Chris pointed to the barge carrying the Stryker armored vehicle in the distance, and said with a smile: "As long as you sign a contract with P.B., then everything is possible."

While Chris was talking, a Stryker with a lion's head painted on it drove down from a docked barge...

 This is the P·B combined battalion that was withdrawn from the battlefield in Yemen!

General Group has upgraded its Stryker armored vehicles by two generations in accordance with the battlefield situation in Yemen, and is competing for new orders from the US military. It is now in the verification stage.

The first two batches of synthetic battalion armored vehicles modified by P·B have been "scrapped" and disposed of by P·B, and Boss Qiao brought over the "processed products" that have become familiar to the soldiers, just to have a stock outside the plus S that is enough to make them more capable. The power that everyone faces.

And these are not all. As long as the base on the Sinai Peninsula is roughly formed, the rainbow drones and missiles sponsored by Shah Dewali will be shipped over. At the same time, anti-aircraft missiles will be shipped over, and they will be front-line air defense systems and long-range The area denial of the air defense system partner refers to the air defense system.

These are not the equipment that the United Nations should have...

The Vice President of Egypt looked at the armored vehicle and then at the barges on the sea in the distance. He stared and said: "What we promise is to provide you with a base so that you can assist the United Nations volunteers in conducting humanitarian operations in the Caribbean Sea." Rescue…”

Chris smiled and said: "Sir, how can you guarantee that the terrorists hiding in the Sinai Peninsula will keep their promises?

Our boss feels that in order to ensure that those terrorists are driven out of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt should sign a military contract with us. If those terrorists do not keep their promises, we can urge them to fulfill their promises! "

When the Egyptian Vice President heard this, he was surprised and said: "P·B wants to bypass the United Nations contract?"

Chris spread his hands and said: "But the United Nations has not clearly stipulated that we can only accept one contract...

 sir, power plants are just the beginning!

As long as Egypt is willing to cooperate closely with us, the Sinai Peninsula may not encounter Israeli harassment in the future, and the addition of refugees will no longer be a problem for Egypt.

 We all know that there are many children who have escaped from society wandering in Egypt. Their difficult situation is like fuel, which will constantly stimulate the flames of hatred.

This is not just for Israel, it is actually the same for you!

Let me give you a number. Our boss has fed and supported more than 200,000 children and teenagers in Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Central Africa, and Congo.

 He is determined to take control of the Palestinian children wandering in Egypt, right in this desert..."

As he spoke, Chris looked at the technicians who started wandering around after getting off the ship. He smiled and said: "Sir, sign a contract with P.B. We will ensure the safety of the Sinai Peninsula and will not take you away. anything."

Al-Arish Mayor Essien directly passed over the Vice President and said with some excitement: "What do you want?"

Chris spread his hands and said: "What do you think?

Our boss didn’t come here entirely voluntarily, but I remember one of his words very clearly...

 He said that people should always do something meaningful in their life...

Maybe Egypt will be under some pressure when it signs a contract with us, but I think compared to the visible gains, you should be able to understand and support our boss’s ideas! "

Alish Mayor Essien looked at the Stryker armored vehicles that were starting to land one after another, and the main body of a large airship. He nodded slightly and said, "I think it's okay..."

As he spoke, Essien looked at the Vice President and said seriously: "Sir, I think it is okay. The terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula do not keep their promises. We should hire P.B. to attack and drive them away...

 And I think we can give P·B a certain degree of freedom and support on a humanitarian level! "

Chris nodded and said with a smile: "Actually, P·B is willing to cooperate with the Egyptian military if you are willing.

Our Synthetic Camp project is still far behind the most advanced synthetic camps in the world at this stage, but we have enough experience in primary digital transformation.

  If you are willing to send troops to cooperate, we are happy to help with training and carry out a certain degree of modification of your existing armor equipment. "

As he spoke, Chris pointed to the armored vehicles that were disembarking and said, "I don't know how long our boss will stay here, but I know that my boss brought them here and has no intention of taking them away."

Several people from the Egyptian military clearly understood the hint. One of the colonels said excitedly: "That's a Stryker armored vehicle, a battalion. Are you kidding me?"

Chris spread his hands and said with a smile: “There will be drones coming soon, and if you are willing to take a look at the price, you will find that it is really cheap.

 Then you will know what the real king of war is like! "


Like a fallen leaf, Qiao Jia was protected by the human wall formed by Dorian and others, riding the wind and waves in the crowd...

 It’s really crowded!

If it weren’t for the Hamas people to force the way ahead, Qiao Jialian wouldn’t even be able to get out of S Pier!

The high-frequency publicity in the past period has accumulated too much expectations for Canadians!

As Kaman said, for people in desperate situations, a little change can make a big impression on them.

When Boss Qiao directed the water purification ship at the pier to spray clean water into the sky with a high-pressure water gun, saying that it was his gift, the tens of thousands of people gathered around the pier began to boil like boiling water...

Under the protection of everyone, Qiao Jia walked nearly a kilometer with difficulty before he was able to get into a car sent by the United Nations.

Then he looked at TC wearing a United Nations uniform, sighed helplessly and said: "TC, your fiancée Gemma is a big shot now, and Alicia has always been dissatisfied with you!

If I were you, I would drag her to get married instead of going to this ghost place to show love...

 Are Médecins Sans Frontières so idle? "

TC As a model of soft food but hard work, he said nonchalantly: "Boss, you said it yourself, you should always do something meaningful in your life.

 You should go to the hospital, they have what I think are some of the bravest people in the world...

 I am very lucky to be able to become colleagues with them! "

 (End of this chapter)

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