It is also a small measure to measure the strength of the thirteen palace warriors.

In the past few hours, thousands of warriors jumped into the Qingsheng pool one after another to show their magic power.

Entering Shengchi in the Qing Dynasty was originally a highlight of every inheritance. Many palace owners told their palace warriors to be as good as possible.

In the previous thirteen palaces, AI Anxin, who sank into the bottom of Qingsheng pool, was the fastest and most relaxed one!

She is just a breath of time, is quietly sinking in the Qingsheng pool two feet deep, Qingsheng pool water resistance, it seems that she can not constitute any obstacles.

At present, Luo Zheng is also from yunmiao Tiangong, and it's too late. As a result, this kind of performance

Let's not say whether Luo Zheng has done his best or not. He just floats at this depth. Among the martial arts of the thirteen palaces, he can only rank lower. Don't wait!

"What kind of super genius do you think it is? It's a waste of time!"

"I believe in the mystery left by Yi Jian Tianzun. How smart can this guy be?"

"Well, we can close the road of inheriting firewood."

"I'm going to see the little guys in my palace. How much have they learned!"

Some palace leaders are very dissatisfied.

Those voices were heard in Luo Zheng's ears through the Qingsheng pool, and his face was indifferent. At this time, he found that Yunluo was staring at himself, and he was smiling at her.

So they both laughed at the same time, even though they didn't know what they were laughing at

Smile to smile, this Qingsheng pool water after immersion, really let Luo Zheng refreshing, the whole person's thinking are a lot faster.

After Luo Zheng left the Qingsheng pool, the old man in cloth reached out to take a picture, and suddenly a huge "Feng" appeared in the sky!

When the word "Feng" appeared, it isolated the orange sea, as if it had become an independent space under the scope of the word!

"What a powerful means," Luo Zheng was slightly surprised to see the old man's hand.

This old man in cloth clothes should also be the cultivation of the half step master of the world, even the master of the world. Naturally, Luo Zheng was amazed by the great power of such cultivation.

After the road of inheriting firewood was closed, Luo Zhengcai and others entered a square. In the square, there were several square stones!

The stones are about two feet long, with characters as big as mosquitoes and flies carved on them.

At the end of the square, there are thousands of warriors sitting on one side. Their hands are holding the square stone carvings in their hands. They are looking down to understand the contents of the stone carvings.

"You, choose a stone carving of your own! Go over there and sit and realize! " The old man in cloth said coldly.

Luo Zheng left a very bad impression on the old man in cloth clothes. Naturally, the old man in cloth clothes didn't have a good tone.

At this time, Yunluo glanced at the isolated stone carvings on the square and said to Luo Zheng, "the stone carvings that are easy to think about should be picked away. The rest of the stone carvings are very difficult..."

There were thousands of stone carvings on the square, and the difficulty of the stone carvings was different. Naturally, the remaining stone carvings were chosen by others.

Luo Zheng nodded and walked into the square. His eyes were sweeping over the stone carvings

With this sweep, his eyes flashed slightly, "isn't the power of law recorded on the stone carving?"

Then Luo Zheng went to a stone carving and looked down carefully.

"This is the power of the four levels of golden rules..." Luo Zheng understood the power of the other eight laws to three levels, but the fourth level was not yet understood.

But it's not that Luo Zheng can't find the fourth level of law to understand, it's just that time is not enough.

After reaching the fourth level, even though Luo Zheng had experienced the baptism of law, it took him time and effort to understand it.

"No, it's not the power of pure golden rule!" Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly.

This square stone carving has six sides. The central part of each side contains the power of one kind of law. Among the six sides, the power of six kinds of law is naturally recorded!

Where the forces of these six laws meet each other is to merge the forces of the two laws

"The power of understanding six laws at once?" Luo Zheng is also very curious in his heart. What is the assessment of this inheritance?

In any case, Luo Zheng held the stone carving in his hand and went to one side of the square, ready to sit down in a corner.

Unexpectedly, when he walked past, AI Anxin suddenly waved to Luo Zheng and said in a loud voice: "Luo Zheng, this way!"

Her voice was suddenly vivid and pleasant, but thousands of warriors on one side of the square were silent, and they were absorbed in the stone carvings in their hands. Wouldn't such a loud voice disturb others?

AI Anxin's character is just like this. When she just entered the yunmiao heavenly palace, she directly used the tiger roaring order. Where did she consider the feelings of many martial arts in the yunmiao heavenly palace?However, her performance in the Qingsheng pool attracted the attention of all the young martial artists of the thirteen palaces. This woman's performance in the Qingsheng pool was the best, and she was the biggest competitor in the inheritance of firewood.

In private, a lot of martial artists have inquired about AI Anxin's identity. They have heard about her origin. In addition to her incomparable appearance, some male martial artists have given a lot of Hospitality

So she made such a loud noise, but it did not cause public indignation.

Many of the warriors who had noticed AI Anxin before found that she had left a place beside her, but they didn't know for whom that place was reserved. Now, we can see.

So Qi's eyes were fixed on Luo Zheng.

Seeing Luo Zheng's five fold cultivation in the realm of life and death, he disdained, despised, strange and so on. Anyway, there were all kinds of faces, but none of them could be called friendly.

There are many warriors in the realm of life and death here, but most of them are the nine fold cultivation of the realm of life and death. They all have the chance to attack the ten fold cultivation of the realm of life and death. The Legendary Warriors in this special realm are no weaker than those in the realm of God sea.

As for the quintessence of the realm of life and death, this kind of cultivation is devoid of the public and unimportant. Why should ai'an leave a place for him?

Luo Zheng felt that those unfriendly eyes were innocent. He thought bitterly. It wasn't me who was making a noise, as if they were blaming him.

So he did not pay attention to AI an Xin, but sat down in place.

Unexpectedly, AI Anxin is also stubborn. Seeing Luo Zheng ignore her and sit in a corner, she says more loudly: "Luo Zheng, come here! I have something else to ask you

When he heard this, Luo Zheng was speechless. He just bowed his head and began to understand the rules on the stone carving. He had been made uneasy by this woman before, but now he was not in the mood to pay attention to her.

AI Anxin saw that Luo Zhengwen had never heard of it. She actually stood up with her stone carvings, bypassed the warriors, crossed more than half of the square, and walked all the way to Luo Zheng's side. Then she gently lifted her skirt, knelt down on the ground, and put the stone carvings beside her. "I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

Luo Zheng while comprehending the law of stone carving, while light asked: "heard."

"Why not answer?" AI Anxin is also a reluctant reply.

Luo Zheng shrugged, "nothing, I don't want to answer."

"I didn't make you angry!" AI Anxin sees Luo Zheng so perfunctory, but she still asks.

Luo Zheng suddenly felt a headache. He just hoped that the woman would not be noisy beside him, but Luo Zheng would never be too cruel to women. After this, he only breathed a breath, looked up at Ai an and asked, "OK, what do you want to ask?"

AI Anxin's eyes turned twice and asked with a smile, "what do you understand from the words left by Yi Jian Tianzun?"

Luo Zheng shakes his head and answers: "people haven't understood it for millions of years. What mystery can I understand?"

"What didn't you realize? You've been so long?" AI Anxin continued.


Luo Zheng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. "Can you stop talking? I still need to understand the stone carving! "

He had been delayed for several hours, and now AI Anxin was still asking questions. Luo Zheng couldn't help it!

"Oh..." AI Anxin said bitterly, "in fact, I don't have enough time to understand the power of the six laws in the stone inscription, but the law storm was originally the fusion of many laws, so the more I understand now, the farther I can go..."

"The storm of law?" Hearing this, Luo Zheng raised his head and asked.

AI Anxin knew that Luo Zheng would be very curious, but with a smile, he said, "don't you want to understand the stone carving? Why do you want to ask me? "

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