Luo Zheng and Xun are silently watching the scene in front of them. It's a very shocking feeling when the stars shrink in front of them.

But it's not for the sake of watching the stars that I jumped down from the abyss

At this time, Luo Zheng is a little smile, hand a grasp to his spirit beast bag, is the puppet alchemy son to pull out.

After being found by Luo Zheng, the spirit refining son was forced into the spirit beast bag. When he was pulled out by Luo Zheng, he was staring at the scene around him.

"You, you are Have you broken into old Yulin's residence? " The alchemist replied.

Luo Zheng and Xun's eyes suddenly brightened. Luo Zheng also knew that lianshenzi was a man of great origin. However, he had been busy in this samsara abyss, and had no time to care about lianshenzi.

Now that we have reached the bottom of the abyss, the best breakthrough is the alchemist

"Wrong, wrong," lianshenzi said with a smile, "it should be said that the whole reincarnation abyss is old Yulin's residence! However, I helped old Yulin build this milky way. Each of the stars is in line with the stars in the Milky way. It's the astrolabe of the Milky way. It's used by old Yulin to practice a supreme martial art called "star picking skill."

Hearing this, Luo Zheng and Xun look at each other again.

At the beginning of seeing the stars, they were very confused, but lianshenzi's words deepened their doubts.

"Star picking? "The supreme weapon?" Xun stares at the alchemist and asks.

The supreme divine power can only be created by heaven. The number of heaven is constant in the world. Those supernatural powers of the supreme divine power may not have been seen, but the names of the skills are more or less heard.

There is only one supreme martial art cultivated by the power of stars. One is the half of the remnant "Star battle style" of Luo Zheng's cultivation, and the other is the "star Shuanglin Shentong" of a demon. In addition, I have never heard of the supreme martial art cultivated by stars, and this "star picking" sounds very strange.

"I've never heard of it. It's the supreme martial arts..." Qinglong's voice came faintly, even the well-known Qinglong had never heard of it.

At this moment, Xun looked at the rolling stars and asked again, "the world regards the way of heaven as supreme, but he doesn't know why the way of heaven is heaven?"

The way of heaven, has its own will, has its own name!

Xun has doubts about the origin of this ancient god

The position of heaven in the world is constant. There are 128 heaven in all, one is not many, one is not many!

Every time there is an extra one, one must fall. This is an iron rule. So far, no one has been able to go beyond this rule.

Therefore, many great masters of the world have already made a breakthrough in their cultivation, but without the position of heaven, they will not be able to carry heaven's destiny, and they will not be able to be promoted to heaven!

It is also because of this. Since ancient times, there have been historical records of any world leader who was granted the title of Tianzun. In 3.6 billion years, the name and surname of every Tianzun were recorded, including when the Tianzun fell and where the new Tianzun was born. There are no exceptions.

However, the origin of this ancient god has not been found so far. As for the old Yulin monster in the mouth of alchemist, it may refer to the ancient god, but they have never heard of the existence of a "Yulin God" in the world.

Hearing Xun's question, lianshenzi was even more strange. "This day, of course, is to win the sky. The stars are linked together, which is the Milky way. Why is there such a question?"

"Win the day!" Luo Zheng's eyebrows jumped suddenly.

Xun's eyes also flickered slightly. Although she had guessed in her heart, she was also slightly surprised to hear lianshenzi's reply.

Seeing Luo Zheng and Xun look like this, lianshenzi is not a fool. He knew that he was in deep sleep, because the puppet body he built for himself has almost endless longevity yuan, which can span such a long time, that is, it is longer than the life span of those gods

He had been infused with Zhenyuan jade by Luo Zheng. After his recovery, lianshenzi inferred that he had been sleeping for at least 300 million years according to his own ancient treasure!

Now when Xun inquired about the name of the way of heaven, he was strange at first, and then he was a little stunned. The metal head was constantly turning, but now he was frozen there for a long time, silent

After a while, lianshenzi said, "the way of heaven Has it changed? "

"It's heaven now," Xun replied.

The last round of Tiandao, that is, Yingtian, has passed a Yanji period and finally collapsed.

Luo Zheng still has a piece of heaven in his hand

The end of the way of heaven, that is, the end of an era, accompanied by the destruction of all creatures in the world, the crash of all stars, and then ushered in the next round of the way of heaven!

The alchemist thought that he had been sleeping for 300 million years, but in fact he had been sleeping for a whole period of time, and he had never thought that he would spend such a long time in his sleep"No wonder, no wonder The magic weapons that I have made have turned into a pile of scrap iron. "When the spirit of the gods is heard, they are slapped on their metal heads." even if time goes by, the essence of heaven can disappear completely, and it can not disappear so thoroughly. I'm still wondering The way of heaven has changed! Tian Yan essence is also useless! "

Tian Yan essence...

It's a mystery that the weapon refiners observe the way of Tianyan and seal it into weapons. In fact, it's also an understanding of the rules of Tianyan. After the change of the

, the last round of Tian Dao's essence is useless. Therefore, when the spirit tries to look at ancient treasure, there is even a trace of heaven's essence.

"I didn't expect that old Yulin really had a way. He took me, an old man, across the Yanji period. Hehe," the alchemist said with a smile. When he looked at Luo Zheng again, he regained his arrogant look. "No wonder you kids haven't heard of me. I'm the first alchemist in the world! Ha ha ha... "

Luo Zheng's mind moved slightly.

Before that, I suspected that this guy seemed to be bragging, but now it seems that this alchemist may really be the strongest alchemist in the last round of heaven!

This is good news for Luo Zheng. The weapon refining workshop in the immortal mansion is still empty. If Luo Zheng can open it by chance, this puppet may be the best choice, but I don't know what weapons he can produce?

I'll talk about it later. There are still more crucial issues

"So that old Yulin monster is the God of the last round of heaven?" Luo Zheng asked.

Lianshenzi nodded, but he walked towards the stars all over the sky. He picked a star. In this round, all the stars in the Milky way turned faster and faster. Soon, a way of gathering stars was extending from the Milky way to the people.

"In order to have a long life, I begged Yulin Tianzun to look for the rarest material in the world and help me build this puppet body. The price was to stay in Yulin's residence and help him refine his tools for 400000 years! The puppet is driven by Zhenyuan, but I can't absorb the vitality of heaven and earth. After a period of time, Yulin old monster will send a lot of Zhenyuan jade, but later, there is no trace of Yulin old monster... "

After the loss of Zhenyuan jade, lianshenzi himself has been sleeping. Later, he doesn't know what happened.

"I helped old Yulin build this galaxy. This old guy should have fallen long ago, but I don't know what else to inherit. You Come with me, "lianshenzi said suddenly and lightly, and his words were quite sad.

After all, it's normal for anyone who wakes up again after a dream of billions of years and finds the vicissitudes of life, even the way of heaven has been reincarnated.

Luo Zheng and Xun look at each other, then follow lianshenzi and follow the starlight towards the slowly rotating "Milky Way"

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