The mentality of these two people is extremely complicated.

They found that the sharp sword meaning in the big characters had disappeared completely.

The root of this problem must be Luo Zheng

But they did not dare to stop Luo Zheng and force him to tell the truth. Besides, Luo Zheng probably did not know what the truth was.

So they can only watch Luo Zheng leave, and they continue to look at the words on the boulder After losing those as like as two peas,

, though they are exactly the same as before, they have lost their charm, and even the seal is not sharp.

Before that, if someone said that this poem is Tianzun seal cutting, the audience would nod! Only Tianzun can carve such sharp words.

Now, if others see it, they think it's just a seal cutting by ordinary craftsmen.

"The boy, took the spirit from these words What's going on? " Old Chen said with a wooden face.

Lao Xu shook his head and his face was full of apathy.

In this case, there was a crack on one of the big characters. Why were they not surprised?

The perseverance of this huge stone has never been damaged for countless years. Now cracks appear naturally. Isn't it extraordinary?

They looked at each other and their faces were full of excitement

Compared with the past million years, they are the last left behind among countless warriors. Maybe what happened in front of them is the turning point of their fate!


Luo Zheng did not know that after he left, the words appeared cracks.

When Luo Zheng arrived at his destination, he saw a piece of magnificent ancient buildings. These ancient buildings have been standing here for countless years

Yunluo and dozens of other people are waiting here.

"Yunluo, there is still one person in yunmiao Tiangong who hasn't returned. It's been several hours. If I don't come, I'm going to close the Qingsheng pool!" An old man in a cloth dress was full of impatience.

The inheritance of firewood is a great fortune for any warrior in the thirteen palaces. Unexpectedly, there are still people who don't come and don't know what they are dallying with. Naturally, the old man in cloth is angry.

Cloud falls but is indifferent to say: "wait again."

After she finished, there was a tall woman in blue clothes beside her and said with a sneer, "haha, Yunluo's face is big. If we were other palace masters, I'm afraid qingshengchi would have been closed long ago!"

This time, the thirteen palaces of the Alliance came from the thirteen realms. The woman in Biyi was the leader of the "gloomy heaven Palace".

The woman in Biyi is right. The old man in Buyi has no patience and dislikes latecomers most. As usual, the old man in Buyi will not leave any feelings even if he is so late. He will close the Qingsheng pool. How can he give the latecomer the chance to participate in the inheritance of firewood?

It's just that Yunluo is the daughter of heaven and has a high status, so he patiently left a back door for the late guy

At this time, another warrior also said to Yunluo: "in fact, it doesn't matter to be short of this one. Why do you doubt Yunluo and wait for this warrior? Is there anything special about him? "

In a heavenly palace, there are hundreds of people who take part in the inheritance of firewood. When they see that Yun Luo has to wait for Luo Zheng, they are also very interested in Luo Zheng's identity. They want to see what the little guy who makes so many world leaders wait for is like!

Yunluo turns her lips. From the bottom of her heart, she has high hopes for Luo Zheng. However, since she knows that Luo Zheng is a lifeless person, she will not interfere with any thoughts of Luo Zheng. He will do everything as he pleases. She just doesn't know whether he understands the words of Yijian Tianzun or not.

"Yes, Yunluo, why is that boy so late? Shouldn't he come with you? " Another man asked, "it seems ridiculous for us to wait for a little guy?"

According to the rules, all the people who enter the place of inheriting firewood will close and isolate it. If Luo Zheng can't come now, it's impossible to close it. How can the heavenly palace masters of Tang Dynasty not be annoyed when they are delayed by a little guy?

"Hey, that little guy should be comprehending the poem of Yijian Tianzun! Maybe it will take thousands of years to understand! " It's Xu can, the deputy chief of yunmiao heavenly palace, who is talking.

Hearing Xu can's words, the faces of many palace masters are showing strange colors, and their eyes are staring at Yunluo.

As for the mystery of Yijian Tianzun, these palace masters can't be more clear about it. Whether it's a scam or not, they won't express their opinions for the moment, but the smarter warrior won't waste his whole life on it!

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that there was such a stupid little guy in yunmiao Tiangong? Can you believe the mystery of Yijian Tianzun A palace Master said with a smile.One of the palace masters sneered and said to Yunluo, "don't you really let us wait for a thousand years?"

This is of course a sarcastic remark. Yunluo sounds very harsh. In the face of the urging of many palace leaders, Yunluo has to send a message to Luo Zheng again, but before she opens her mouth, there is a figure in the sky coming straight here, and it is Luo Zheng.

When he saw Luo Zheng coming, Yunluo was relieved and said, "he has come."


After Luo Zheng came down, he arched his hand to the cloud and said, "sorry, I've been waiting for a long time!"

Yunluo nodded slightly, but he didn't speak. The old man in cloth clothes said, "wait a long time? Hum, you are not qualified to keep us waiting

This tone is very bad, but Luo Zheng is really late, and he doesn't have much to say. The old man's words are also good. He is a little guy in the world of life and death, and he is not qualified to make these big people wait for a long time.

Other palace leaders and vice palace leaders are also staring at Luo Zheng with frown. They didn't expect that after waiting so long, they had to wait for a little guy with five levels of life and death. Is there really no one in yunmiao Tiangong? Take this little guy to make up for it? Or is it because of his background?

"Now that you're here, go into the Qingsheng pool," Yunluo said in a low voice. "Others have been in the inheritance place for several hours, and you're already behind..."

Luo Zheng nodded, then looked in the direction of the cloud, and saw a round pool.

In this pool, there is a pool of clear water, clear to the bottom. The breath from this pool of clear water reminds Luo Zheng of the feisheng well he stayed in

Everyone is urging, and Luo Zheng doesn't want to make Yunluo feel embarrassed. He doesn't ask any more questions. His figure is just a flash, and he jumps into the Qingsheng pool! However, when Luo Zheng jumped in, he found that the clear water in the Qingsheng pool was not as simple as it seemed. The resistance of the clear water was much greater than Luo Zheng imagined.

After he jumped down, the whole person actually appeared on the surface of Qingsheng pool, and could not sink at all.

Seeing this scene, Yunluo said, "you can sink down. This Qingsheng pool can make your soul clear and your understanding double in a short time."

In fact, those who passed the 13th round of Shengchi martial arts competition did not know!

The Qingsheng pool is very buoyant. The Qingsheng pool is only two feet wide and two feet deep. If the Qingsheng pool is expanded countless times, a mountain will be thrown on it. I'm afraid it can't sink!

In order to show their strength, many warriors in the heavenly palace are proud to sink to the bottom!

But it's not easy to sink into the bottom of the Qingsheng pool. Most of the warriors in the thirteen palaces can't sink to the bottom, most of them just stay in the middle

Of course, there is no lack of powerful warriors in the thirteen palaces. For example, AI Anxin, Xue Muyang and other warriors naturally sink to the bottom. In addition, there are more than ten warriors in the thirteen palaces also sink to the bottom.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether they sink to the bottom or not. It's just a way for the thirteen palace warriors to compete with each other.

"Little guy, you can try to see how deep you can sink," a palace Master said to Luo Zheng with a smile.

Luo Zheng looked at the cloud falling. How deep can it sink? Is it very important?

Seeing that Yunluo didn't speak, Luo Zheng didn't bother to pay any attention. He just turned over and got into the Qingsheng pool. However, he just soaked himself in it and didn't get into the bottom of the Qingsheng pool.

Seeing this scene, many palace masters, including the old man in cloth clothes, frowned. They had been waiting for such a guy for a long time?

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