Mu Mingxue's hands are locked, just like two iron tongs. How can she break away?

But Luo Zheng's look was gradually cautious. How to solve this evil spirit?

Originally, evil spirit was a process of slow accumulation. The accumulation speed of this process is not fast. Some martial arts practitioners may not be able to kill 100000 people for hundreds of years, unless those martial arts practitioners kill several cities in a short period of time, and do things that make people angry

But now many warriors are accumulating so much evil spirit. How can they remove it?

Even if Luo Zheng helps mu Mingxue leave the underground palace, the evil spirit in his body is a big problem.

In this way, isn't the abyss of reincarnation a dead end?

Now only Luo Zheng, who has been in the killing sword mountain, can rely on killing sword mountain to resist one or two. Other warriors fall into madness and start fighting with each other. Violent energy fluctuations will break out on Luo Zheng's head. If this goes on, everyone will die

Luo Zhengzheng thought about this, but Xun's voice came from you, "don't worry, this section of the road will be OK. At the beginning, I took the demon night people to kill many people, but there will be a purification road below the abyss, which can completely eliminate the evil spirit. It's also a great benefit to the warrior..."

After hearing Xun's words, Luo Zheng was slightly relieved, but the premise was to survive

The fighting among those above is more and more fierce. More than 20 powerful people in the divine realm fight each other, and each one uses his mace. The power is also very terrible.

Fortunately, the abyss is unbreakable. If dozens of powerful people in the divine realm fight in the outside world, the whole continent will fall apart soon

"Bang -"

with a loud noise, Luo Zheng looked up and saw that AI Hu had beaten a demon warrior into a blood fog.

At the moment, AI Hu's whole body is glittering with gold, and his eyes are also red with blood. It has to be said that AI Hu's strength is really extraordinary. With the strength of the later Shenhai realm, it seems that it is not hard to kill the warrior in Shenji realm.

But after getting rid of the demon warrior, AI Hu is targeting the blonde woman of the demon night clan

The blonde of the demon night clan is also extraordinary in strength. She should be the core genius in the purple bamboo holy land. She has countless treasures. At the moment, the blonde is holding a delicate lantern, which emits a faint color light and envelops her.

When those evil spirits floated to the women of the demon night clan, they were all behaved by Caiguang. From beginning to end, she was not affected by evil spirits at all!

Of all the warriors, Luo Zheng and the blonde woman are the only ones who keep their mind clear, but their methods are totally different. Luo Zheng absorbs the evil spirit and pours it into the killing sword mountain, while the woman directly avoids the light spot of the evil spirit condensation

But it's not very useful just to keep her mind clear. Other people will attack her. Now AI Hu is like a fierce animal without reason, rushing towards the blonde!

The blonde tried her best to dodge at the beginning. After all, AI Hu's attack was too fierce. It was best to get rid of nature. But after several dodges, the blonde was forced into a corner by AI Hu.

At the moment, the blonde woman's face flashed a sharp color, gently raised the lantern in her hand, but her mouth was full of some obscure words.

Luo Zheng couldn't understand what she was reading, but at this moment, Xun's face suddenly changed!

"Some trouble...!"

"What do you mean?" Luo Zheng was at the bottom of the team. Although the fighting was fierce, he was not involved.

According to Xun, it's OK to get through this period. Now he's just sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight, as long as he controls mu Mingxue and doesn't let her get involved in those battles.

"This woman seems to have the blood of the ancient demon night clan! She is mobilizing the power of the three kings Xun said so.

"The power of the three kings?" Luo Zheng's face was slightly surprised.

Xun nodded, "there are only a few members of the demon night clan who still have the blood of the ancient demon night clan. Those who have such blood are entitled to use the power of belief accumulated in the three belief pools of the demon night clan However, why does this woman stay in Zizhu holy land? "

The three kings of the demon night clan are worshipped by trillions of demon night clan, and the power of belief is increasing all the time. Moreover, the power of belief of the demon night clan is very special, and the power of breaking out with the power of belief is extremely powerful.

All the power of belief, together, is put into three belief pools

In addition to the three kings who can control the three belief pools at will, few of the warriors who have the blood of the ancient demon night clan are also qualified to borrow the power of belief in the belief pool. Although they can borrow little power of belief, the power of the explosion is not bad!

However, there are few warriors with the blood of the ancient demon night clan. It is generally found that such warriors will also be directly recruited to the core holy land of the demon night clan. How can this blonde woman stay in the purple bamboo holy land of the Yin Luo kingdom?That's why Xun is so confused.

After the blonde had just finished reading that obscure old saying, there were ripples in the three belief pools far away. Two of them went straight to the king of life and the king of punishment. After a strange refraction, they shuttled through the boundless space again to the realm of yin and Luo, to the underground palace, and to the depth of reincarnation abyss

Any power of belief is controlled by the three kings. Even the warrior who has the blood of the ancient demon night clan, if he wants to use the power of belief, he also needs the approval of the three kings!

In this process, the king can easily cut off the transmission of the power of faith

However, the warrior who has the blood of the ancient demon night clan is also a fortune for the demon night clan. Generally speaking, when they need to borrow the power of belief, it is also a very critical time. Moreover, the power of belief is not much, and the three kings will not be cut off!

The colors of the power of belief in the three belief pools are different. The power of belief in the king of life is light green, the power of belief in the king of punishment is blue, and the power of belief in the king of killing is blood red!

"Why? Someone Using the power of faith? And it's still in the realm of yin and Luo? "

Yao Zhengduan is sitting in a grand palace in the core world of the demon night clan. The power of belief in her belief pool has been taken away and passed on to the distant world of yin and Luo through herself.

The power of belief that has been taken away is only a very small part of the belief pool. That belief pool is accumulating all the time. It is impossible to borrow such a little power of belief.

But Yao is still a little curious. Who is drawing the power of faith?

There are not many warriors with the blood of the ancient demon night clan. It's not very common to borrow the power of faith

Yao did not cut off the power of this belief, but integrated his own perception into the power of this belief, and then passed it to the far end at a very fast speed!

That blonde woman's use of her faith is also driven by AI Hu's powerful fighting power. If she keeps her hand, she will be killed directly by the crazy AI Hu

But she never thought that her borrowing of the power of faith would cause a big trouble, and even change the whole process of the evolution of the world to a certain extent!

The power of green and blue belief has been in place. Soon, the power of the third belief is shuttling through the infinite space to escape into the abyss. However, the red light does not directly hit the blonde, but directly reflects on Luo Zheng, and then refracts and catapults towards the blonde!


At this moment, even the blonde was stunned.

Fortunately, all the power of faith has gathered to form a three color light curtain, which envelops itself in it.

Although AI Hu's attack became more and more fierce, which made the three color light curtain roar, it could not shake the light curtain in the end!

The blonde did not choose to fight back. Her surprised eyes were still fixed on Luo Zheng below

Not only she, but also the Holy Lord of Zizhu holy land outside the underground palace, her face was very dignified, and her eyes also revealed strong doubts.

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