When she released the bowstring, there was a buzz.

Then they saw the bow string vibrate back and forth on the bow frame

But the whirlpool of flame suspended in front of the longbow didn't shoot out. It just floated in front of her strangely, slowly spinning

At the moment, the woman of the demon night clan smiles shyly at the crowd, "we It's better to step back! "

Seeing the power contained in the whirlpool of fire, everyone knew that the power of the explosion was beyond imagination, so they retreated one after another.

Even the woman of the demon night clan put away the moon breaking and flaming bow and retreated to the hall with all the people, leaving only the whirlpool of flames, slowly turning in the air

Luo Zheng, Ji Nan and others have been retreating dozens of Zhang distance, they intend to stop.

"Not enough, to continue to retreat, I'm afraid it will affect you," she said with a smile.

So the crowd, together with her, retreated to the middle of the hall of cause and effect.

"OK, it's OK," the voice of the woman of the demon night clan fell, her eyes flashed slightly, and she heard the sound of explosion!

"Boom -"

the whirlpool of flame shot towards the square boulder. Under the fierce impact, the power of the flame spread out and spread to the rear. Nearly half of the whole hall of cause and effect was immersed in this fierce flame.

The woman of the demon night clan seems to be very familiar with the bow. She asks the people to retreat, but it's just right.

"The power of the five levels of fire is not only the law of cause and effect, but also contains a strange law of cause and effect, which can condense the power of fire. Is this the special feature of breaking the moon and exploding the fire bow?" Ji Nan whispered.

In the raging flame, the surface of the boulder once again seeps out countless dreamy light spots. Under the constant flying, it flies to the woman of the demon night clan!

The number of these dreamy light spots is more than twice as much as that of the demon warrior before?

When the flame dissipates and the dream light spot is completely absorbed, the demon warrior asks: "how many, how many dream points have you got?"

"2.8 million," said the woman with a smile.

"Ah..." The demon warrior roared. At the moment, his heart was out of balance, but there was no regret medicine in the world. Who asked him to tickle the square boulder?

Hearing the words of the women of the demon night clan, the hearts of the other warriors suddenly became fiery.

Sure enough

As Ji Nan said, it's not easy to earn dream points in this hall!

Only through the second Hall of cause and effect can we get such a large number of dream points. What about the back?


It's hard to keep your place just by plundering other warriors. If you want to get a good ranking, you have to enter the hall of cause and effect. Luo Zheng thought to himself.

When the flame dispersed, the other warriors rushed to the square boulder.

Next, another Terran warrior attacked the square boulder!

Now that he knew the rules, he didn't give up at all. Instead, he tried his best to show his best martial arts skills to the huge square stone

The strength of this Terran warrior is good, but there is no supreme artifact after all. The dream points from the square boulder are not as good as that of the demon night woman, but there are also more than one million dream points.

At the same time, the demon warrior once again uttered a cry.

The people on the scene attack the square boulder in turn, and almost everyone can get more than one million dream points.

When a person absorbs the dream light, he can always hear a cry.

The front several people all obtained own reward.

At the moment, Ji Nan also appeared in front of the square Boulder, with a confident smile on his face.

She did not take out any weapon magic weapon, between her two small hands together, the opposite direction of gently rotating, from her palm in the transfer of a special momentum!

Then she patted the huge square stone.

"Pa," a crisp sound came, as if to slap the square boulder.

The demon warrior stared at Ji Nan and said, "you Don't you want dream points? "

The demon warrior didn't feel much power, and he couldn't figure out why Ji Nan was so strong. But he was a little relieved to think that someone would get less dream points than himself.

Ji Nan smiles and says nothing

As for Luo Zheng, short Xiaowu and the woman of the demon night clan, seeing this scene, her face shows an unexpected color. Obviously, Ji Nan's hand is not ordinary!

Soon after, yellow dream light spots began to escape from the square boulders, and at first they just escaped one by one.

Seeing this scene, the demon warrior laughed, "I'm afraid it can have 100 dream points?"

But then the demons couldn't laughThe number of dream light spots is more and more, dancing out one by one

"3.1 million, not bad," Ji Nan said to Luo Zheng with a faint smile, then retreated to one side, leaving the demon warrior standing in a daze.

Now, six of the remaining eight have absorbed different numbers of dream points, leaving only Luo Zheng and the short warrior.

After two people look at each other, the dwarf takes the lead and says, "this time, let me do it!"

This little warrior has a supreme artifact in his hand, the Buddha said blade. He must have won a lot of dream points.

However, to everyone's surprise, he didn't seem to use the Buddha's sword.

Standing in front of the huge square stone, he put his hands together. When he closed his eyes, he did not move.

"This guy, what are you doing..." Murmured the demon warrior.

No one else spoke.

In front of this square Boulder, according to the strength of people's attack to reward dream light spot, then in front of this Boulder, will show their strongest strength.

In this hall of cause and effect, we will cooperate for a while, but once we leave, with the strength of these talents, we will meet sooner or later. It's of great benefit to know each other's real strength and even the killer's mace in advance!

After the dwarf closed his eyes, he was as calm as an old monk, and his breath became quiet.

At this moment, he seems to have forgotten time and space. It seems that he is the only one in the world

After a long time, people heard a sigh in their ears.

The sigh is very desolate, as if it comes from the sighing of the creatures who see through the people.


In this sigh, the short warrior gently stretched out his hand and pushed toward the square boulder.

This push seems very calm, even can be said to be "gentle"!

Ji Nan clapped his hand on the surface of the square Boulder, and there was a crisp sound, but the little warrior's pushing force was silent. When his palm touched the square Boulder, he drew back, just like a dragonfly skimming water.

But with such a gentle push, a large number of dreamlike light spots will come to the dwarf!

"This power is so strange. The means of the holy land of Ten Thousand Buddhas are really broad and profound!" Luo Zheng's eyes are dignified to look at this short small martial arts person, in the heart is also sigh.

Each of the three human forces in the world has its own strength. The gods' mindlessness is established by many families, and the humanitarian alliance is the alliance of countless holy places. However, the holy land of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the oldest one among the human race. They inherit from Buddhism and Taoism, and their route is completely different from that of the gods' mindlessness and the alliance of humanity and Taoism, because their inheritance comes from the gods and Buddhas!

"3.9 million," the dwarf lightly reported the figure.

When people heard this number, they couldn't help taking a breath.

It's not that the dream points scared them. In fact, the dream points in these eight people's bodies are no less than 4 million.

It's just that the dwarf can get nearly 4 million dream points, doesn't it mean that the power of this palm of dwarf is several times that of them?

Just now, the woman of the demon night clan got 2.8 million dream points with the supreme artifact, and this person got 3.9 million with a pair of meat palms?

Ji Nan curled his lips. The record he had just set turned around and was broken by this guy. Unwilling to do so, he turned to Luo Zheng and said, "it's your turn!"

She hopes that Luo Tianxing's performance will be better than that of Xiaowu.

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