From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1296: Moving forward with a heavy load

Chapter 1296 Moving forward with a heavy load

 “That guy is a madman!!”

Big Mouth Tang kept beating the documents in his hands in the conference room while yelling at several White House consultants...

“What should we do now? Should we send troops to Israel?

If that lunatic Jackal pulls Syria and Lebanon into an all-out war with Israel, the situation in the Middle East will get out of control!

 What shall we do then? "

Chauvin said helplessly with a straight face: "Sir, the problem we are facing now is very complicated. There is still no news from Kalpin. The Democratic Party is seizing on this to make a big fuss.

 Given our relationship with the military, even if we send troops, it will only be a show-off!

My suggestion is to provide assistance with a batch of arms, to show our attitude to Israel, to reassure them, and to put pressure on them to hand over all the Kalpin family...

 Then try to negotiate with the jackal to stop him from going crazy. "

As he spoke, Chauvin looked at the ugly-faced Big Mouth Tang. After hesitating for a long time, he said: "Sir, we should adjust our positioning of P.B. They are not a so-called mercenary company, but a borderless military with roots in Central Africa. organize.

 We need to adjust P·B’s positioning and then try to suppress him, otherwise we are likely to encounter P·B overseas in the future.

Those people think that by listing P·B, they can use financial means to have an impact on P·B. I think this idea is just a delusion.

The best thing to do now is actually to cooperate with those people's actions, trap P·B and Jackal in plus S, and then use the media to break the outside world's impression of him.

 But there is one of the most serious problems here, that is, there is a lot of overlap between Jackal supporters and your supporters. Once we stand in line to attack Jackals, it will lead to divisions within us. "

After hearing this, Big Mouth Tang held his head in pain and howled...

 He ​​still remembers Boss Qiao’s speech when he was helping him canvass votes in New York...

The two sides are not just a matter of overlapping supporter groups. Boss Qiao actually also holds the support of women's rights, MSL minorities, and the Chinese community.

 That is to say, Boss Qiao is not qualified to participate in the presidential election. If he is qualified, no one will allow him to do so. Otherwise, no matter which party he joins, he will be a presidential candidate as long as he reaches his age.

“Kushner is still in the hospital, but Ika left her husband and ran to Crete to donate millions...

 FUCK, talk, how to talk? "


 “The only way to solve your current predicament is to negotiate!”

Joja stood next to a pile of bread, with a smile on his face and distributed not-so-palatable bread sticks to the orphans in the refugee camp.

Seeing Qiaojia squatting on the ground with a piece of bread, handing it to a little girl who was probably only four or five years old, and caringly wiping her face, Hamas leader Tahdi said helplessly: " We have no choice, it is impossible for the Israelis to agree..."

Qiao Jia saw that the little girl did not turn around and leave. Instead, she hugged her wrist and kissed the back of her hand to express her gratitude...

 He suddenly thought of his newborn daughter...

 The war fought by adults ends up causing the greatest pain to children.

 No one asked the children for their opinions!

Seeing that the little girl was holding the bread and refusing to leave for a long time, he picked the little girl up and put her on the chair next to her, and then handed her a bottle of mineral water...

Then Qiaojia said to the people from the Near East Palestinian Refugee Relief and Works Agency in blue uniforms next to him: "How are the preparations for the orphanage to move south?"

“Sir, construction will take time, but we are stepping up our actions. Now that the Rafah port is open, there is no shortage of construction materials, but there are still not enough construction equipment and workers.”

Choga nodded slightly and said: "My people are building infrastructure over El Arish. I want to gather together and take care of the Palestinian orphans and these children wandering in Egypt."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the little girl who was chewing the sweet bread. He smiled and said: "Actually, children really want very little. As long as there is no threat to their lives, they can be happy if they stutter.

 Taking good care of them is the shared responsibility of all adults! "

 After speaking, Qiaojia turned his attention to Tahdi and said: "I know that the real leader of Hamas is in Qatar, but I still feel that as the leader of Hamas, you should do something as much as possible...

I believe I have expressed my position clearly enough. I have no ill will towards you, but it is impossible for me to cooperate with you.

Looking from an outsider’s perspective, negotiation is the ultimate way to solve problems.

  Don’t think it’s great that I seem to have the upper hand now. Israel is very important to the United States. If I step on America’s sensitive nerves, the consequences will be no different from the previous Middle East wars.

This is the core reason why Egypt, the Shah, and Jordan are indifferent to your situation. There is actually nothing they can do.

And your philosophy makes it risky for them to even help speak from the side!

 Brother, when asking for help, you cannot use moral hijacking. You should first remove the other person's concerns and do not let the person you ask for help bear additional risks. "

When Tahdi heard this, he was surprised and said: "Sir, I don't understand!"

While continuing to distribute bread, Choga said: "The reason why Hamas is listed as a terrorist by Europe and the United States is not because you are really cruel, but because you do not have a clear positioning of yourself.

 You claim that you want to liberate Palestine, which is correct, but if you want to completely eliminate Israel, you will lose most of your support from the beginning.

Resolution 181 clarified the legality of Israel, and the State of Palestine has only been an observer state since 1988 due to the existence of Hamas. The West Bank cannot even establish a border... Man, politics is It is a very complicated task, and you cannot ask the whole world to support your seemingly extreme proposition.

Yes, Israel is an occupying force and behaves like a bastard. From your point of view, your cause is correct...

 But if you look at it from the perspective of others, what is the essential difference between helping you to destroy Israel and sitting back and watching Israel destroy you?

 In the end, the ones who suffer the most are always the innocent people. Why should others bear the blood on their hands for you? "

As he spoke, Qiaojia glanced at Tahdi, who was full of grief and anger. He shook his head and said: "For example, I have deep conflicts with Israel. I will fight back decisively when they try to attack me or UN facilities.

  But I will never attack civilians because of Israel's attack on Hamas, even if their attack causes collateral damage, I will not do so.

I can spend money to hunt down those who try to harm me, and I can punish those **** who bully Palestinian civilians, but I will never use a knife on Israeli civilians, because to me that is not right!

Shah, Jordan, and Egypt also have the same idea. Even because of the existence of the United States, they are even more restrained than me.

 Man, you have to know that you are not fighting against Israel, but against the most powerful country in the world!

 If you want to win the future, you must first change your views and strive for more understanding and support from the international community.

 Only in this context, when you have a certain level of strength, will you be able to seize the opportunity to fully implement the two-state solution in a special period of time.

 First of all, get back the territory lost after 1967 and get the compensation provided by Israel. Only with this result can you calm down and accumulate strength...

Hate alone cannot solve the problem. Look at what you have done in the past few years...

 Hizbollah next door never targets civilians…

what about you?

Your brothers on this front basically stood on the side of the Syrian government forces during the Syrian civil war...

what about you?

Fatah is not perfect, but they have never given up the idea of ​​establishing a nation. They have been fighting for it because they know that only by completing the establishment of a nation and receiving recognition from the international community can the oppressed Palestinians take a breather...

what about you?

 You are just Netanya’s puppets. He can take advantage of your bad international image and inflict wanton violence on your fellow citizens.

With your extreme image leading the way, the establishment of the Palestinian state will not be successful.

This world is extremely unfair to you, but if you want to get rid of this unfairness, you have to sacrifice, fight for mediation, and take the first step to get rid of the extreme image...

To be honest, if I were in your position, I might not perform as well as you...

 But precisely because I am an outsider, I see it more clearly..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pointed to the little girl who was chewing the sweet bread. He said with a serious expression: "I am actually not here for you, but for them...

 In my eyes they are not Palestinians, but children..."

Tahdi is almost 50 years old, and tears are streaming down his face now...

This man with a face full of vicissitudes of life said with some pain: "Do we really have hope?"

Joga reached out and patted Tahdi on the arm for the first time and said: "If you don't try, you will never know.

The courage to try represents hope in itself!

 The Israeli army is actually very bad. Instead of harassing urban civilians with useless rockets, accumulating resentment and hatred, and then incurring fatal retaliation.

 It is better to accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity to prove one's tenacity and unyieldingness on the ground.

 Letting Israeli civilians bleed will only arouse the sympathy of the international community for them, but if you can defeat the Israeli army, you can force them to sit at the negotiating table! "


 One month later, Hamas announced through Al Jazeera that it would abandon its past claims and would join hands with Fatah…

 At the same time, they also hope that more international organizations will enter the West Bank to monitor and inhibit the construction of Israeli settlements.


Three months later, Boss Joe was attacked by a Zionist on his way to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem...

The bullet hit Boss Qiao’s chest. Although it was blocked by the bulletproof vest, he was still injured.

Dorian angrily killed the assailant, then escorted the boss back to Gas, then boarded a 056, trying to enter the Egyptian waters by sea and join the synthesis camp there...

What no one expected was that a black speedboat sprang out from the Israeli port 200 kilometers away and rushed straight to 056 where Boss Qiao was.

The unmanned airship in the sky discovered the opponent first, and then launched missiles to intercept the speedboat.

In the end, the speedboat exploded 70 kilometers off the coast of Canada...

 When a mushroom cloud rose, people realized that something terrible had happened!

nuclear weapon! ! !

 (End of this chapter)

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