Now Luo Zheng's strength is not strong enough, it is far from the time for fumigation.

Therefore, it is a secret that must not be revealed that Xun is attached to Luo Zheng's body

Once let Yao know, I'm afraid it will be endless pursuit! But Xun has been away from the demon night clan for a long time. It's hard to fight Yao because of the old clan!

It's definitely not the right time to let the secret out.

However, when the power of blood red belief refracted from Luo Zheng, the secret was doomed to be unable to be kept.

"Boom Boom Boom... "

Under the control of evil spirit, the crazy AI Hu still bombards the three color light curtain of the blonde.

But at this moment, the blonde has forgotten to fight back, her eyes are fixed on Luo Zheng, and her eyes are full of endless doubts

"My king, why is he a man? Why... " Murmured the blonde.

Outside the underground palace, the doubts in the eyes of the Lord of Zizhu holy land gradually dissipated, but his face became more dignified. "My king has disappeared for a long time. It seems It should be attached to the warrior of the Terran! "

As for the face of the demon lord and the Terran Lord, it's even more wonderful!

Not long ago, the two kings of the demon night clan used the roaring order to scold each other in the world. Now it seems that the long lost king of killing is in this underground palace!

Luo Zheng's face also sank down. I'm afraid the current trouble is unprecedented!

"Whoosh -"

the power of faith transmitted from the distant space was snuffed out, and the blood red light suddenly dissipated. After losing the supply of the power of faith, the three color light curtain of the blonde woman lost a red light, but it was still more than enough to resist the attack of AI Hu.

Even if the power of belief reflected in Luo Zheng is extinguished, it is meaningless

Soon after, Yao's laughter rang out all over the world.

"Hahaha, I thought the cat and mouse game would last for a long time, but I didn't expect it to end so soon. Xun, you are more stupid than I thought!" Yao used the roaring order to spread his voice all over the world, naturally also to Luo Zheng and Xun's ears.

And the whole world, also at the same time know, it seems that the demon night clan of the killing king was found.

"Where are you, my king?" As one of the most urgent voices of Tianzun, the voice of Tianzun was also very tense.

In yunmiao temple, Yunluo's look changed slightly, but he lowered his head and murmured, "please..."

The internal disputes of the demon night clan, Yunluo is not suitable for interference, if the general thing interference is just, in the face of the huge Terran alliance, the demon night clan will also retreat.

However, what is involved is the internal struggle between the two demon night clan kings. This kind of life and death struggle, demon night clan will not give in! If Yunluo interferes forcefully, he may involve the Tianzun in the alliance and the Tianzun of the demon night clan. Now that the world is coming, many tianzuns are in the lurk, waiting for a new round of destiny. Now Yunluo is involved in it, which is absolutely unwise.

But Luo Zheng

"I'm not careful I hope you can turn the bad into the good.... " Cloud could not help shaking his head.

Luo Zheng grabs mu Mingxue and is still falling, but his brow is tightly wrinkled. This kind of thing is purely an accident. Xun doesn't know that the blonde woman will suddenly use the power of the three kings, which will expose Xun!

"Now What shall we do? " Luo Zheng asked.

Xun's face didn't look good either. After thinking about it, his eyes showed a trace of fierce color. "Continue to go down. Let's go through the abyss of reincarnation first! Other questions will be considered later! "

The present situation is very unfavorable to both of them!

Before that, in Zeji City, Xun could force Linglan to make a king's oath, so that he could hide the truth from the world.

However, the Lord of Zizhu holy land outside the underground palace would not listen to Xun's orders. Although Xun is the king of killing, people in high positions often see the situation more clearly than those below. Xun's position as the king is already precarious.

The Holy Lord is now blocked at the gate of the underground palace. As long as Luo Zheng and Xun leave the abyss of reincarnation, their fate can be imagined. In a word, they can't go out now!

But staying in this samsara abyss is not the way. First of all, this samsara abyss can not prevent the powerful of the Holy Lord level from entering. The reason why these holy masters are not willing to break in by force is that they attach importance to all kinds of opportunities and secrets in this underground palace. If they break in by force, they may destroy the whole abyss.

Even if Luo Zheng stayed in the abyss of reincarnation all the time, it was just a waste of Yao's patience. When their patience was exhausted, sooner or later they would be forced into the abyss of reincarnation.

Luo Zheng has no time to pay attention to other warriors, including AI Hu. He pulls mu Mingxue towards the wall of the abyss. When his body touches the wall of the abyss, the whole person will cross over and then push his legs on the wall of the abyss!"Whoosh!"

He is toward the top of the oblique pedal, so that Luo Zheng fell faster than 30% immediately!

Although the falling speed was not slow before, now Luo Zheng's time is short. He wants to pass the reincarnation abyss as soon as possible. As for the road behind He and Xun are in a mess!

Then adjust your position again, get close to the abyss wall again and step on it again!


Speed up again!

Under this repeated pedaling, Luo Zheng drags mu Mingxue and throws the group of martial arts who are in a frenzy at the top.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

AI Hu is still bombarding the two-color light curtain of the blonde woman. The blonde woman is still staring at Luo Zheng's rapidly falling figure, and her face is still a little stunned. She is just a warrior in the divine realm, but because she has the blood of the ancient demon night clan, she is reused by the Lord.

According to the rules of the demon night clan, her blood was originally sent to the core of the demon night clan for cultivation. However, she grew up in the purple bamboo holy land when she was a child, and the LORD was kind to her, so she hid her blood. Unexpectedly, after she was forced to die by this Terran warrior, she used the power of the three kings to trigger such a big controversy thing!

The voice from the roaring order resounded all over the world and naturally came to her ears. It was a dispute between kings. She felt that she had done something wrong by accident

Xun and Luo Zheng didn't hate the blonde. After all, she didn't know it. It was just a coincidence that she exposed her identity here!

With the rapid fall of Luo Zheng, the surrounding scenery changed again. Originally, the abyss wall was surrounded by blood red, full of killing gas, but now the white light spots are flowing out around the abyss wall!

It's a very pure power of purification!

A little white power of purification is like a snowflake, whirling constantly in the abyss, quickly entering Luo Zheng and mu Mingxue's body.

The power of purification doesn't have much effect on Luo Zheng. After all, the evil spirit he absorbed has been sent into the killing sword mountain. But this strange power of purification calms Luo Zheng's restless mood a little. The power of purification can purify the disordered thoughts in his mind.

With a little bit of purification into the body of Mu Mingxue, the evil spirit in her body is also in the rapid reduction, the red light in her eyes is also gradually dissipated!

Soon after, mu Mingxue's evil spirit was cleared, and her look was back to normal again!

"Luo, Luo Zheng..."

Mu Mingxue is in a frenzy. Her just thinking has been dominated by evil spirit. Naturally, she doesn't know what happened.

"Leave the abyss of reincarnation," Luo Zheng said simply. He didn't need to explain too much to Mu Mingxue.

As soon as mu Mingxue's face coagulates, he hears Luo Zheng's tone is not good, and his face shows a hint of silence. He sips his mouth, just a "um" She also knew that she was also a drag on Luo Zheng. It was a good thing for Luo Zheng to leave the underground palace as soon as possible.

About to feel mu Mingxue's emotion, Luo Zheng only turned his head, facing mu Mingxue with a smile, "not as you think, I have other troubles!"

"What's the trouble..." A trace of concern flashed in Mu Mingxue's eyes.

"After that, you will naturally know," said Luo Zheng. After that, he approached the wall of the abyss again, stepped on it, and sped up his speed again to sprint down.

Mu Mingxue stares at Luo Zheng's figure. She shakes her head and crushes the pattern of returning to God

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