From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 827: Sudden accident

  Chapter 827 Sudden Change

  When everyone was cheering for P·B's victory, a Predator drone carried two air-to-air missiles and shot down the two unmanned airships.

  The fireball that exploded in the sky, and the mobile phone signal that suddenly disappeared, caused confusion in Mosul and the safe zone.

  The Mosul mercenaries, who had long been accustomed to the support of unmanned airships, suddenly launched a violent counterattack in the face of Isis, and had to retreat to give up some of the already controlled areas, which re-stabilized the front line.

  More than a dozen mercenary groups were killed in the ISIS counterattack. Their bodies were tied to the back of a pickup truck and dragged along. They were filmed and posted on the Internet.

  Terrorists on the Syrian side have also begun to act...

  The huge losses in the past few days have left Isis shattered. With the determination to kill Boss Joe and remove the 'safe zone', they mobilized a team of nearly 5,000 people from other places...

  Isis temporarily gave up control of other places, wanting to finish all the work.

   This is already the main force of ISIS in Syria, and they can no longer afford to lose.

  At this time, the "Iberis" did not go directly to Syria to participate in the war, but took the manpower to attack the Iraqi air force base, and took a vehicle to the north of Iraq, gradually approaching the artillery positions deployed by P·B near the border.

  This is the plan of 'Iberis'...

  First knock out P·B's eyes, destroy their air force, and finally just take out the artillery positions, then the jackals trapped in Syria will become a turtle in a urn.

'Iberis' doesn't want much, as long as he can fight for 5 to 10 days, ISIS will be able to completely reverse the war situation in northern Syria by relying on the financial and human support from all over the world, as well as Isis's superior force .

  The operation went smoother than 'Iberis' imagined...

  P·B's artillery position is not hidden from anyone, and the mercenary 'Sea Hound' in charge of guarding is a little confused.

  'Iberis', who is well aware of the importance of soldiers and speed, launched a surprise attack decisively after a simple investigation.

  Then the 'sea hound' from Italy ran away without much resistance.

  When 'Iberis' successfully entered the artillery position, he didn't quite believe it, but when he saw the six Nora automatic howitzers on the position and a large number of 155mm shells, he knew he had succeeded!

  Two super toucans and four Black Hawk helicopters came to support, making 'Iberis' think he had found the reason why 'Sea Hound' retreated so easily.

   This guy lamented that the mercenaries who called for support when encountering problems were unreliable, and then ordered his subordinates to place bombs on the automatic artillery, and finally accelerated into Syria under the pursuit of several planes...

As the explosion occurred, the position was destroyed, 'Iberis' immediately ordered to break up the entire group, and dispersed everyone, using the 'Stinger' missile to drive back the planes in the sky, and this time turned on the satellite phone to notify other people…

   "Start the attack, within 5 days, take down the jackal and the safe zone, we must thoroughly clean this degenerated area."

   And just after 'Iberis' left, the escaped 'Sea Hound' and the artillery returned.

  The artillery took the lead in taking the Black Hawk helicopter to the Gaiyala base in the south of Mosul, and the "Sea Hound" began to turn towards the safe zone on foot.

  'Sea Hound' needs to go to the safe area on foot to help the martyr camp there resist the attack of Isis.

  The artillerymen will go to Qiyara, where there will be a C-130, and they will be sent to the US military base in northeastern Syria.

  Oh, it is now Boss Joe’s property there, and the US troops inside have been evacuated to other places, and all the equipment and ammunition in the base have been taken over.

   Now it’s Hassan, “Gunfire” who came from Libya, and “Rooster” who led the team to deliver supplies to Syria.

  Hassan has 200 Libyan militiamen who he personally trained.

  'Gunfire' has 80 Tuareg mercenaries under his command.

   After the 'rooster' arrived at the base, it magically summoned a C-130 from Baghdad, and then a powerful Chinese squadron parachuted into a military base in the United States.

  The day before the 'Iberis' attack, the base had been completely handed over.

  'Coincidentally', there are also large-caliber howitzers left by the US military there, as well as a large number of guided shells sent over in advance.

  The transfer of Isis made them lose their suppression of the Kurdish-controlled areas,

  This allows P·B to easily transport the large-caliber howitzers in the base and provide new support to Boss Joe from the south.

  'Rooster' followed P·B's intelligence system in Libya, and mixed with British and French intelligence organization partners for a long time.

   I saw with my own eyes how P·B cooperated with the National Army and gradually 'awakened' the two cities of Tobruk and Bairdi, making them an important crude oil exporter and material trading hub in the Mediterranean.

  P·B’s original plan of the jackal boss was to use Tobruk’s seaport as a support to sell crude oil to outsiders, and at the same time use Bairdi’s geographical location to do business with Egypt and provide enough employment opportunities.

  The function of the city of Baldi is to conduct bilateral trade with Egypt.

  But who would have thought that with the introduction of a large amount of materials, Bairdie became a one-way export port.

  Egypt opened up border trade to Libya. At first, it was to make money by importing goods, and at the same time pull Haftar, a big brother who is also pro-Russian.

  But no one expected that those poor people in Libya would export a large amount of Chinese goods to Egypt through ant-moving folk trade.

  Because the semi-smuggling mode avoids tariff barriers, the price is much cheaper than goods entering Egypt through other channels.

   Later, people on both sides have begun to be dissatisfied with small commodities that are not painful or itchy. They have begun to buy large-scale commodities with the support of caring people.

   From mobile phone semiconductors to refrigerators, color TVs, and even tractors and cars...

   Whether this counts as smuggling to dig into Egypt's corner, 'Rooster' can't say, anyway, he is very happy to see the group of border guards in Egypt.

  'Rooster' thought that his career would reach the pinnacle in Libya, but he never imagined that he, a 'laid-off staff officer' who was on a business trip, would have the opportunity to take the 'laid-off brothers' from Huaguo to occupy the US military base?

  The Lute Squadron who came to carry out the 'Wei Pei', everyone was in a state of bewilderment.

   Skydiving is of course very simple for them, but it feels very magical to find yourself in a US military base after landing.

  'Rooster' is not the commander, but Hassan, the same clan of Nice.

   This guy who came all the way from the Libyan battlefield, since the success of "finding relatives", has been on a steady journey.

  Now Hassan, from a down-and-out aristocrat living in a small village tremblingly, has become an important figure in northern Libya. Even Haftar of the National Army is polite to him.

   Pretending to be P·B's team, helping Boss Joe to guard the small village where the chemical raw materials were placed, became a turning point in Hassan's life.

  Hassan took the initiative to board the warship of the warlord princess and go to Syria when he heard that Boss Joe was trapped in Syria.

When those volunteers went to rescue him, Hassan was ordered to stay in the south, and was sent to take over the US military base as soon as Boss Joe negotiated terms with Secretary of Defense Carter, as well as Harry, who had already been wiped out. Burton's stake in the refinery here.

   He doesn’t need to participate in the war. The task of this “royal relative” is to defend the base, and then when “Gunhuo” and “Rooster” **** the artillery forward, help them defend the rear and suppress the surrounding Kurds.

  The Kurds around the US military base are confused!

  The sudden retreat of American Dad left these Kurds at a loss...

  In the past half a month, because of Boss Joe's deliberate targeting, these Syrian Kurds have been sprayed out.

  They gave up the protection of their own people and followed the route of American Dad, and now American Dad actually slipped away.

  Although they did not completely abandon them, they handed over an important military base.

  The ever-changing King’s Banner caught the Syrian Kurds by surprise.

  When the base raised P·B's lion head flag, the Kurdish leaders wanted to slap themselves in the face.

   "What are we doing?"

  'Rooster' stood at the gate of the base, watching Hassan scolded a group of frustrated Kurds in a severe tone...

  After the Kurds left, 'Rooster' said with a smile: "There is no need to be so harsh on them, they can't help themselves."

  Hassan listened, smiled ferociously, and said, "Can't help yourself?

   No, they just want too much, but forget the most important thing in front of them!

  These Syrian Kurds let our bosses down…

   Americans can make them 'involuntary', so can we! "

  'Rooster' listened, nodded with a smile and said: "That's right, if you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. They have to show enough sincerity..."

  Speaking 'rooster', he glanced at his watch and said: "The artillery from Iraq is about to arrive, so let'gun fire' start first, and we will roll forward to protect the artillery into the designated position, which will take about two days.

   I hope the boss will not be under too much pressure these two days! "

  Hassan heard this, the big hideous scar on his face trembled, and said: "Can your people do it?

  They don’t seem to have fought at all, do you want my people to go…”

  'Rooster' listened, nodded seriously, and said: "Hassan, not having killed anyone doesn't mean they don't know how to fight.

   They have undergone the most rigorous training, and they have been waiting for this moment.

  Do you know the difference between them and you? "

   Said 'rooster' and patted Hassan on the arm, and said: "You were dragged into the chaos of war passively, but they have been preparing for it all the time, and some people have even prepared for a lifetime and never waited for this opportunity..."

  Hassan couldn't understand this state, he frowned and said, "Your soldiers have been looking forward to fighting all their lives?"

  'Rooster' shook his head and said, "It's not 'hope', but 'preparation'...

   There is a saying in the country of Hua, 'Warrior will perish, forgetting to fight will be dangerous'!

  We are not warlike, but we are always ready..."

   Said 'rooster' suddenly smiled and said: "Our boss is really aggressive, but he always fights prepared battles..."

  (end of this chapter)

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