The sword that Luo Zheng broke out just now really shocked the Lord of Shen temple.

It's not to say how powerful Luo Zheng's sword is in the eyes of the Lord of Shen temple. In fact, because the distance is too far away, the Lord of Shen Temple didn't realize Luo Zheng's sword.

He felt a very unique artistic conception in that power!

Therefore, after feeling this power, we will find Huatian city in a hurry.

Just after arriving at Huatian City, I saw a group of blood people coming straight to me.

Shen Dian master's eyes light a Piao, eyebrows is a tiny wrinkle, "Mu Jinglun? How can you look like that? "

The director of Shen temple has over a thousand cities, but only more than 30 of them are controlled by the ascenders. This mujinglun is a city leader he is familiar with.

"Temple, temple master My body was destroyed by a boy The Lord of Huatian city said sadly, but then a light of hope flashed in his eyes, "but the Lord of the temple, that boy has a great treasure. He should not have escaped from Huatian city now!"

"Oh?" The Lord of Shen temple has a strange look on his face. How dare people with great treasure make trouble in the holy land of Lingwu?

"Lord of the temple, I'll take you right away!" The Lord of Huatian city is leading the way. Now that his body is destroyed, it's impossible for him to covet the Luan horse and the artifact on the day of Luo Zheng. However, if he gives these treasures to the Lord of Shen temple first, the Lord of Shen temple will help him.

Luo Zheng killed the Lord of Huatian city with this sword, and then broke the Forbidden Space of the whole Huatian city. Mu Mingxue sitting on tianluan's horse was speechless.

What has Luo Zheng experienced in this year?

Is the resources in the upper bound so abundant? Just wandering in the holy land of Lingwu for less than a year, can we enhance our strength to such a level?

It's absolutely impossible. When this idea rose from mu Mingxue's heart, she directly dismissed it

Because of going to Huatian City, mu Mingxue does not have a chance to get to know Shangjie well, but her uncle's talent is not bad, at least now he is also the leader of the city. However, after staying in Shangjie for so many years, she is still killed by Luo Zheng. From this point alone, she denies mu Mingxue's conjecture.

However, how Luo Zheng can improve his strength so fast, mu Mingxue can't figure it out.

She couldn't imagine that Luo Zheng had already crossed more than a thousand boundaries and had to go around for a long time before he came back here

Luo Zheng was not very satisfied with the sword he just cut. He even had some expression of displeasure on his face. Although he didn't need to be ready for the sword, he needed to adjust his mind. At the moment of cutting the sword, Luo Zheng tried to completely shut down his seven emotions and six desires.

It's easy to say, but hard to do. No matter how hard he tried, his mind was a little loose at the moment of cutting the sword.

Luo Zheng himself also infers that if he takes a stone to use this sword, he may be able to achieve the perfect effect. Unfortunately, he is not a stone, nor does he exist as a real God. After all, he is a living man!

"Go," Luo Zheng light smile, is ready to take mu Mingxue to leave.

Mu Mingxue nodded slightly, but looked at Luo Zheng's eyes, obviously with a trace of awe.

When she just ascended, mu Mingxue was quite superior in her heart. After all, compared with other helpless climbers, she had an uncle in the holy land of Lingwu, which was also a support.

Now think about it, at the beginning she should not rush to go to her uncle. In contrast, Luo Zheng is more reliable.

However, mu Mingxue, who has come to understand now, has already developed this kind of awe towards Luo Zheng. When facing Luo Zheng, she can't be so casual

However, at this time, there are two light escape from the sky again.

Seeing the person who came quickly, Muming Xueyuan's relaxed heart suddenly tightened up again!

Because when she saw the group of blood people in front of her, she was just like her uncle. But when she saw a warrior behind him, she couldn't see through his cultivation realm. As long as people were not stupid, they all knew what was going on!

"What to do..." Subconsciously, mu Mingxue has taken Luo Zheng as her dependence.

Luo Zheng's eyes swept lightly, but he had a faint smile on his face. He felt mu Mingxue's tension, so he said, "it's OK. It seems that he met an acquaintance."

The Lord of Shen Temple followed the blood essence of the Lord of Huatian city and rushed to the west of Huatian city. He was very confused, but when he got to the destination, his eyebrows suddenly picked up and looked at Luo Zheng up and down.

Although there was no change in Luo Zheng's appearance, after breaking through the divine sea, Luo Zheng's cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, and his whole temperament went further, which made him confused for a moment.

What's more, Luo Zheng should have been taken away by the leader of yunmiao heaven palace. Why did he return to the holy land of Lingwu alone? So for a time, he was not sure!

"The Lord of the temple is this boy. He has a piece of artifact in his hand, and a tianluan horse as his mount," the Lord of Huatian said in a low voice: "and the woman beside him is Tianyuan's body arranged for you by his subordinates, which is the best cauldron of the warrior..."After hearing what my uncle said, mu Mingxue was also anxious and angry. My uncle asked her to be the cauldron of some big man. It seems that the big man in my uncle's mouth is the person in front of me. Mu Mingxue's heart is to feel extremely sad!

This man's cultivation is much better than his uncle's. I don't know if Luo Zheng can cope with it Although Luo Zheng's performance just now is amazing, no matter how talented and evil he is, he has a certain degree. It's shocking to beat his uncle by leaping over a great realm. It's impossible for Luo Zheng to beat this man in front of him by leaping over two realms?

What mu Mingxue didn't expect is that after looking at Luo Zheng for a few eyes, he put a smile on his face, arched his hand to Luo Zheng and said, "Luo Zheng, long time no see."

Seeing the Lord of SHENDIAN, Luo Zheng just nodded, "Lord of SHENDIAN, long time no see."

Under their friendly greeting, both mu Mingxue and Mu Jinglun were stunned. However, after being stunned, mu Mingxue showed a smile and a relaxed look on her face.

But the face of mujinglun at this time is how ugly, how ugly!

What a great man is the Lord of Shen temple? When did you give them false colors?

But in front of this young man, he is so polite. If you think about it with your butt, the current situation is very unfavorable for him

The master of Shen Temple looked at Luo Zheng, but his face was still a little suspicious, so he asked, "young Xia Luo Zheng, I heard the LORD say, aren't you brought into the 13th palace? Why did you return to the holy land of Lingwu in such a short time? "

This Luo Zheng is a figure that even the Lord is optimistic about. Naturally, the Lord of Shen temple is quite polite.

Luo Zheng is a light smile, "just happened to pass here, did not expect that a friend who had soared together, was actually imprisoned by his uncle, said to be regarded as a furnace Ding of some big man!"


Hearing Luo Zheng's words, the master of Shen Temple immediately felt a cold sweat coming out of his back!

The Lord of Shen Temple didn't know that Luo Zheng had joined the Lingyan Pavilion, or what happened in the thirteen palaces. After all, as the Lord of Shen temple, he was not qualified to join the thirteen palaces.

However, Luo Zheng's identity and background were not provoked by the SHENDIAN master. The master of yunmiao heaven palace, even the holy master of Lingwu holy land, treated each other with the highest standard of courtesy, and the Grand Master of the world should greet him personally!

And he is just one of the 36 hall masters of Lingwu holy land.

A word from the Lord can make him fall into an irreparable situation.

When the Lord of Shen Temple saw that Luo Zheng was familiar with that mu Mingxue, he was not sure about the relationship between Luo Zheng and that woman, but it made the Lord of Shen Temple feel empty after all!

Give her to me as a cauldron? Isn't that to kill him?

This Luo Zheng was taken away by Yunluo himself. Although he has never met Yunluo himself, he is not qualified to meet him, but the daughter of heaven in the alliance, the palace master of yunmiao heaven palace, wants his own life. I'm afraid one look is enough for him to die hundreds of times!

The Lord of Shen Temple nodded to Luo Zheng with a smile. "Young Xia Luo Zheng, don't mention the cauldron. It's also my improper discipline of my subordinates. I'll compensate you first." after that, he glanced at Mu Jinglun beside him, but said: "this man is extremely insidious. Six relatives don't recognize him. How can such a person be qualified as the leader of my holy land of Lingwu?"

At this time, mujinglun was full of fear, and the extremely bad premonition was now a reality!

Thinking of this, mujinglun turned around and ran away. He was originally the body of essence and blood, and the speed of this flight was also very fast.

With a sneer and a slight finger, the master of Shen Temple screamed, which was the collapse of mujinglun. The blood foam constantly changed its shape, squeezed, kneaded and shrunk. With the cry of mujinglun, it finally formed a bloody spirit.

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