Luo Zheng doesn't think he can solve the mystery of Yi Jian Tianzun staying here.

But it is enough to improve the strength of sword spirit through these white sword shadows.

Those white sword shadows really made Luo Zheng very painful. Every white sword shadow would have a "piercing" feeling.

And thousands of white sword shadow shuttle past, really feel that moment, his heart will explode!

However, this kind of pain, compared with the pain Luo Zheng suffered when he replaced the chaotic Qi, is nothing more than a small one The real yuan replacement of the whole Dantian, that kind of pain Luo Zheng has come through, now this kind of pain of course he can resist!

However, when Luo Zheng came back to the huge stone again, the two warriors in the divine realm were staring at Luo Zheng!

The two warriors, who used to be very kind, now look ferocious, like a wild beast!

"You, you What did you just do! " The old Chen asked in a trembling voice.

"How did you do it? How can those words That feeling is gone! " Lao Xu asked the same question.

No matter how hard they don't believe it, it happens under their eyes

They have been here for tens of thousands of years, and have had countless dreams. They can have some incredible reaction with the big characters on the boulder, but the miracle didn't care for them after all.

This huge stone, together with those words, has experienced countless years of wind and rain, sun and night dew. It still has perseverance here, and it still exudes a sharp breath, and has never changed.

But just come here, how strange can they calm down?

In fact, these two warriors, because of their sedentary meditation, have lost their edge and strength, and their mood is relatively calm, but they can't control their emotions at this time!

After all, Yijian Tianzun can play chess with God! The sword technique he left behind is also a sword technique that can play chess with God. As long as they understand it, everything they put in before will be earned back with profit, and the cost of their life will be enough. In this case, who can control their emotions?

Seeing that they were so excited, Luo Zheng was surprised, "I didn't do anything!"

"No way! You'd better be honest

"When we're three years old? Let you easily fool? "

Before that, they didn't believe that Luo Zheng could understand anything, so they just watched.

This time, they are full of fierce light

In fact, Luo Zheng also understands their feelings. These people have left their whole life's hard work here, as if they are guarding a huge treasure house, but they can't enter it. Under this guard, there are tens of thousands of years.

After he came, he really aroused some kind of vision. Although he did not necessarily solve the mystery of Yi Jian Tianzun, he let them see a glimmer of hope.

They're not crazy!

Luo Zheng is not worried. Yunluo is not far away from here. These two people are basically looking for death with their own hands. Besides, although they are fierce, they just can't stabilize their emotions. Luo Zheng doesn't feel the intention of killing them.

At this moment, Luo Zheng felt pity for them

"I really didn't do anything. I just saw some faint sword shadow. After chopping that sword shadow to pieces, it became what it is now," Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders. He didn't have to hide it, not to mention talking with Yunluo and AI Anxin before.

It's just that people don't believe it.

"Sword shadow!"

"What does that sword shadow look like..."

Luo Zheng made a few random gestures and explained them. At this time, he felt the feeling of "piercing the heart" again, that is, with a smile, "those sword shadows appear again."

Luo Zheng could feel it, and naturally they also felt it, as if the handwriting on the boulder had returned to normal.

"So over the years, that feeling is caused by sword shadow?"

"Why can't I see, why can't I see..."

Two people murmur of say, the facial expression on the face is to lose one's soul.

Luo Zheng turns his mouth. He doesn't care about these two lunatics. Even if he sees the shadow of the sword, it's not a big deal. There are many ways to sharpen the meaning of the sword. Why bother these two people?

The two men murmured, and they looked round, as if they wanted to see those sword shadows.

While Luo Zheng raised the Lei Fengyou sword again and saw a white sword shadow flying towards him. His sword intention hovered on the sword body again and cut seven swords again!

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

After seven swords, that white sword shadow has no suspense of fragmentation!

So all the white sword shadows came to Luo Zheng again!

This time, Luo Zheng didn't choose to retreat. Anyway, he couldn't run these white sword shadows. Since he was sharpening, he should be thorough!He was holding the sword straight in front of him, pressing the fingers of the other hand on the body of the sword, and his eyes were full of seriousness!

The shadow of the white sword seemed to form a tide, and went up to Luo Zheng.

At this moment, Luo Zheng also made a sword again.

Luo Zheng didn't exert the power of the law in Lei Fengyou's divine sword. He just drove the sword crazy and waved his sword crazily, while his feet stood on the ground steadily and didn't move a step.

If a mortal sees Luo Zheng, he will not see Luo Zheng's right hand and the sword in his hand. He can only see the wavering sleeve shadows and the blue sword flowers

The speed of his wave has exceeded the limit of his eyesight.

"Whoosh -"

under the high-speed waving, a gust of wind rolled out of his sleeve, and the white sword shadow that rushed to Luo Zheng was constantly blocked by his leifengyou magic sword with the meaning of sword, and the blocked white sword shadow circled and flew back to Luo Zheng again.

After repeated for seven times, it is suddenly broken

So this time, pieces of white sword shadow were broken, and those white light spots rushed into Luo Zheng's body quickly and fused with Luo Zheng's sword spirit.

There are too many white sword shadows, and Luo Zheng's speed of waving long sword has reached a limit.

At present, Luo Zheng is like a giant standing alone in the valley to resist the torrent. At first, he was able to block the torrent formed by the white sword shadow, but after a few breaths, he did not block the torrent, and the huge torrent submerged Luo Zheng again.

"Heart It's going to explode

Very helpless, Luo Zheng's white eyes turned and fainted again. He thought so before he fainted.

After Luo Zheng fainted, Xun left Luo Zheng's body again and looked coldly at the two people in front of her. She was guarding Luo Zheng silently during the period when Luo Zheng fainted.

With the strength of Yinhun realm, even if there are only souls left, she will have the power to fight with these two warriors. However, if they don't hurt Luo Zheng, she won't take the initiative.

This old Chen and old Xu, then Leng Leng of looking at fainting Luo Zheng.

Anyway, they have confirmed that Luo Zheng must have discovered some mysteries, but they can't see them.

Although the two men had reached the edge of losing their senses, they also knew the identity of the thirteen palace warriors.

Ever since Changsu island was designated as the site of the thirteen palaces for the inheritance of firewood and fire, it's not easy for them to enter and observe the huge stone. It's just that they both spent a lot of time, and they didn't get rid of it

At present, all the people from the thirteen palaces have come to Changsu island. They really dare to attack Luo Zheng. They really want to die.

They also have some other ideas in their hearts. Maybe when Luo Zheng understands the mystery of Yijian Tianzun, they can have a piece of it?

So although they were excited, they also stifled some impulses in their hearts, such as hijacking Luo Zheng and forcing him to tell the truth

After a while, Luo Zheng woke up again.

At this time, he has been more brave, at least just under the resistance, the sword spirit is also stronger, and he found that he is not unable to stop these white sword shadow!

"Come again!"

With Luo Zheng cutting out seven swords in the air, he once again touched the sword shadow like a torrent, and then he was submerged again

This time, Luo Zheng persisted for a little longer, at least six or seven more breaths. Then he experienced the feeling of a heart explosion again and fainted.

So again and again by Baise sword shadow submerged, again and again wake up.

And Xun's sword spirit body began to grow stronger at a visible speed. At the same time, Luo Zheng also felt that his sword spirit had changed again.

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