From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 882: FBI not taking sides

  Chapter 882 The FBI who does not stand in line

  Joga believes that the FBI will not deliberately target him, and those tracking agents are just routinely following him to prevent him from doing anything radical.

   After all, Boss Joe has too many criminal records!

  These tracking agents are not malicious, but you can't stand the Lahiri faction inside the FBI.

  These people use the resources of the FBI to target Boss Joe and his party, and then notify the mercenaries to intercept them in a premeditated manner.

   Qiaojia and the others already have a way to deal with this kind of thing, which is to keep changing the route.

  After the same thing happened twice, the other party would go to the 'can't go around' location to ambush as they expected.

   Originally, it didn’t take long to drive from Los Angeles to Sacramento, but Qiaojia and the others didn’t arrive at the pre-booked luxury hotel until midnight.

   Before everyone noticed, a low-key black car picked up Grace and the baby who came here with Boss Joe.

  After confirming that Grace left safely, Choga completely let go of her worries.

  The time he agreed to meet with Tom Reed is tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, and this old guy will have a grand party on his farm.

  The old guy said it was to welcome Boss Qiao’s arrival, but Qiaojia knew that this old guy was going to finalize the relationship between himself and the child in front of many people, so as to completely end the problem of Grace’s surrogacy.

   Qiaojia felt that he didn't suffer anyway, so he squeezed his nose and endured it and passed.

   Just when he wanted to take a break and officially set off on the road at noon tomorrow, his suite was suddenly knocked.

  Walking over and opening the door, Choga saw that the person knocking on the door was the 'Blow Arrow' on duty, and behind him was FBI Deputy Director Cooper.

   Frowning and looking at Cooper's ghostly face, Qiaojia swept Resler and several agents behind him, shook his head and said, "What are you doing here?

  I was invited to a party, but I didn't break the law.

   You have been following me all the way, which made me a little impatient. I didn't call to complain because of our previous cooperation. "

   Cooper sighed wearily, and said, "Jackal, let's talk...

  I need to know what's going on, or what's going to happen. "

  Joga listened, he glanced at Dorian and Ayou who were pushing the door out from next door, he let the door open indifferently, and said, "Then come in..."

  Speaking, Qiaojia pointed to Resler and said, "You stay here, and everyone else goes downstairs, or opens a room.

  I'm not a **** prisoner, so I don't need so many people staring at me. "

Cooper waved his hand wearily, signaling his subordinates to do the same, and then he led Ressler into the living room of the suite, unceremoniously took out a bottle of whiskey from the wine cabinet and poured himself a full glass, And drank it down...

  Choga said hello to Blowing Arrow, and then let Dorian and Ayu enter the room...

  Looking at Cooper's gloomy expression, he smiled and said, "Dude, you look terrible..."

  Cooper sat on the sofa with a wry smile, and said, "Jackal, let's stop making detours, what exactly do you want to do?

  You're making detours all the way, but you don't warn the FBI agents who are following you.

  Jackal, I need to know what's going on, I'm disturbed by your cautious actions. "

   Talking about it, Cooper looked at Choga who was smiling but not smiling, he sighed and said: "Jackal, we have worked together before, I know your style!

  I am not your enemy, and it is not my intention to investigate you...

  You have no official authorization on you right now, and once a fight occurs, it will give those who want to attack you a chance.

  Jackal, don't let things develop in an uncontrollable direction...

  The election is coming to an end in a few days, tell me what's going on, and we can find a way to solve the problem together, okay? "

  Joga looked at Cooper who came to his door, he said with a smile: "Someone wants me dead, they don't want me to meet Tom Reed.

   What is the reason? In fact, you know better than me!

  I am doing my best for my own safety, so no one should be able to say anything, right? "

  Cooper heard this, exchanged glances with Resler beside him, and then said helplessly: "I knew it was like this, I knew things would always go in the worst direction!"

   While talking, Cooper looked at Choga, and said seriously: "Jackal, you can't start a war at this stage, I can arrange someone to protect you, and send you safely to Tom Reed's farm to meet him.

  As long as you persist until the general election vote is over, everything will be over. "

  Joga looked at Cooper who always faced him with a businesslike attitude, he shook his head regretfully, and said, "My brother, your attitude disappoints me very much!

  You knew that the FBI internally disclosed my whereabouts, but you didn't think about investigating, but instead restricted me, a possible victim...

  You want to limit my actions!

   What you call 'protecting me' is more likely to make me a target for the enemy!

  There is not much conflict between me and you, and sometimes I even admire you, a person who can always stick to business.

  But you are on the wrong team this time..."

After hearing this, Cooper stood up tiredly and shook his head and said, "Jackal, you can choose to start a war with the enemy in the United States without authorization, and then I will come to catch you and give your enemy a crown on your head." A chance for the title of 'criminal'.

  Or I will arrange a team of HRT to protect you and safely **** you to meet Tom Reed.

  As long as Da Zui Tang's last canvassing meeting can be successfully completed, the opponents should know that they have no chance! "

   While talking, Cooper looked at Choga and said in a slightly tragic tone: "Jackal, I have my own responsibilities, no matter who wins on both sides, they can kick me away in the end.

  But I am still the deputy director of the FBI. I can't let you make trouble in the United States. This is a humiliation to all law enforcement agencies. "

  Joga heard this, looked at Cooper in surprise, and said curiously: "You didn't take sides?

  Then why the **** did you take over the investigation of P·B?

   Ressler was right next to me while I was beating up those niggas...

   You **** know better than anyone, we're innocent! "

   Cooper suddenly said angrily: "I know all about it...

   I also know that if someone else were to investigate, they would rip out P·B's underpants...

   Then they will know that the company was originally called Deadly Strike, a small company formed by a few Marines.

   They'll also know that you **** signed an employment contract with the DOJ on the 1st and that this company came out in your name on the 10th.

Then they knew that when you attacked the Albanians to steal the heart of your subordinates, you didn’t have authorization at all, but you killed 48 Albanian gunmen, burned hundreds of kilograms of HLY in one fire, and made everyone around you go crazy up.

   At that time, many people will be unlucky, DEA, FBI, Department of Justice...

  Jackal, I **** need to make sure no one else gets involved while investigating you...

   I **** need to make sure no more people are implicated...

  I **** need to keep some decency in law enforcement in America...

   I **** need to keep the FBI running while you two gangs fight, we have a lot of other things to do...

  FUCK! "

  Choga was taken aback by Cooper's sudden outburst, then he stood up and looked at the stubborn black chief, and said, "Since I entered the United States, I have been passively fighting back.

  I spent so much energy and money just to make everything look reasonable and legal.

   I do more **** than all of you!

  You don’t blame the ‘Ndrangheta’ that caused these situations, and you don’t dare to blame the people in Lahiri’s side, but you secretly change the concept and point at my nose and yell, trying to show your selflessness.

  Dude, I've been a victim, I'm sure you know that!

  You don't **** go to the troublemakers and here you are yelling at me..."

  Cooper listened, looked into Qiaojia's eyes, and said with a tired face: "What do you want me to do?

  There's a National Guard in Oregon assembling, and they're saying they're going to be doing a live fire drill, but I know they're waiting for you to make a big fuss, and then go out and take you down with your enemies.

   If things get out of hand, what reason do I have to stop them?

   Jackals, Lahiri and the others used methods within the rules to promote your investigation, using your domineering character to push you to a dead end.

  I know you probably have a way of coping, but we all know that after the fact it's bound to be a mess.

  Why can't the struggle be limited to the category of 'politics'?

  War is the worst way! "

  Choga was taken aback when he heard that, he didn't expect that the National Guard would be involved.

  The old American National Guard is not a simple militia, and their armed status is no worse than that of the regular army.

Only then did Choja realize that Lahiri and the others did not expect two mercenaries to kill him, but hoped to trigger a fierce battle, and then let a National Guard who was training come in to kill both sides. Harvest.

  Looking at Cooper with a tired expression on his face, Choga suddenly shook his head and said with a smile: "Dude, you actually received the correct news, right?

   You knew they were going to ambush me in Oregon, right?

  I kind of believe now that you really want to help me...

   But what if you arrange a team of HRT to protect me?

  You know they can't let me meet Tom Reed smoothly..."

  Speaking, Choga folded his arms and sat back on the sofa, looked at Cooper with a half-smile, and said, "What exactly do you want to do?

  You want to use me to bring out the people from Lahiri's side, do you want to warn them, or do you want to kill them.

  Do you, a deputy director, have such great authority?

  Let me guess, Lahiri's emails put a lot of pressure on the FBI, but there has to be a point of entry to investigate.

  You want to use those mercenaries who attacked me to involve her, and then use the investigation as an exchange to force them to accept the election results honestly, right?

  Wow, you want to do something big..."

   Cooper suddenly relaxed in the face of the sharp and incredible boss Joe.

  Looking at Choga with a mocking look on his face, Cooper shook his head slightly and said, "Jackal, the FBI stands on a neutral stance on this matter.

   Lahiri's emails have split the FBI...

  Many agents have doubts about their careers!

  Now I have to perform my duties according to the law, and I want to tell those hesitant agents, maybe sometimes we are not good enough, but their profession is honorable!

  Actually, I can watch you fight those mercenaries and pretend that I don’t know anything.

   But I can't watch you go to war with the National Guard, where most of the soldiers are innocent!

  The **** who lead these events need to pay the price! "

   After hearing this, Choga closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "As a state senator, what is Tom Reed's relationship with the governor of Oregon?"

  Cooper saw that Choga had grasped the point again, he shook his head and sat back on the sofa, and said wearily: "Jackal, don't get too involved in American politics, it won't do you any good.

  Because you participate in supporting one side, the other side will become your enemy.

  You eat with guns, others will use guns against you! "

   Qiaojia shook his head and said with a smile: "Do I have a choice?

  I was going to the senator's house party, and it turned out that the governor was Lahiri's side, and he acquiesced in the National Guard's actions.

   These people not only want to kill me, but also want to put Tom Ridrah in and lie down, so that Big Mouth Don will lose his last stand.

   No wonder Lahiri and the others still refuse to give up..."

   As he said that, Qiaojia looked at Cooper, whose face was a little stiff, and said with a smile: "Man, I now believe that you are a good policeman.

  I work with you, how about we go and bring these **** to justice?

  I deal with those mercenaries, you deal with the governor, as long as you can monitor the officers of the National Guard, you can catch the connection between them.

   I suffered a little, I was your informant once, and I made Tom Reed owe you a big favor.

How about it? Give me an exemption agreement, I will work hard, and you will take credit. "

  Cooper smiled bitterly and said, "Should I still turn a blind eye to those heavy firepower and suicide drones in your car?"

   Qiaojia laughed and said, "Brother, congratulations, you have learned to answer quickly!"

  (end of this chapter)

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