From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1295: extreme pressure

Chapter 1295 Maximum Pressure

ˆThe sudden fighting around Israel caught the people of the Lek Group by surprise!

 People on the far right have brain problems. They are used to asking for everything from Palestine, and are used to the United States' favoritism towards Israel. These people are really capable of doing anything, and they are unscrupulous!

Netanya has an outstanding political mind, but in order to fight the left-wing factions and complete the formation of the government, he had to recruit far-right parties.

 At present, Israel's Finance Minister Smotry and Security Ministry's Gerver are representatives of the far right, and Smotry is the leader of the Zionist Party.

One of these two people is responsible for approving the settlement construction budget in the West Bank, and the other is responsible for leading a religious armed force of 2,000 people to carry out armed demolition.

Basically, every time Netanya's policies encounter obstacles, there will be a conflict at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it will always be the religious armed forces under Gweir who rush in, and then the police will move in to clear up the area. Anyway, every time someone is arrested They are all Palestinians.

 As soon as the conflict broke out, protests started, and stones were thrown at them, Gvir’s men started killing people!

The far right is the most unacceptable to the provocations of the United Nations and P.B. in Jerusalem, and it was they who launched the air strikes against Canada.

As a result, the air strike failed, and fighting broke out around Israel almost at the same time. This caught the people of the Leeds Group off guard and at the same time made them feel extremely angry.

Looking at Boss Qiao in the video standing at the door of the hospital, he kept comforting the crying United Nations volunteers, as well as a large number of wounded people who fled...

 People on the far right are starting to spit fire in their eyes...

Just when several military generals were roaring to kill Boss Qiao, Nice's $100 million reward was like a bucket of ice water poured on these people's heads.

 When P·B points his gun at individuals rather than S as a whole, these people are instinctively afraid.

The Israeli military has not had a salary increase in more than ten years. The monthly salary of an ordinary soldier of US$500 is nothing compared to the highest per capita income in the Middle East.

Given the character of the Jewish people, the level of corruption in the Israeli military is no less than that of the United States.

  What is the concept of one hundred million US dollars?

From now on, those involved in air raid command will have to sleep with one eye open!

After Netanya informed these people about the attitude of the United States, those whose lives were threatened felt like they had been stabbed in the butt, jumping up and yelling that they would declare war on P·B...

 And this is what the Israeli representative to the United Nations did...

This man holding a Bible and a deed, roared in court at an emergency meeting, saying that if everyone did not unite to punish P·B, they would be anti-Semitic...

 What this guy didn’t expect was that the “anti-Semitic” hat that had always been used in the past seemed to have lost its effect this time.

The Security Council simply ignored the guy’s rant and instead asked him why Israel bombed the UN compound.

The representative of the old mother even bluntly requested the International Criminal Court to investigate the matter...

Regardless of whether Israel recognizes the legal validity of the International Criminal Court or not, in addition to the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Trusteeship Commission, another international organization will send people into Jerusalem to investigate Israel under the protection of P.B. .

As for the $100 million bounty of the Devil Bird, well, it is extremely unserious to bring a woman with a bit of extreme behavior to the Security Council for discussion.

And Israel itself is an advocate of "open revenge" behavior. You must have experience in solving problems. At worst, you can arrange bodyguards for those people...

Years of smooth sailing have made these far-right Jews a little confused!

The United States is also facing the dual threat of the veteran Zionist Kalpin’s dirty bomb and nuclear bomb. Now they want to sanction P.B., which is supported by the five eldest brothers in the Security Council. This is purely out of their minds.

From a national level, the significance of the existence of Israel is to allow the United States to mediate the conflicts between Israel and the Middle East, so as to achieve low-cost political rule in the Middle East.

 Once upon a time, every time Israel went crazy, it was because of America’s father’s nod.

 It is a pity that the American electoral system has resulted in politicians being highly dependent on the media.

 Coupled with the Jewish political and financial groups rooted in the United States, as well as the continued growth of the Jewish lobbying group, the United States’ ability to control Israel has continued to decline since President Kennedy...

 But this does not mean that the United States is willing to give up its dominant position...

 In 2016, the United States abstained from voting on the resolution requiring Israel to return to its 1967 border. It was using international rules to restrict Israel's behavior and at the same time warning Israel...

Then the famous news happened that Israel summoned the American ambassador and cursed the black guy.

This caused an uproar at the time, and also made some people aware of the problem...

The development of the Jewish far-right is against the trend in modern society, but the operating mechanism of the Jewish community will naturally lead to the growth of right-wing groups...

I have talked before about why many wealthy people in Europe and the United States are keen to give themselves a fake reputation...

Due to the tireless propaganda of the Jews after World War II, anti-Semitism became a taboo, and it also allowed those capitalists to use their Jewish identity to give themselves a layer of protection.

 But this is only one of the reasons for the growth of the far right in the Jewish community. The deeper reason lies in the operating mechanism of the Jewish community.

 The best genetic scientists in the world are unable to find a common genetic characteristic among the Jews.

  In other words, the Jews are not a nation based on race, but a community formed based on cultural identity and economic interests.

It is easy to become a Jew, and after becoming a Jew, you can get lower borrowing interest rates from this community than outsiders.

 Jews have been keen on playing with money for thousands of years, and the most rudimentary form of making money is to rely on interest rate differences to make profits.

 The interest rates for borrowing and lending within the Jewish community are generally lower than those outside. This is reflected in modern society, that is, the Jewish people are able to obtain loans or investments at lower prices than those from the outside world from this closed community.

This makes it easier for new Jewish people to start a business than for outsiders. This is also the core reason why elites around the world are willing to move closer to the Jewish community.

  But the resources you want to obtain from the community are not unconditional. For a community without blood ties, if members want to be recognized, they need to undergo assessments such as loyalty tests.

Jewish groups classify members into 'loyal', 'valuable', 'hitchhikers' and 'rebels'. The first two can enjoy the resources within the community, while the latter two cannot enjoy any convenience. In order to show their 'loyalty' and 'worthiness', those elites tend to be very active and radical.

Most of this radicalism is reflected in protecting the Jewish community and Israel, and for this purpose they even do not hesitate to overdraw the country's interests!

 The more radical a person behaves, the easier it is for them to gain a higher status within the Jewish community!

 After decades of development, this rolling model of radical promotion has led to the spread of the far right.

 The Jews are not inherently smart as those books say. In fact, they are not even a nation in the broad sense that everyone understands, but an interest group.

Every time they develop and grow, they take advantage of the profit-seeking, power-seeking, arrogance, greed, and other evil parts of human nature that are highly elitist.

 They may be very powerful, but their wanderings for thousands of years are not without reason!

 And the Jewish community is not monolithic!

 Some of the Jewish bankers who joined Angsa in the early days pursued the path of neoliberal globalization.

 The Nazi characteristics displayed by the far right are the natural enemies of neoliberalism!

 The representatives of neoliberalism are the establishment wing of the Democratic Party, and the most prominent among the Jewish representatives is Solus.

This group of people is actually even more terrifying!

 Because what they pursue is financial globalization, which means that money can completely break the restrictions of national borders and flow freely around the world to plunder.

  Allowing them to rely on the platform of the United States, use military and financial hegemony, and cooperate with ideological propaganda to achieve global domination.

The interest group that pushed Boss Qiao to the plus-S position, and then was tied back by Boss Qiao using Kalpin’s threat, is the establishment wing of the Democratic Party.

The United States’ suppression of Israel is basically the work of the Democratic president.

The threat of Calping this time allowed pro -Silk's big mouth Tang to lose his right to speak in this matter, and the national pillar group of the Senate took over power.

 They are serious about attacking Israel for the sake of America’s national security and their own security!

 Boss Qiao took advantage of this and completed a political and military double encirclement and suppression when he first entered the plus S zone.

The Jewish media is shouting that Israel has been invaded and they must fight back.

 But this time, except for a few civil society groups and a few countries represented by Germany, most giants have remained silent.

 The counterpart to the media is the United Nations, and representatives from various countries who are monkeys can easily smell it...

 The Syrian representative made an impassioned statement at the meeting…

 The Golan Heights is the territory of Syria. Syria and Israel have never ceased war. Now they have only taken back part of the territory. The war will not end until Israel completely withdraws from the Golan Heights.

The Egyptian representative, who has always had no sense of presence, also jumped out and said that Israel's behavior of launching missiles into the Sinai Peninsula was unacceptable. Egypt severely condemned Israel's bombing of United Nations facilities in the Gaza Strip.

At the same time, Egypt also announced that they signed a five-year contract with P.B. P.B. will assist them in combating terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula...

 Congolese President Kabila also showed his authority this time. He proposed to reconsider a proposal to include the right to food as a human right and called for a vote.

 There are many poor places in the world where people are starving to death, but only the food supply in Canada depends on the attitude of Israel.

 Even when Isis was at its most rampant, they would not restrict the people under their rule from obtaining and preserving food from the outside world or even hostile forces.

 Traditional media are full of media editorials sympathetic to Israel, but Boss Qiao’s video platform, as well as the new short video platforms emerging around the world, are not under the control of Jut Capital

The one-sided atmosphere at the United Nations has put Israel in an extremely difficult situation...

Boss Qiao has become famous this time!

 Created a situation to hold back the United States, and then used Israel as a target to humiliate in turn, causing the Arab world to completely turn to P·B...

 Then two ships flying the flags of the United Arab Emirates and the United Nations, using 056 retired French navy, sailed to the west coast of Canada!

  Deputy Commander of the Shah Air Force and Commander-in-Chief of the UAV Forces, Devali made a high-profile visit to the P·B Camp in El-Arish, Egypt, and brought 8 Rainbow UAVs and Shah’s ground control team with him.

 Al Thani of Qatar stood up directly and despite the "severe rebuke" from the Northern Industries, after breach of contract, they sent the packaged ship of the synthetic battalion they ordered to El-Arish.

The Iraqi side dragged out its unflyable F-16s, removed the wings of four aircraft, and sent the fighter jets to the Syrian safe zone in trucks. They boldly said that as long as P·B needs it, I still have them here...

While Israel is fighting on both ends of the Golan Heights and the Lebanese border, it has to endure the humiliation on the other side of Jerusalem while bowing its head to sue for peace...

LeKide Group is scared!

When the United States no longer stands firmly on its side, and when P.B. becomes an outlet of power to convey attitudes in the Middle East, the Li Keqiang Group, which only dares to bully others, has given in!

  With the lobbying of a group of Jewish consortiums, Kushner, the son-in-law of Big Mouth Don, rushed to Jerusalem with a team of people to try to privately mediate the relationship between Israel and PB...

As a result, the American prince consort was choked by Boss Qiao and cut with a knife the first time he met with Boss Qiao...

  It wasn't until he wet his crotch and said "I'm sorry" that he managed to survive before losing too much blood. Less than two days after landing, he returned to the United States in embarrassment for treatment of lymphoma.

 (End of this chapter)

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