From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 883: the enemy is ready

  Chapter 883 The enemy is ready

  Why did Cooper have to send a team of HRT to Choga?

  He didn't really want to protect Boss Joe, he knew that when P·B chose to fight, the gang would be prepared.

  Shove a team in because Cooper needs an excuse for the FBI to get involved!

  This guy's ambition is not small. He wants to stand on a neutral position and use Lahiri's side to mediate the vicious competition caused by the election.

  Cooper actually agrees with Alicia. As the most powerful law enforcement agency in the United States, the FBI should not be a **** in the hands of others.

  Without the neutral FBI, not only will it lose the trust of the outside world, but it will even lose the trust of its own people.

  When Lahiri’s emails were exposed in the early days, the New York police also brought in the FBI in order to protect themselves.

  After Danny Rogan's "I don't have a heart attack and I won't commit suicide" Internet celebrity email was forwarded a lot, Cooper's desk received many letters with the same real name.

  The FBI has a lot of agents, and these people are the forces Cooper wants to win over.

  The current boss of the FBI is doomed to take the blame. Once Cooper gains enough prestige through this incident, his promotion to director will be unstoppable.

   At that time, the newly promoted American spy chief, with his performance in this matter, others will have to carefully consider if they want to control him.

  This guy wants to use his impartial and objective standpoint to clear away the haze for himself and create the best working environment.

   You see, people are different!

  When most people only know how to stand in line and hug their thighs to reap benefits.

  Someone is able to see through the situation, and then use the rules within the system and use fair and objective practices to obtain greater benefits.

   Qiaojia was a little dark-hearted, but he had to admit that anyone in any country would involuntarily respect the "fair and objective" law enforcement officers.

   As long as Alicia Alexander becomes the Minister of Justice, the Ministry of Justice will be able to obtain a relatively independent status.

  The FBI, a super thug under the Ministry of Justice, has mastered many black materials. Once it also stands on a fair and objective standpoint, then the power of this department will become decisive.

In fact, Cooper still prefers Dazui Tang in his heart, not only because Dazui Tang's black material is relatively small and not black enough, but also because Dazui Tang's influence is limited, and he can't influence the FBI in a short time after taking office. .

   Lahiri and his group are completely different. Once Lahiri takes office, the entire FBI will be involved in the cover-up of the truth. Once the matter is exposed in the future, all of them will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

  Cooper didn't want to cooperate with Choga at first, he wanted to solve the problem by himself.

   But I didn't expect that Boss Joe's sense would be so keen. When he found out about the National Guard, this guy quickly found the key point, and then smoothly pulled the FBI on board.

   That feeling is weird, the transition from active to passive happened within ten minutes.

  Boss Joe's magical talent not only turned the situation around for him, but also pulled things into the most favorable track for him without affecting Cooper's planning.

  Cooper instinctively wanted to refuse, but no matter how he thought about it, he felt that shaking his head was the most stupid choice.

  What about this?


  HRT Fallen Angel Squad!

  Captain Depp led 11 guys in the parking lot of the hotel, watching Boss Joe and the others sort out their equipment.

  Looking at the switchblade loaded in the back of the pickup truck, Depp's face twitched, and then he walked to the side of the Spurs and said, "Who is your enemy?

  Why do I think you want to fight World War! "

  The former HRT of the 'Spurs' shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said: "Depp, you have worked with our boss, although the process was very unpleasant, but you should understand our style.

   We never back down from a challenge, but one good thing about our boss is that he always puts our firepower on top. "

   Saying 'Spurs', he patted Depp on the arm and said, "Man, you took a very dangerous job!

  If I were you, I would tell my buddies to throw away the set of things in the training ground and bring an extra base bullet, otherwise you might really die. "

   Depp looked at the bulletproof Cadillac Escalade, looked down at the suit on his body, and said helplessly: "Why can't we take a detour?

  I always felt like I was sitting in that car like this, someone was going to shoot me with a 'javelin'. "

  'Spurs' can understand Depp's concerns, he said with a smile: "So we installed explosives in the front wheel, as long as we get to the place, we will detonate the explosives ourselves before waiting for other people to attack us...

   Dude, this was supposed to be my job, but you guys brought it to your door..."

  Depp shook his head depressedly. After thinking for a while, he said, "'Spurs', I'm starting to worry a little bit. I'm worried about my buddy..."

  'Spurs' nodded seriously and said: "Your worries are right, put away your desire for control, the boss asked me to coordinate your actions, then what I say is what I say, you must follow our preset battlefield trajectory.

  Don't make your own claims, or you may not be the opponents of those people! "

   Depp nodded helplessly after hearing this, and said, "If we are in trouble, can we call those drones for support?"

  'Spurs' reached out and shook Depp firmly, and said, "No problem, we have a lot of those things."

   Saying 'Spurs', he saw his boss boarded a pickup truck, and slammed on the door to signal that he could move...

Patted on Depp's arm vigorously, 'Spurs' said with a smile: "Last time at the warehouse in Pasadena, you disappointed us. It took me a long time to correct the internal problems of P·B. Human misjudgment of HRT.

  You must not drop the chain this time, or I will personally take off your epaulettes and kick you into the cesspit. "

   Depp listened, shook his head slightly, and said: "We are the best!"

  'Spurs' pushed him, pointed at the Escalade that should have been taken by the boss, and said with a smile: "It's useless to talk about it, you have to prove to me that you are the best!

  Let's go, I will send you the enemy's briefing on the way, I hope you rookies who have never been on the battlefield don't pee your pants. "


  In a mountain range in Oregon, the 'Poisonous Wolf' wearing an auspicious suit stood up from a shallow pit and slowly moved to the bottom of a pine tree...

  Using the cover of pine trees, ‘Poisonous Wolf’ looked through the binoculars at a forest a few kilometers away, close to the road…

   "The enemy appeared, 30 people, who should be 'Bloody Mary' people.

  'Viper' marks the area where the opponent is and then evacuates, and 'Scorpion' sets up landmines to mark.

  'Ronaldo' establishes an observation point, and sends a signal once he finds that the boss and his convoy enter the line of sight. "

After finishing speaking, "Poisonous Wolf" leaned on the pine tree and turned around, then crawled on the ground for a distance of about 40 meters to the side and rear. After confirming that he would not be discovered by the people of "Bloody Mary", he stood up and ran for hundreds of meters. Came on another hillside...

   "This is C1, call the intelligence team..."

The black Ronnie, wearing a snow camouflage, sat in a snow nest, pressed the communicator, and said: "The Mexicans have been found. There are 25 of them. They are in an abandoned farm on the east side of the road, straight away from the road. 900 meters.

  Currently observed that they are holding M2 heavy machine guns, and have anti-tank weapons erected on the roof.

  Jack and Bone Crusher are trying to get close to them..."

  Hearing that the opponent had an anti-tank weapon, 'Poisonous Wolf' was silent for a moment, and said: "Mark the location of the anti-tank weapon, and we must destroy it before the battle breaks out.

  Information shows that there should be 20 Mexicans, and the other 5 people must be the people who responded to them, staring at them..."

  Ronnie’s location is right next to the highway, he heard the poisonous wolf’s explanation, shook his head slightly, and said: “Leave the people in the east to us, HRT intervened, we can guide HRT to make an assault to the east.

  The boss wants to enter the jungle, so you should be careful. "

   As he spoke, Ronnie took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and said: "The mobile phone signal has disappeared, the other party should have completed preparations, I didn't see the other party has a large signal shielding device, there should be other people nearby.

  We're going to find them..."

  'Poisonous Wolf' heard this, turned his gaze to the south, and said in a deep voice: "It's the National Guard, they are going to conduct a practical exercise.

We don't have much time. Once the war starts, we must take down the Mexicans in the east within 15 minutes, and then force the "Bloody Mary" people into the mountains. As long as the National Guards make a change, our boss can catch them sore feet...

   Things start to get complicated, we have no room for error! "

   When 'Poisonous Wolf' was speaking, Jack Heinz and the bone crusher appeared on the side of the abandoned farm.

  Jack hid in a bush, looked at the situation inside the farm through the scope, and finally carefully measured the shooting distance, and locked on the anti-tank weapon on the roof...

   "Get in place, confirm that there are 25 people on the other side, 5 of them are wearing suits, and they should be the ones the FBI wants to arrest...

  The opponent’s firepower is very strong. As long as I shoot, I will be found. If I don’t get support within 3 minutes, the bone crusher and I will evacuate here.

   Can you contact the boss? Most of the farm is open, and those HRTs are not necessarily their opponents. "

   While Jack Heinz was expressing his concerns, a voice broke into the public channel...

   "Here is A1, we still have 30 minutes to enter the reserved position...

  So turn on the IFF signal!

  Jack, no matter what you think, stand up to those people for me, and none of them will let go. You will know how P·B provides cover for his own people.

  'Poisonous Wolf', find a way to hold back 'Bloody Mary' after the war, we must first eat the Mexicans.

   Do you have any questions? "

  'Poisonous Wolf' lowered his head to review the route in the mountains and forests, and said, "No problem...

  Boss, pay attention to the identification marks after entering the jungle. I have placed some non-personnel mines inside. "

  (end of this chapter)

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