Walking along the avenue of stars, the experience is also very subtle.

Luo Zheng and Xun keep looking at the stars around them

The stars are so dense that there is no way to count them. However, I don't know what method this alchemist used to copy the stars in the last round of heaven and condense them into such a large astrolabe

Like the stars that Luo Zheng communicated with, the size and volume of these stars vary greatly from each other.

Some stars are dozens or even hundreds of times larger than a person, while most of them are as tiny as small grains of sand.


Luo Zheng walked on the avenue of stars, but his eyes noticed a small blue star floating nearby. It was only the size of a nail, but it looked very beautiful. It seemed that most of the surface of the whole planet was covered by the ocean, but because it was too small, Luo Zheng could not see clearly.

In addition to this small star, there is also a fireball floating beside it, which is many times larger than this star!

"It's beautiful!" Smoked light said.

But when Luo Zheng was about to reach for the blue star, the alchemist next to him stopped him and said, "don't look at the number of stars in this chart! But each one is very important. It is connected with the whole galaxy. This star cannot be taken away! "

When he heard lianshenzi's words, Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders, let go of the blue star, and then continued to walk forward.

It seems that the distance of this avenue of stars is not very far, but when I walk, I find that it's really far away. At first, lianshenzi leads the way in front of me, and my whole body clangs, so I walk slowly

After walking for half an hour, Luo Zheng found that the distance between himself and the center of the Milky way had not narrowed at all.

"How long does it take to walk like this?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Haha, it took me about two days and two nights to cross this half astrolabe. It took me hundreds of years to build this astrolabe, and every star was restored..."

Luo Zheng rolled his eyes. Without waiting for the guy to finish, he grabbed lianshenzi and ran up the avenue of stars

Luo Zheng must seize the time now and pace slowly with him. Isn't he mentally ill?

Under this gallop, in less than half a column of incense time, Luo Zheng has crossed half a galaxy and star disk, and came to the center of the galaxy, where is a huge ball of light, emitting a dazzling scarlet light!

The size of this photosphere is about thousands of feet in diameter. The stars around the photosphere, which are like sand, can almost be ignored!

"Is this the sun of the last generation?" Luo Zheng asked, staring at the huge stars.

The sun is one of the most dazzling stars in the world. When it radiates light, all the stars are dim, and no star can capture its brilliance!

Lianshenzi nodded and fiddled with a star on the astrolabe again

Then the light of the sun gradually darkened down, in the sun even hidden a palace!

"Come with me! This palace is the core of the reincarnation disk. Old Yulin had been practicing here in those years. Maybe The old monster hasn't fallen yet? " Said the alchemist.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng and Xun's face showed a trace of tension.

If old Yulin is still alive, it's not good news for them I don't know what method he used, but he actually crossed a Yanji. To know the extinction at the end of a Yanji, even the emperor is insurmountable. Now that this kind of thing has happened, it's not impossible for him to live.

"The disk of reincarnation?" Xun asked after thinking about it.

Lianshenzi nodded faintly, "the disk of reincarnation is also a space magic weapon I made. We are now in the disk of reincarnation."

"The disk of reincarnation is the abyss of reincarnation?" Luo Zheng also asked.

Lianshenzi laughs, "yes!"

Xun and Luo Zheng realized that the underground palace was a magic weapon in space. No wonder the various experiences in the reincarnation space are so strange.

When Luo Zheng followed lianshenzi and entered the sun, he saw an empty palace. He did not find Yulin Tianzun, or Yulin Tianzun's body.

After all, the time is too long. If Yulin Tianzun really sits here, even Tianzun's body may turn into ashes!

"Kuangdang, Kuangdang, Kuangdang..."

Lianshenzi wandered in the empty palace, shaking his head, but he was a little lost and said: "old Yulin, you'd better go ahead of me and enter the six samsara, ah..."

Xun also turned around, but she was interested in some divine patterns in the corner of the palace. "These divine patterns should be used to control the reincarnation disk?"

"Yes," the alchemist nodded.

"Since this disk of reincarnation is a magic weapon of space, can it not fly away?" Xun asked again.The alchemist said with a smile, "nonsense, the reincarnation disk I refined can not only escape, but also underestimate the identity of the world's first alchemist!"

Hearing this, Xun's eyes suddenly brightened.

But at this time, Luo Zheng's eyes noticed that on the side of the palace, a large dragon chair, there was a strange thing floating in the air.

It looks like a headband and a crown. The material is not gold or iron, and the surface emits a light golden afterglow. It floats in the air strangely, but it attracts Luo Zheng's attention.

"What's this..." Luo Zheng says curiously, is to stretch out one's hand to take to that crown.

Xun and lianshenzi are communicating with each other about how to control the reincarnation disk. Hearing Luo Zheng's voice, they turn their heads. When they see the crown, Xun's eyes suddenly flash, but then they think of something. Her face is a little puzzled, but she subconsciously says: "Luo Zheng! Don't move that yet... "

And lianshenzi also said: "strange, strange, why does this thing still stay here?"

But Xun's stop was slower. When Luo Zheng's finger touched the crown, it was in this moment that the crown suddenly vibrated!

At the same time, this round of heaven in the world suddenly began to shake up!

Tens of thousands of realms away, a sleeping god suddenly opened his eyes. This God's cultivation method is very special, and the way of cultivation is sleeping!

With the opening of the world, many celestial beings are stepping up their time to practice. This celestial being is no exception, but when he wakes up, his eyes are looking at the sky and the stars

"The way of heaven shakes. Why! Is there a new emperor to ascend the throne That day Zun's face was full of doubts. "But the 128 heavenly lords, all in power, how can there be the 129 heavenly lords! This impossible! No one can take the throne by force! "

In fact, at this moment, all the celestial beings in the world are looking at the sky. Every celestial being's face shows the color of doubt. What happened in front of them is beyond their cognitive scope!

At the beginning of Yanji, there was no heaven in the world, so the destiny of heaven was not carried by anyone!

But as time goes by, millions of years, millions of years

The world, which had been subjected to mass extinction, began to be reborn and full of vitality. In hundreds of millions of years, under various opportunities, the major races slowly came into being and evolved

And then there's a race!

The number of Tianzun's positions bearing the destiny of heaven is limited. It's just the so-called "first entering Changting is king"!

At this time, who can break through the realm of the Lord of the world will be able to confer heaven and carry the destiny!

In this round of Yanji under heaven, the Terrans are in the forefront, so the number of the Terrans is the largest. The total number of the three Terran forces is far less than that of other races.

When 128 heavenly masters ascend the throne and carry all their destiny, other martial arts masters, even if they break through the limit of the world leader, will not be able to achieve it. Only when one Heavenly Master falls can they seize his destiny and become a new Heavenly Master.

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