So many people, so many years, can't understand the mystery here.

Luo Zheng certainly does not think that he can understand anything in a short time.

He stayed here just because he was curious about the white sword shadow

These sword shadows should have been left by Nayi jiantianzun. When he carved this poem, he put his understanding of Kendo into these characters!

So these characters, from sunset to sunrise, have been releasing those white sword shadows for thousands of years, 100000 years and millions of years

It just seems that others can't see these sword shadows, but Luo Zheng can see them with his concentration.

Luo Zheng was able to fight against these white sword shadows through his own sword intention, but just now Luo Zheng blocked a sword. After he flicked away the white sword shadow, it deflected its direction, but after a long turn, it continued to stab towards Luo Zheng!

Can't stop it?

Luo Zheng's face also showed a trace of stubborn color!

Come again!

He still didn't release his sword intention. If he released his sword intention and was swallowed by the white sword shadow, he would hurt himself!

In the face of a white sword shadow, Luo Zheng is very serious this time!

His five foot long sword drifted to the ground. Under a light block, the white sword shadow was spread out. At the moment of opening, the white sword shadow rotated several times in the air and shot at Luo Zheng again!

Luo Zheng has already made preparations for this time. Lei Fengyou's magic sword flicks away the white shadow of the sword with a slight twist

Once, twice, three, four

The Lei Fengyou sword in Luo Zheng's hand waved out blue flowers, while the white shadow was bounced away again and again!

In one breath, Luo Zheng opened the sword flower seven times!

And after seven times in a row, the shadow of the white sword was smashed!


Luo Zheng's eyebrows are slightly picked.

When the white shadow of the sword broke, it turned into a light spot, flying towards Luo Zheng's body again!

"Is this the sword spirit?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

In Luo Zheng's body, Xun asked, "what sword spirit? Why can't I see? "

Luo Zheng shook his head, "I don't know..."

Whether it's the white sword shadow or the white light spot, it seems that only you can see it. Xun can't see it. Neither can the two warriors in the extreme realm behind you.

And this white light spot doesn't seem to be a sword spirit

However, while Luo Zheng was meditating, he suddenly felt something wrong.

The big characters on the boulder had been releasing thousands of white sword shadows all over the place. One of them would be aimed at Luo Zheng.

But when Luo Zheng chopped the first white sword shadow, all the sword shadows disappeared

Luo Zheng looked at the dozens of characters left by Yi Jian Tianzun. He didn't know why.

Lao Xu and Lao Chen also felt this feeling

Of course, their feelings were different from Luo Zheng's, because they suddenly found that the "piercing heart" feeling that existed all the time had disappeared.

Lao Chen has been here for 60000 years, and Lao Xu Ze has been here for 20000 years!

In such a long time, the world of mortals has changed dynasties hundreds of times

But, this kind of "pricking" feeling, has never disappeared a day, an hour, a incense and even a breathing time! As long as you stand here, you can feel the sharpness of those big words, and you will feel the tingling in your heart!

Old Chen and old Xu look at each other.

Two people had been used to this kind of feeling originally, did not have any discomfort, after disappeared suddenly, they did not feel used to instead.

What's more, this feeling suddenly disappeared. It's really not right. Have these words left by Yijian Tianzun lost their momentum?

"What's the matter! It's impossible... "

"Is it the boy?"

"Impossible, impossible..."

"But the feeling really disappeared," both of them looked incredible.

In the eyes of these two people, it's just a little puzzling that Luo Zheng pretends to be a ghost and dance swords here. Both of them want to see when Luo Zheng's play will be played.

But this happened at this time, they will inevitably associate this situation with Luo Zheng.

At this moment, they saw Luo Zheng turn around suddenly, and then run frantically at a very fast speed. The speed of flying away was that both of them had some sidelights

"What's this guy doing?"

"I don't know..."Luo Zheng had to run.

After stopping for a while, the big characters on the boulder suddenly shot out countless white sword shadows, and all the white sword shadows were shooting in one direction, which was where Luo Zheng was!

Is this a hornet's nest? Isn't it to chop up your white sword shadow?

Luo Zheng's face also shows a trace of helplessness. He doesn't know what happened, but every white sword shadow stabs into his body, which makes him feel "piercing pain". So many white sword shadows shoot at him at the same time, doesn't it make him die of heartache?

Of course, he will not stand in the same place foolishly

Seeing these white sword shadows like a swarm of wasps, Luo Zheng had to turn around and run away.


The speed of Luo Zheng's sprint was also very fast, but the speed of these white sword shadows was faster.

He just rushed out of the distance of hundreds of feet, the whole person was directly submerged by these white sword shadows

Next, Luo Zheng felt the pain of gouging out his heart. Then he felt that his heart was going to explode. He had no strength to escape and let the white sword shadow shoot into his body.

While Luo Zheng turned his eyes and fainted directly. He fell down from the height.

But at the moment when he was about to land, Xun shot out of Luo Zheng's body. He held Luo Zheng and stood on the ground.

With the strength of Luo Zheng's body, he won't be hurt even if he hits it at this height, but Xun still makes a move.

Then Xun put Luo Zheng on the ground, stretched out his finger, looked at him, but murmured: "just now, it seems that the body of sword spirit has become more powerful?"

This sword spirit belongs to Luo Zheng, and Xun's soul just depends on it.

However, Luo Zheng completely gave control to Xun, so the body of sword spirit was also regarded as Xun's temporary shell!

Luo Zheng didn't pay attention to his sword spirit, but Xun really felt the body of sword spirit, which seemed to strengthen a lot just now.

Yixun's current soul strength does not need to be attached to the sword spirit. It's just that her soul has been hiding here since she was released. It's a habit.

She is also very strange. How does Luo Zheng enhance the sword spirit? What happened to him when he just danced like that?

Luo Zheng didn't faint for long. This kind of pain is actually a kind of illusory pain. It doesn't really exist, so it won't hurt Luo Zheng

"Smoked?" When he woke up, he saw Xun standing beside him.

Smoke but stare at Luo Zheng to ask a way: "you just, seem to whet again own sword intention?"

Luo Zheng touched his head and said with a puzzled face: "I don't know," thinking of the huge amount of white sword shadow makes Luo Zheng have a lingering fear!

"I'm stronger!" Smoke but to Luo Zheng smile way.

In fact, the body of the sword spirit has only been strengthened a little, which does not match Xun's soul at all. It's not so much that she has become stronger, but Luo Zheng's sword spirit has become stronger.

"Ah..." Luo Zheng felt something strange.

He felt the breath of the sword spirit, which seemed more fierce. The breath did not come from Xun's soul, but from the sword spirit itself.

"It's true," Luo Zheng said with a smile. "It seems that I can sharpen my sword with the help of the white sword shadow!"

Luo Zheng's sword idea has really reached perfection, but perfection is not the limit. When Luo Zheng entered the killing sword mountain, he just inserted his sword on the mountainside.

It's a good thing to be able to sharpen his sword spirit again, but when he thinks of the white sword shadow like a hornet, Luo Zheng's mouth is full of bitterness.

If you want to be strong, you will suffer in the end.

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