From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1294: $100 million

Chapter 1294 One hundred million US dollars

All anti-radiation missile prototypes of P·B are the most advanced models from the old mother...

Less than 10 seconds after the six missiles were released, an F-16 that broke into northern Canada exploded in the air and then plunged into the sea in the west.

 A few minutes later, the Israeli Patriot air defense position in the S column on the east side of the Rafah border port turned on the fire control radar and began to illuminate the unmanned airship in the sky.

 Countless radio waves circulated in the air, and about fifteen minutes later, a Patriot missile was fired from Israeli territory into Egyptian airspace.

The unmanned airship definitely had no chance to evade, but after confirming that the opponent had launched missiles, the airship immediately launched the remaining nine anti-radiation missiles in the cabin...

Immediately afterwards, the unmanned airship was hit and fell in the air, and then the anti-aircraft position in the S column suffered a fierce blow...

 9 anti-radiation missiles destroyed the radar of the Israeli ground air defense battalion, leaving an air defense hole on their border.

Just when the Israeli border troops were asking the rear for instructions on how to act, a Stryker synthetic battalion produced by American General Group pressed to a place 15 kilometers away from the border.

 Except for some special forces, most of Israel’s current army are not good at it. They have no problem beating the ground with advanced weapons, but they dare not compete with the combined battalion.

Facing the combined battalion that appeared 15 kilometers away, deserters actually appeared at an outpost in the S column...

These grassroots soldiers with a monthly salary of 500 yuan don’t even know who the enemy is!


Just when the border soldiers were at a loss, two new unmanned airships slowly took off...

One flew over the Rafah Port and the other flew to the coast on the west side of Gas, forming a triangular formation with the unmanned airship that originally entered Gas with Boss Qiao.

The combat effectiveness of unmanned airships is very low. Facing countries like Israel, they can be easily shot down.

  But the unit price of 3 million US dollars, whether it is to replace a fighter jet or an air defense position, gives Boss Qiao the confidence to spend the rest of his life with Israel.

This time the bombing was clearly a plan, and they wanted to mix Boss Qiao and Hams to kill him, so that the Israeli side could find a way to clear their names.

Only the far-right people in the Lebanese group with brain problems can come up with such an extreme method.

But this just meets Boss Qiao’s needs!

He has already joined forces, but Israel does not take action, which makes it inconvenient for him to do many things.

 This is just the beginning…

 Because it was never the Lebanese group that wanted him to step into Canada, but people from the United States, which even included some so-called Jewish elite groups.

They want to use the specific form of plus S to involve Boss Joe, including the core strength of the entire P.B., in plus S, but there must be no options like assassination or bombing!

Because Boss Qiao has proven his ability to retaliate. He has proven that he may not be able to kill an interest group, but he can destroy individuals within it.

Using the media to put pressure on others, urging Boss Qiao to join S, and using the Kalpin incident to cooperate with Boss Qiao's "unreasonable demands" to put extreme pressure on Israel...

Even turning a blind eye to Boss Qiao’s deployment of the Stryker synthesis battalion from Yemen, all this is to trap Boss Qiao in Canada...

They want to take advantage of the unique hatred of Plus S to draw P·B into the whirlpool of the Middle East, and then use their control over the media to slowly dissolve the high-quality image that Boss Qiao has built over the past many years.

 When the justice of P·B is eliminated, the traffic on Boss Qiao will naturally be eliminated, and then those people can use the methods within the rules without any scruples.

Those people have had enough of Boss Joe wielding the political correctness stick they created and causing trouble for them from the moral high ground.

This action of the far-right Li Keqiang Group made these people very unhappy and angry, because once Boss Qiao is injured or dies, the last people to be buried with him will be the group of people who are now in power and call the shots.

When Tony, who was in the temporary camp of El-Arish, posted the video of the S-column air raid on the hospital, the photos of the panicked doctors and patients escaping in panic, and the dazzling text message...

Before netizens had time to react, Montana Senator John Fick, a member of the Senate National Security Pillar Group, took the lead in calling Netanya and yelling...

Then the senator looked at the dead horse in his vacation farm and his daughter who was holding the horse's neck and crying bitterly. He called his bodyguards and took his family and hurriedly evacuated the vacation farm in a bulletproof vehicle.

 The actions of Li Kide Group gave them another red card foul!

Now Boss Joe plus Tom Reed, plus retired Secretary of State Steven, the three of them control 18 seats in the House of Representatives, plus the support of Alicia, who is in the final stage of the Attorney General, and the Pentagon Brotherhood. help…

Of course they are still at a disadvantage, but Boss Qiao can at least let the domestic institutions in the United States run their business.

You try to kill me with extra moves, that’s okay, I can do the same!

And this time you can no longer use the entire power of the country to protect yourself, that is, you are dead. No one will desperately use the power of the United States to investigate and sanction.

This is the biggest disadvantage of foul play. Whether it is politicians or those at the top of the pyramid, when they lose the protection of the system, the cost of anyone attacking them will be minimized, and they will become extremely vulnerable.

Political struggle is cruel. You can throw dirty water on your opponent on TV or even greet your opponent’s mother without any responsibility.

 But once you try to physically eliminate your opponent, then sorry, if the opponent counterattacks and kills your whole family, you can't blame the FBI for being passive.

For example, if this John Fick is killed...

According to normal practice, the consequences of killing a senator are unimaginable. As long as the murderer is identified, the United States will do whatever it takes to bring the murderer to justice, without considering the causes and consequences of the matter.

 But now that protection is gone because they themselves committed a foul 'again'!

As the bulletproof sedan drove onto the interstate, Senator John Fick saw a few homeless people standing at the intersection holding a sign...

"ISEEYOU!!" The fat senator ignored his daughter's complaints. He slapped the backrest of the driver's seat hard and shouted: "Speed ​​up, speed up..."

As he spoke, John Fick took out his phone and dialed, shouting: "FUCK, tell that son of a **** Netanya to stop..."


Just when John Fike lost control, 20 'Storm Shadows' broke through the radar detection of the Golan Heights. 15 of them accurately hit 12 S-column border posts, and the remaining Five missiles hit an army camp…

The Israeli army, accustomed to being arrogant, never imagined that anyone would dare to air raid their camps and border posts, let alone that their opponents would use weapons that were more advanced than them.

The range of Storm Shadow allowed Cobra and the others to avoid the surveillance of air defense radars, and the Israelis had no idea what was happening...

However, the Israelis are not at a disadvantage. They don’t know who the enemy is. But if the Golan Heights is attacked, it is definitely right to attack Damascus in Syria first.

As a result, two scrambled F-35s were equipped with terminally sensitive bombs and were preparing to enter Syria to bomb Damascus Airport. Two Su-27s suddenly lowered their altitude from the clouds and bit them.

With no night cover in broad daylight, plus an unmanned airship floating over Syria as a low-profile early warning aircraft, even the F-35 is not easy to use...

There is no fancy operation at all. After analyzing the radar signal of the F-35, the unmanned airship released 8 rounds of the P·B version of the PL-16 anti-radiation missile.

The F-35 bitten by the missile desperately released electronic jamming and thermal bombs to try to get rid of the missile. This operation gave the Cobra and Archerfish a chance...

Two medium-range air-to-air missiles hit the embarrassed F-35, causing them to crash on the outskirts of Damascus.

When locals in Damascus stood next to the F-35 corpse holding a manure fork, declaring that justice would prevail, and taking photos for the Internet...


Ammar, who was far away in Lebanon, looked at the photos on his mobile phone, pointed at several old-fashioned Hail rocket launchers not far away, and said to a senior Hezbollah executive wearing a black robe next to him: "Want to try it?

 The Israeli border post is a good target, I will send it to you this round. "


Sumani in Iraq looked at the intelligence handed over by his subordinates. After sighing, he closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said: "Notify our people to join the Syrian army to launch an attack on the Golan Heights.

 We have to compete with the Israeli side for time...

 Remember, our target is those soldiers, do not harm the Jews in the settlements, and hand them over to the UN peacekeeping forces that have not yet withdrawn..."


At the same time that Israel was fighting on all sides, a press conference was held in Nice far away in the town of Sangha...

 “One hundred million dollars!”

Nice raised a finger and said to the shocked media reporters in the audience: "My husband suffered a shameless bombing in Canada!

 He went there with a good vision, but someone wanted him dead.

 The bombing of the United Nations hospital is not a war, it is a terrorist attack!

My husband declined my request to come with him and decided to stick around, so I'm worried now!

 I don’t know how to help him, so…

 One hundred million dollars!

I don’t know who ordered the bombing of my husband, but I’m sure someone knows…

 Come to me with evidence and photos of your opponent’s death, and you can take $100 million from me! "

As she spoke, the MSL girl completely regained her original state during the bombing of Tobruk. She said in a straight and cold tone: "My husband is always keen on charity and bringing peace and beauty to the world." Those devastated places are keen to find smiles on the faces of those children...

 But I am not such a person. I am the devil bird of Tobruk. I have the right and obligation to protect my husband, even if I lose my life for it!

 The Israelites like to take revenge on individuals, so they will definitely get used to this!

 One hundred million dollars!

 This promise is valid until those who carry out the bombing die! "


"Do you believe me?"

The director of Jia S Hospital watched several local people put a young man who died due to interrupted surgery into a body bag. He looked at Qiao Jia and said bitterly: "Of course I believe you, but I still suggest Don’t stay in Plus S for too long…

I shouldn’t say it, but the Zionists are crazy and they will stop at nothing…”

Qiao Jia looked at the gloomy crowd. He stood on the steps in front of the hospital, looking across the street to the sea in the distance, and said: "Dean, in fact, what I am best at is dealing with madmen...

 Because I can use many methods to deal with madmen!

Methods that people cannot imagine, understand, and have never seen...

 Dean, please help me sort out the list of UN volunteers who died in Canada in the past 10 years. I want to sort out a list of perpetrators...

As long as there is video evidence...

Maybe we can’t do anything about them, but we can let the whole world know what they look like...

I believe there is justice in this world, and those who do bad things should be punished..."

 (End of this chapter)

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