After the dark red face was nailed, it suddenly broke apart

And the crack also extends all the way, the whole square boulder is also full of cracks, and then explodes, and the stone chips fly everywhere.

These huge square stones were just ordinary stones.

Only on the surface of the stone, there is a strong law of cause and effect, protected by the rules of heaven, so it cannot be destroyed.

Just like the walls of the main cities, this is also the reason, so no matter how powerful the fighting power is, it cannot be destroyed.

"I'm scared to death..."

It was the demon warrior who was talking. Just now, Luo Zheng was in a hurry and released his bow string. The first arrow was shot at will. It just passed the demon warrior's side and was almost hit by Luo Zheng's arrow.

Luo Zheng also noticed this scene, but time is urgent, but he can't care so much.

"Sorry," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Nothing At least we can get through this damn hall! " The demon warrior laughs and doesn't care. Even if the arrow is hit, it may not kill him. Luo Zheng's bow is obtained by the lower world and can only be regarded as the last treasure in the artifact. The demon warrior is fully armed.

A warrior looked at the motionless boulder next to him, reached out and patted it gently. The square boulder exploded

Just now, they were chased around by these huge stones. Now they can't help but vent their anger, so the huge square stones were smashed by them one by one.

Ji Nan wanders to Luo Zheng, but he smiles at Luo Zheng

"It's also luck. I didn't expect that this little skull would be useful," Luo Zheng took off a small skull from his back. This thing can't be destroyed, and it also gives Luo Zheng a headache, but it can play a role in critical times.

This time, Luo Zheng was a meritorious person who passed through the second Hall of cause and effect.

In the first Hall of cause and effect, Luo Zheng nearly killed several people. Naturally, there were still some unhappiness and even anger in their hearts, but now they were released.

Although we are a temporary team, cooperation will eventually shorten the distance between the two sides.

"Bang Bang..."

The hall of cause and effect was full of loud noises. More than 40 square boulders were smashed in the twinkling of an eye, and a pile of debris was all over the floor.

At this moment, people's eyes fell somewhere in the hall, where there were two groups of dream light spots, which were left by the two people who had fallen under the square light column before.

Because these two people were not killed by others, so these dream light spots are ownerless. We had a tacit understanding before, and did not take advantage of the chaos to absorb these two dream light spots.

Now that you have passed the hall of cause and effect, people naturally turn their eyes to this place. After all, these two dream spots add up to millions, not a small number.

But how to distribute it is a problem

"Luo Tianxing is the only one," Ji Nan said faintly. Although her face is indifferent, there is an irrefutable momentum in her tone.

"Well, we'll share the rest equally," the dwarf nodded.

The round Hat Warrior's face was not satisfied. "Why..."

He just opened his mouth, Ji Nan and short Xiaowu's eyes had been fixed on him, immediately let him shut up.

Through the second Hall of cause and effect, the greatest hero is Luo Zheng. At the moment, it's not too much for him to get more dream points.

Naturally, Luo Zheng would not refuse. With a smile, he went to one of the dreamy light spots and absorbed all those dreamy light spots. This can be regarded as an extra income or "inheritance".

As for another dream light spot, we agreed to carefully absorb it one by one. After each person absorbed hundreds of thousands of dream points, they quickly pushed it away and replaced it with another person. But no one dares to swallow it alone. After all, if you swallow it alone, it will lead to the joint pursuit of other warriors. No one dares to take this risk, let alone hundreds of thousands of dream points.

By absorbing these two dreamlike light spots, people move towards the end of the hall of cause and effect. When they come to the end of the hall of cause and effect, the white gratings that originally blocked them have disappeared.

However, a huge square stone blocked the way.

The huge square stone blocks the exit of cause and effect hall!

"Why is there a huge square stone?"

"How did this square boulder get here?"

"I'll do it!"

The demon warrior had just smashed 15 huge square stones. Now he saw the only one left, so he gathered his strength and strode to the stone. His strong muscles swelled and his palms beat hard.


With this clap, people thought that this huge square stone would be smashed.

However, this huge square stone stands here, but it does not move!Seeing this, everyone frowned

According to reason, they have broken the rules of heaven in the hall of cause and effect, and the square boulder should be vulnerable.

But now it seems that it is intact!

If this huge square stone is still shrouded in the force of invisible rules, and its weight tends to be infinite, unable to break or move, and blocked at the exit, how can they pass through?

The demon warrior was also Zhang Er monk, who was confused and said, "what's the matter? I can't beat this stone... "

As soon as he spoke, he saw a little yellow light on the surface of the square boulder.

Those yellow light spots flutter around, and then fly away towards the body of the demon warrior

"This, how can have the dream light spot to come out!" The demon warrior was shocked, and there were a lot of dream light spots. In an instant, he had nearly 400000 more dream light spots.

Seeing this scene, people's faces showed great interest.

Ji Nan light said: "if I guess correctly, this is the second dream hall reward, everyone can get, but it seems, should be in accordance with the power of their own reward dream points!"

"Ah The eyes of the demon warrior glared like those of a cow, and then he roared, "that's not good! Come again

Just now, he just wanted to smash the huge square stone. He only used half of his own strength, and he didn't use his martial arts skills. That's why he got 400000 dreamlike light spots. Regretting that, he clenched his fist and hit the huge square stone again


The power of this fist is much greater than before, but there is no dream light spot escaping from the surface of the square boulder.

There was a look of mourning on the faces of the demons, and pity on the faces of all the people.

Everyone obviously knows what he missed, but it's all in silence

The demon warrior retreated silently, his face full of bitterness, but now his intestines were blue. Why did he rush to break the square boulder?

When the demon warrior left, the demon warrior stood in front of the square boulder.

With the lessons of the warlords, we all know that we should use the most destructive means.

Some means, of course, are severe, but the damage caused by them is not high, or does not cause actual damage.

The woman of the demon night clan stood in front of the huge stone and thought about it. She stepped back two steps toward the rear, but took out a long red bow.

"The long bow Is it also a supreme artifact? "

Luo Zheng didn't pay much attention to this demon night clan woman before. She was very silent and seldom showed herself from beginning to end. She just gave Ji Nan a green Luan feather.

This woman can take out a supreme artifact, it seems that her status in the demon night clan is not low, should be bigger than blue dye!

She clasped the bow skillfully and pulled the bow string with a flick of her slender fingers

"Empty string?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows are slightly picked, and the woman of the demon night clan doesn't hold an arrow in her hand.

But after she pulled the bow string, the magnificent fire red on the long bow began to surge up. At the same time, in front of the long bow, there was a vortex of fire, and under the constant rotation of the vortex, there was a red arrow!

"This is the breaking moon and exploding fire bow, and there are more than 2100 people on the Wanling stele," Ji Nan explained, seeing Luo Zheng's face focused and curious.

At this moment, the woman of demon night clan has released the bowstring.

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