Strands of fine lightning entangled together, forming a thick lightning line, hanging in the abyss.

Every time Luo Zheng touched, there would be a huge sound of thunder in the abyss. At the same time, many thunderballs of three or four feet in size would burst out madly in the abyss!

The power of these thunder balls is extremely terrifying. The law of thunder system contained in them has broken through the limit of the fifth level. The law of thunder system contained in them has reached a level that Luo Zheng can't understand!

Under such power, even the body of artifact is hard to resist.

But Luo Zheng is still biting his teeth and galloping down. His speed has reached the limit. Even if he wants to stop, it's impossible.


A thunder ball explodes below Luo Zheng. The white light from the thunder ball is reflected in his pupil, and a huge impact force begins to squeeze Luo Zheng.


The huge impact not only restrained Luo Zheng's falling tendency, but also made him bounce high and shoot him over the abyss, while the whole person was whirling in the air.

When Luo Zheng stabilized his body, a wisp of fresh blood came from the corner of his mouth!

"It's too urgent..."

Luo Zheng frowned slightly, but there was no compromise on his face. With the help of the falling momentum, he rushed down again.

The next Xun saw this scene, but a faint smile appeared on his cold face. The whole person was floating behind Luo Zheng, and his lotus white arm was passing through Luo Zheng's armpit, and then he closed his eyes

As soon as Xun's words fell, the sharp wings condensed by the power of faith began to bend. A pair of wings not only wrapped her up, but also wrapped the whole person of Luo Zheng!

"Go on!"


Under the protection of Xun, Luo Zheng's falling speed suddenly accelerated several times.

The thick thunder lines were triggered again and again, and more and more thunder balls exploded in the abyss, and the violent roar echoed in the abyss.

But no matter how powerful the thunder ball is, it can't penetrate the protection of that pair of wings!

All the way down, smooth!

After passing this area full of thunder balls, a thunder spirit with independent consciousness is coming!

Those thunder spirits are scattered in the abyss. They are very lovely in appearance. They even make a little cry from time to time, as if they can be used as pets for adoption!

But it was these lovely thunder spirits that contained the fatal power. They were still the fumigation of the divine realm. It was because of these thunder spirits that they chose to retreat.

At that time, Xun had been able to use the power of faith, but the amount was limited, far less than now.

When Xun hugged Luo Zheng and continued to fall head down, those Lei Ling gathered together and began to launch a round of attacks.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The power of thunder and lightning surged again, but Xun's wings were indestructible. On the contrary, those leiling who didn't dodge in time were scattered and disappeared


Luo Zheng's face flashed a strange color.

ZuLong had eaten a lot of the power of belief before, but Luo Zheng had no obvious and intuitive understanding of the power of belief at that time.

Now Luo Zheng understands that even Xun is still a ghost, and her soul has only recovered about 60%. But if she tries her best to stimulate the power of this belief, the general world leader may not be her opponent, and even she is qualified to fight against Tianzun!

Unfortunately, as Xun just said, the bitch named "Yao" seems to have a way to cut off her power of drawing belief. It seems that soon, Xun will not be able to use this magical and powerful power.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The time spent in the fifth circle of reincarnation abyss is only a little slower than that in the fourth circle.

Soon after, Luo Zheng saw the bottom of the abyss

At the bottom of the abyss, there is a quiet valley, surrounded by unknown plants. Although the light here is not strong, these plants still grow very luxuriant.

"Poof, poof..."

When he fell into the deep valley, Luo Zheng suddenly twisted his body and stood firmly on the ground with his feet facing down.

And Xun also completely retracted the pair of spikes, the broad wings also retracted in an instant, condensed into twelve blades, neatly inserted on her back, forming two smaller and more concise wings!

"The valley Is that the end of the abyss of reincarnation? "

In this quiet valley, Luo Zheng looked around the sudden environment.

Before that, a cave would be found in every circle of the reincarnation abyss. According to the principle, there should be a cave at the end of the valley.

Xun's eyes flashed slightly, and the two blades behind him suddenly separated. Under the rapid hovering in the air, he began to cut those plants at a very fast speed.Before long, the plants at the bottom of the valley were cut into pieces one after another. Soon after, the whole valley was empty, and a small cave appeared on the side of the valley

Compared with the four caves we saw before, the cave in front of us is much smaller.

This time, Luo Zheng did not hesitate or ask Xun, because she had never been here, and naturally did not know what was in the cave.

As he stepped out of his legs, he walked toward the cave, while Xun floated behind Luo Zheng. There was a trace of curiosity in her eyes. After all, she failed to explore this level at that time. Now, Luo Zheng, her follower, comes here again and really wants to understand the mystery.

Who is this ancient god? Why do you want to decorate such an underground palace? What kind of inheritance can we get?

Because the cave is very narrow, Xun is to shrink those blade like wings again, into a small spider pattern, attached to her back.

The power of belief is completely controlled by Xun. What shape they can transform into is also completely controlled by Xun itself

Luo Zheng walked ahead and took Xun through the narrow cave. Soon after, he entered a stone house. The stone house was obviously cut from the inside of the cave. The surrounding stone walls were horizontal and vertical, and a stone bed was still kept.

On the stone bed, there was nothing left but a thick pile of dust

Maybe the bedding and the things in the mat can't be put in the front, but even the artifact can't stand the erosion of hundreds of millions of years. If the ordinary things are put here for hundreds of millions of years, they can only become a handful of dust, even the dust no longer exists!

No matter how you look at it, this stone house is no surprise. After all, it takes only a few breaths for any warrior to carve out such a stone house.

"Back door," Xun's eyes fell on the corner of the stone house, but there was a small door there.

Luo Zheng nodded, then opened the door according to Xun's request

When Luo Zheng just opened the door, a huge attraction was to pull Luo Zheng away.

Xun originally wanted to fix her body and resist this attraction, but her face soon showed a trace of surprise. Even if she borrowed the power of her belief, she could not resist this attraction. The attraction was that she was easily pulled into the small door!


Luo Zheng and Xun stand side by side in a strange space. In this space, there are countless stars.

"Many stars Is this dreamland? " Luo Zheng looked at the magnificent stars and asked.

Xun shook his head, "it's not dreamland, our noumenon is pulled into it, and dreamland is just projection."

"These stars seem to be different from the stars in the world," Luo Zheng murmured, looking at countless stars.

He practiced the star war and watched the stars every day and night, but he was very familiar with the arrangement of the stars in the world. Although he could not count all the stars in the whole sky, he was absolutely sure that the arrangement of the stars in the world was not like this.

In front of us, the stars are arranged in a regular shape, like a huge whirlpool, constantly revolving around the center slowly

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