In the eyes of the blood robed warrior, Luo Zheng's daring to attack himself is just a challenge to his own strength, that is, the behavior of the mantis blocking the car.

But for Luo Zheng, this is a review of his own strength.

In the lower world, the strength of the seven powerful people of Tianwei clan is the existence that Luo Zheng looks up to. However, they are also the powerful people of Shenji. In front of them, the bloody warrior is just a city leader in the holy land of Lingwu. His strength should be compared with the seven people of Tianwei clan.

Seeing that his shadow was smashed instantly, Luo Zheng's figure also retreated rapidly along the forbidden air!

"The strength of the powerful man in the divine realm is really more powerful than he imagined. He is just a city leader, and his talent should not be outstanding, but the power of the blood gun is still beyond his expectation."

LUO Zheng kept thinking in his mind. Facing the stab of the blood gun, Luo Zheng's sword was sealed gently and bladed with wind And lightning is once again toward the blood robed warrior swept away! However, the bloody spear is also very strange. In an instant, the blood blossoms are blended with the power of the law, directly melting the wind blade and lightning.

"It's no use, boy. Among the warriors in Shenhai, your strength is really shocking, but your understanding of the power of the law is still very shallow Hehe, "after that, the bloody robed warrior once again raised his bloody spear. In an instant, the forbidden air in Huatian city seemed to be linked with him in an instant!

Originally, the big black net was full of blood evil spirit, and it began to turn into a big dark red net. Just under the big net, there were small blood strands extending from the hair. Continuously interwoven, it formed a huge blood net cage, which locked Luo Zheng and xuepaowu in it.

Mu Mingxue sits on tianluan's horse, and her face is also very nervous. Just now, Luo Zheng is losing. Now that Luo Zheng is bound up, there is no way out!

"It's over Since you and mu Mingxue are ascending at the same time, I don't know how you got the artifact and the tianluan horse in just one year, but it doesn't matter any more, because everything about you will be mine! "

In this cage, the greedy color on the blood robed warrior's face gradually became strong, and there was no longer any cover.

Luo Zheng just glanced at the bloody robed warrior. He didn't say anything. Instead, he put his sword up in front of him. After his pupils narrowed slightly, his temperament suddenly changed dramatically.

That little change was done in a flash

The whole process only took less than a breath of time, almost before the blood robed warrior reacted, Luo Zheng's sword had been stabbed out.

At this moment, the long gun of the blood robed warrior was also lightly waved, and endless blood still bloomed on his body and piled up towards Luo Zheng. In his opinion, the power of the laws inspired by Luo Zheng was not worth mentioning at all. As long as he kept melting, he could easily understand it, and then he could take the boy's life again!

But what I never thought was that Luo Zheng's sword, which seemed to be thrust out of hand, was quite different from before!

He felt a power he couldn't understand!

It's just a common sword!

Even the power of the law is not stimulated, only a long and sharp sword.

However, it was this common sword, which contained a sword potential, that made him feel confused.

He felt that Luo Zheng was not a living creature in this moment, but a stone, a stone without any vitality.

But how can a stone wave a sword?

How could it stab such a terrible sword?

The most important thing is that this guy doesn't have any momentum at all. The sword he stabbed suddenly seems to be a sword he stabbed casually, but it makes the blood robed warrior feel an irresistible power.

Playing chess with a sword

Although Luo Zheng's sword is not perfect, the sword potential contained in it is terrible enough.

The horror of the sword of chess God lies not only in its invincible power, but more importantly, compared with other assassins, this sword does not need any momentum at all. As long as you fully understand it, you can follow your nature and destroy the heaven and the earth.

The bloody robed warrior is not anxious from the beginning to the end. In his opinion, Luo Zheng certainly shows good strength, but under this prohibition, with his "dark blood Gong", Luo Zheng can only exist as a plaything.

But this reversal only happened in a flash!

Just when he was ready to torture Luo Zheng a little to let the boy know what he had to pay, this guy suddenly stabbed such a sword.

When the confusion in his heart disappeared, he found that he was completely penetrated by Luo Zheng's sword, and then the whole body turned into pieces and began to dissipate quickly.It was his trunk that dissipated first, and it was his head that dissipated last

Even before his head was completely broken, Luo Zheng's eyes were still indifferent and asked, "tell me, what's the price to pay?"

The head of the bloody warrior glared at Luo Zheng reluctantly, and then it began to split into a little bit of debris, and slowly dissipated between heaven and earth

"How could there be such a monster With one sword, I will destroy my Lord! Ah, ah

At the same time, deep in the main mansion of Huatian City, in a secret room full of blood smell, a group of blood essence floats in the air and turns into a human shape and roars up to the sky! The dark blood skill practiced by the blood robed warrior is able to create the body of bleeding spirit!

as like as two peas, he can use this blood to form second flesh like bodies.

However, his body of blood and soul has not been completely cultivated, and his main body has fallen, which is a great blow to him!

The blood man, who was formed by the condensation of essence and blood, suddenly seemed to find something under the roar of madness, and his bloody face showed an unexpected color, "Lord of the temple! It seems that the Lord of the temple is flying towards our Huatian city. I will tell him the news. After all, there is a last chance! "

It's a huge loss for the Lord of Huatian to be killed by accident, but if the Lord of the temple is willing to protect him, this loss can be easily made up for!

A temple master controls 1000 cities. In the eyes of Huatian city master, the temple master is a superior existence, and also a very important person in the holy land of Lingwu. After the blood man instantly absorbed the blood in the blood pool, he rushed out of the secret room.

The power of Luo Zheng's sword is too strong. It easily penetrates the body of the bloody warrior, and easily destroys the forbidden space completely. The meaning of the sword extends to a very far distance, spanning tens of thousands of miles. Finally, the sword power condensed by Luo Zheng gradually dissipates

Even after it dissipated, the power of that sword was sensed by many strong people?

At the same time, the powerful people who are hundreds of thousands of miles around feel the momentum of this sword. The city masters of hundreds of big cities leave their own city masters' mansion one after another and look up at the sword coming from the West. Their faces are very dignified.

Under normal circumstances, there will not be a big dispute in the holy land of Lingwu. After all, ordinary warriors dare not fight in the holy land of Lingwu, but who did they fight with just now? It is only under the best efforts of the strong in the divine realm that such power can erupt

Many city masters felt the aftereffect of the sword and rushed towards Huatian city. The fastest and the first one was a temple master of Lingwu holy land.

The temple master, whose surname is Shen, is an old acquaintance of Luo Zheng. When Luo Zheng left the mine, it was the Shen Temple master and another he temple master who led Luo Zheng all the way to the holy city.

As soon as he arrived, he saw a group of blood people coming straight to him.

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