Chapter 826 Dinner

  The positive exposure of "Knife Squad" was intentional by Boss Joe...

  The past dozens of hours of fighting and media fermentation have allowed P·B to gain enough value to be "betrayed".

  Since knowing that the Pentagon is going to sell itself, why not take the opportunity to get more benefits?

   'Knives' is SEAL Team Six, and they didn't do anything shady.

   Soldiers deserve glory, not living like rats in the gutter.


  The family of these seals was on the farm in New Jersey. Monica called them together, and when the "Knife Squad" came on stage, she led the people around to applaud enthusiastically.

  Including the heads and soldiers of the branch, as well as Baia of the Ministry of National Security, Lieutenant General Maguire of the CIA Counter-Terrorism Center, Deputy Director of the FBI Cooper, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Justice Alicia Alexander...

  The affirmation made by these figures who are regarded as the top of the pyramid in the United States made these seal families cry.

   They still don't know what happened?

   All they know is that their husband, their father, their son went on a mission in Syria, and then the whole world seemed to turn against them.

   No pension, no salary, no identity, no identity...

   Those military officers who used to respect their SEAL families began to avoid them as if they had the plague.

  Their world has become fragmented, even if Monica took them all to New York and helped them settle down, it didn't reassure them.

   Now I suddenly saw my husband, father, and son standing in front of the media cameras, and openly announced their identities...

   Seeing that they no longer have sorrow on their faces, but proud smiles, the grievances they have suffered in the past few months seem to have disappeared...

  Monica is wearing a capable lady's suit, looking solemn and fierce.

  Looking at the family members of the seals who were weeping with joy, Monica looked at Lieutenant General Maguire and Baia and said, "The Pentagon owes them!"

  Lieutenant General Maguire is now one of his own, facing Monica's slightly sarcastic words, the lieutenant general said with a heavy expression: "Yes, but we can't change anything.

  Look at those British SAS, don't you understand?

  Compared to the interests of the country, or the interests of those politicians who represent the country, a group of soldiers is simply insignificant.

  The Pentagon will not admit it, because the consequences of recognition are too serious.

   But we could work it out and get the Pentagon to compensate the seals in private.

  $2 million is a reasonable figure not only to cover their pension but also to allow their family to live a decent life.

  The Pentagon will not reject us at this time! "

   Talking about Maguire looking at Monica who seemed dissatisfied, he said with a smile: "Miss Monica, not everything in this world will have a perfect ending.

  If those seals are really patriots, then you can tell them the consequences of the Pentagon recognizing them, and then see how they will choose?

  In fact, the current situation is very good. Everyone knows what happened to them, and everyone recognizes and sympathizes with their experience.

  So what if the Pentagon doesn’t recognize it? It is enough that people know what is going on! "

  Monica is not particularly satisfied with the answer given by Lieutenant General Maguire, but she knows that this is the most realistic situation...

  These seals are not alone. It is really hard to say what the consequences will be for them to fight against the group represented by Lahiri.

  After sighing slightly, Monica took the initiative to go up to the family members of the seals, explained the current situation of the sharp knife team in a soft voice, and hugged them respectively...

  After delivering a satellite phone to the daughter of the loudest crying Cerberus, Monica finds Eric and Thompson...  

   "Those people want to betray our boss, why can't we do anything?"

  The flirtatious Monica rarely showed an extremely serious expression, looked at Eric and Thompson, and said, "What does America have to do with us?

   We can't just sit back and watch the boss take risks! "

  Eric and Thompson looked at each other, then looked at Boss Joe's third wife, and said helplessly: "The reason is very simple, once a second dirty bomb explodes, the United States will have no room for maneuver.

   They will do whatever it takes to smash ISIS, but at the same time Iraq and northern Syria will be smashed to pieces.

  The hard work and investment of the boss in the early stage will be reduced to ashes under this level of blow.

  The most important thing is that when NATO fully intervenes, the boss will lose his dominance over Iraq! "

  Speaking of Eric watching Monica gnashing his teeth, he spread his hands and said with a smile: "Monica, our boss has already prepared, instead of worrying about him, you might as well do what you are doing.

  伱 Now he has drawn a good hand, as long as Da Zui Tang can win in the end, then this hand can make P·B the final big winner.

  You have to make good use of the cards in your hand, guide the media to maintain attention, and at the same time maintain the positive image of P·B in people's eyes.

   This is very important for our boss to start liquidating those **** in the future!

  I personally suggest that you bring Princess Emina and the senator's daughter Grace...

  As long as the influence of Princess Emina and Papa Grace can be well utilized, no matter what happens in the future, P·B can remain invincible. "

  Monica listened, shook her head and said: "New York is not safe at all. In the past, people on the farm have dealt with 15 attacks, and I have not seen signs of stopping until now.

  I can't let Emina take risks here!

   That Grace Reid stayed in Central Africa, but her father was more motivated.

  Ha, that guy still tells everyone that our boss is the real father of the child in Grace’s womb...

  Yesterday, that guy said at a reception that our boss took Grace to Central Africa as an act of ‘atonement’, haha…”

   Speaking of which, Monica suddenly looked at Eric and said, "Why aren't you worried about dirty bombs at all?

  If that thing is going to explode, the best target for the second explosion is New York.

   But you don't care at all...

   Is there something I don't know? "

  Eric spread his hands and said: If you don't know, then we don't know!

  Our boss has some mysterious sources of information, but I dare not ask for details.

   But from the attitude of the boss, we know that dirty bombs will not endanger us.

  Based on the hard-working attitude of the boss, I am sure that the dirty bomb will not explode...

  Monica heard it, and immediately thought of the woman who was placed in the witness protection plan, and Boss Joe personally said hello to take care of her...

  After hesitating for a long time, Monica nodded and said, "That's it for now...

  I will contact Dazui Tang's daughter Ika, and then find several big media for a joint interview.

  The boss wants me to trouble Lahiri in the media, and I think now is a good opportunity! "

  Eric nodded seriously and said: "Facing the media, don't worry about Lahiri's emails...

  Didn’t she express her opposition to P·B’s actions, so let’s take advantage of our legal and traffic advantages this time to slap her and force her to admit P·B’s legitimacy…

  Now the boss is the most important bargaining chip in their hands, and they will definitely not make things difficult for you at this time!

  As long as they publicly nod and acknowledge P·B's position and status, once something happens later, the boss will have an excuse when he wants to liquidate. "

  Speaking, Eric leaned in front of Monica and said in a low voice: "We must hold Alicia Alexander and Cooper from the FBI.

   Now the Ministry of Justice is in chaos, and the issue of Lahiri's emails has made the Attorney General very anxious.

  The director of the FBI may not last long, and Cooper will be the next director candidate.

  As long as Dazui Tang can win, Alicia is the best candidate for the Minister of Justice!

  Hold them, and we will have a bargaining chip to check and balance Dazui Tang in the future.

   That guy has a big mouth, but he is not stupid at all, he is the kind of person who can use the power of the president to the extreme!

  We have to prepare in advance in case he crosses the river and destroys the bridge!

   Dazui Tang’s prospective son-in-law is a shrewd and greedy Jew. He has contacted me several times and expressed his desire to intervene in our business many times, but I rejected them all.

  I have a feeling that sooner or later that guy will jump out and make trouble for us! "

  Monica heard it and said, "You said that little boy Kushner dared to trouble us?"

  Eric said amusedly: "If Big Mouth Don becomes president and he marries Ika, why wouldn't he dare?"

  Monica sneered and said, "I'll settle this matter, I promise that guy won't dare to do anything to us..."

  Eric saw the fox-like smile on Monica's face, he hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Don't mess around at this time, everything must be based on Dazui Tang's victory.

   Kushner is a greedy bastard, but he actually provided Dazui Tang with tens of millions of campaign funds. "

  Monica listened and said with a smile: "No matter how ambitious Kushner is, he still needs to use Ika to influence Big Mouth Don...

  I know women better than you, don't worry about these things, I have a way..."


  While everything was busy, a supply convoy marked with the Iraqi government army entered the Iraqi air force base.

  When the convoy entered the base, a violent explosion occurred on a trailing truck...

  At the same time that the self-explosive truck destroyed the gate of the base, another self-explosive truck rushed onto the runway and exploded next to several F-16s parked on the side of the runway...

  The huge explosion not only destroyed several F-16 fighter jets, but also blew up a section of the runway.

   In the face of the raid, the Iraqi special forces and Kurdish militias stationed in the Iraqi air force base seem to be not well prepared.

   Facing dozens of militants who jumped off the truck, they could only choose to protect the pilot and fight while retreating, and finally retreated into a hangar.

  The attacking terrorists faced tenacious resistance, and they dispatched the self-destruct truck again.

  The moment the truck hits, the resistance in the hangar disappears...

  When the truck rushed into the hangar and exploded, the attackers quickly left the scene after taking pictures and leaving evidence.

  Shortly after the explosion, the disgraced 'Cobra' climbed out of another hangar a few hundred meters away through the underground passage.

  Looking at the burning Iraqi air force base, 'Cobra' waved to the commander of the Iraqi special forces who followed behind and said: "Raise the alarm..."

   Said 'Cobra' and looked at the other pilots, he said with a smile: "We will leave right away, we are needed in Central Africa."


   Baghdad Air Force Base "Three Yellow Chickens", watching MPRI's Predator take off with two air-to-air missiles...

  He patted the shoulder among the MPRI hostages, and said with a smile: "Our boss tolerated your second malice, and you owe our boss a huge favor!

   Dude, pay it back! "

   After saying "Three Yellow Chickens", he turned his head and entered the hangar, looked at the pilots and drone operators who had already been prepared, and said, "Get ready, the real battle has just begun..."


  That's all for today, the main reason is that there are too many things to explain, and my brain is actually a bit insufficient!

  I wrote several chapters repeatedly, but it just feels a bit messy.

  In recent days, more content has been reviewed, so I need to be careful.

  Mouse now needs to go through it carefully, simplify some content as much as possible, but at the same time explain it to pave the way for the follow-up content, otherwise it will be too late to make a mistake and want to change it later.

   Please bear with me!



  (end of this chapter)

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