From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1293: madness versus madness

 Chapter 1293 Madness vs. Madness

TC, as a Doctors Without Borders, is not actually managed by the United Nations.

However, he has a reputation in the "wild medicine community", and his fiancée is now a boss of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Currently, the most important relief agency in Canada, the Near East Refugee Relief and Works Agency, is managed by Gemma Alexander.

 So when you go to any United Nations agency that is in a war, TC can get a United Nations vest.

 And honestly speaking, TC, a guy from the airborne rescue team, is indeed a very good surgeon.

  After the boss entered the hospital, Memnon and Kuba took two teams of bats to guard the door of the hospital.

The slightly fanatical crowd around them, as well as the vague militants not far away, made Memnon and Kuba look extremely nervous.

In fact, the people in Hamas were even more nervous than they were, because it was Hams that was the first to invite P.B. to come and join S to protect the United Nations rescue workers.

 Once Boss Qiao encounters a problem in adding S, the first person to be unlucky will be Hams.

Originally, the current leader of Hams, Tahdi, wanted to greet Boss Qiao as a representative, but Boss Qiao’s approach disappointed him. The people from P.B. did not have any contact with Hams, but chose to talk to him. United Nations representatives communicate.

When P·B came up, he took a water purification ship and a hospital ship as gifts, but did not contact Hams. This clearly shows that he does not trust them.

This makes the top management of Hams represented by Tahdi very disappointed!

However, the current top leader Tahdi did not give up, and while having his people place tight guards around, he went around to the back of the hospital, preparing to sneak in quietly to avoid the public's sight, and meet with Boss Qiao in a low-key manner.

Tahdi was deeply shocked by what happened in Jerusalem two days ago and the synthetic camp that landed in El-Arish yesterday.

 The Canadian S person does not live in a vacuum, he still understands the outside world.

 This is the first time someone has responded to the call from Palestine in this way...

It is no longer purely a humanitarian form, no longer just rhetoric, but a real investment of huge military power and political resources.

Relying on the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Trusteeship Office, a security center was established near the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The double-standard performance of P·B soldiers can be regarded as a disguised form of siding.

The landing of the synthetic battalion at El-Arish represents a huge military investment, which clearly expresses Boss Qiao’s determination to do things.

In addition, early this morning, the United Nations announced that it would withdraw its peacekeeping troops from the Golan Heights within three weeks. Anyone who pays a little attention to the surrounding situation should understand that Boss Qiao had already completed the attack on Israel before he came to Canada. A political raid.

This is the reason why Boss Qiao came to Canada and was welcomed by the locals.

However, it is obvious that Boss Qiao’s goodwill towards the Palestinians does not extend to Hams.

 As the top leader of Hamas, Tahdi first received a hint from Qatar, and secondly, he really needed to find a way out.

 Because the current situation of adding S is a dead end, a dead end that cannot be broken through!

 Popular sentiment within the S was unstable, and many people turned to Mossad for a living, providing them with intelligence to attack their compatriots.

The influence of the more extreme Jihad within Hamas is growing!

  The conditions attached to external support and assistance for Hamas are becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.

 Most of the surrounding Arab countries, led by the XN faction, are becoming less and less patient with Palestine.

Compared to Tahedi’s anxiety, Boss Qiao acted very relaxed...

 He visited the hospital and held a symposium with a group of UN medical volunteers and Doctors Without Borders...

 The first day was spent giving gifts. No matter what the doctors wanted, Qiao Jia nodded without exception.

 There are 29 medical institutions assisted by the United Nations in Canada. They need diesel generators, solar panels, electronic equipment, medical equipment, medicine...

These doctors from all over the world made many requests, but they did not complain to Boss Qiao about the lack of manpower.

 There are now more than 1,000 doctors and more than 2,000 locally trained nurses in Canada, and the number of consultations a year is 2.3 million...

With such a small amount of manpower and material resources, the infant mortality rate in Canada is half lower than that in the United States, that is, 22 infants will die for every 100,000 pregnant women.

What’s even more outrageous is that in a small place like S, there are actually 300 schools at all levels, allowing nearly 300,000 children to complete basic education, and there are even two universities in operation.

95% of these schools are connected to the Internet and e-learning systems, and the ratio of teachers to students is much higher than that in Afica.

And now the United Nations manages 8 refugee camps in the Canadian Strip, managing nearly 300,000 Palestinians who have become refugees on their own land.

 With the situation of plus S and the leadership of Hams, this is impossible to do!

 Many people say that the United Nations is useless. In fact, the United Nations is indeed unable to prevent wars, and there are many problems such as bureaucracy and corruption. But you must admit that the United Nations is indeed making extraordinary efforts in the humanitarian field.

Those United Nations front-line volunteers and peacekeeping forces suffer a large number of casualties every year, but there are still some who never look back...

 The existence of the United Nations may not make the world a better place, but their existence can make the world less bad.

 Qiao Jia has always learned about Jia S through information, but after seeing it on the spot, he looked at it from an outsider's perspective. What he saw was a twisted prison with a harsh living environment. No matter how hard the people in the United Nations try, there is no hope at all, so hatred continues to spread.

 Qiao Jia ended the discussion at the hospital, then said goodbye to the doctors and prepared to go to other places to see...

As a result, when he walked to the back door of the hospital and wanted to avoid the crowd at the front entrance and go somewhere else in a low-key manner, a woman at the front desk suddenly dropped the phone and cried loudly, and then sounded the alarm inside the hospital...

When Qiao Jia frowned and wanted to ask what happened, Tahdi from Hamas suddenly appeared with more than a dozen people. The middle-aged man with a gray beard said nervously: "It's Israelis." Bombing notice, sir, come with me and I will take you to a safe place..."

After hearing this, Qiaojia glanced at Tahdi and the people around him, shook his head in disappointment and said: "It's not safe for me to go with you...

I know that you are from Hamas. Now please leave here. If you are here, it will be unreasonable for me to launch self-defense. "

TC rushed to Qiaojia from the front desk. He glanced at Tahdi with a frown, and then said in a deep voice to Qiaojia: "Boss, the Israelis announced that they will bomb the hospital in 30 minutes. They said There are terrorists here…

 HMS’s top management is like a sieve, we cannot go with them, we must leave here immediately! "

Qiao Jia nodded with a smile and said: "Of course, I was bombed with them, and I don't even have a place to reason."

As he spoke, Joga looked at Tahdi, who had a heavy face, and said in a deep voice: "Sir, I sympathize with the suffering of the Palestinians, and I can even understand some of Ham's ideas, but please leave here...

 I don’t know who you are, but please don’t come to me again until you are sure that the people around you are OK. "

Joga This is a clear indication that there is something wrong with the people around Tahdi...

It’s not surprising that Israel wants Boss Qiao dead, but they would never dare to do it blatantly under the current situation, so they need a reason...

 Staying with the leader of Hamas is the best reason!

 Because according to the United Nations, Boss Qiao should not have contact with the Hamas people at all, because his mission is to protect United Nations staff and assist in the implementation of humanitarian construction.

  He came as a mercenary. In order to protect the safety of United Nations personnel and property, he had a valid reason for everything he did. But when he was with Hams, it became unreasonable for him to fight back.

 Tahedi understood Boss Qiao’s meaning instantly, but he was very unfavorable to Boss Qiao’s so-called ‘counterattack’…

"Sir, I understand what you mean, but I still hope you can leave. We have underground fortifications nearby that can ensure your safety. I can ask everyone to stay and take you there myself."

Joga ignored Tahdi's words. He turned around and pressed the communicator and said, "Tony, did you find anything?"

“Boss, an F-16 has taken off from Hazerem Air Force Airport. The direction is plus S. It will enter the attack position in about 5 minutes...”

Qiaojia looked at the hospital that suddenly became chaotic. He said in a very calm tone: "Send a message to the Israeli side and say that we will resolutely reject terrorist attacks on the personnel and facilities of the United Nations hospital in Canada." .

 Record all the details and bring their plane down for me..."


 After speaking, Qiao Jia took out the satellite phone and dialed Cobra...

“Cobra, let all the fighter jets take off and remove all the Israeli outposts on the Golan Heights.”

 After notifying Cobra, Joga searched in the phone book and dialed Sumani’s number in Iran…

 “Hello, Jackal!”

“I will ask people to knock down the Israeli outposts on the Golan Heights. I need Iranian militiamen to go up. Can you do it?”

"Jackal, you are taking a risk. All your power is in the open. The Israelites will not give up..."

Qiaojia sneered and said: "Putting your strength in the open can avoid many fearless provocations. There are many people in this world who want me dead. Do I have to hide all the time?"

Qiao Jia said something suddenly occurred to him, and he smiled and said: "If your militia captures prisoners, hand them over to the Syrian side and let them send the occupying forces to prisons in the safe zone.

 I want to see when I can fill that prison! "

After speaking, Qiao Jia hung up the phone. He watched a little boy pulling two younger girls, walking barefoot through the busy hospital looking for his family...

 He simply walked to the entrance of the hospital, sat down in an out-of-the-way place, and then looked up at the sky...

 The bombing itself was expected by Boss Qiao, but it came so quickly and came directly towards the hospital, which still made him a little angry and incredible.

Looking at the dazzling bilingual Arabic and English text messages on the mobile phone that Dorian handed over, Qiao took a deep breath and said, "Elephant, will I look particularly stupid if I stay here and don't leave?"

Dorian sat down next to Boss Qiao with an indifferent expression and said with a smile: "Boss, in the eyes of some people, all bravery before success is foolish.

 Adding S is a trap. If we step into it on our own initiative, can we still turn around and run away? "

While the two were talking, a magazine suddenly opened under the unmanned airship suspended in the sky south of Rafah Port, and 6 of the world's most advanced anti-radiation missiles were launched...

 (End of this chapter)

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