Luo Zheng's move is like a snake circling all the time.

After avoiding Hua Tianming's Teng snake sword, he went straight to the other side's face!

In the face of this move, Hua Tianming is still indifferent. The Teng snake sword in his hand is to bypass. The three rotten silver swords are like mercury pouring out, rolling back again!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

With the three crisp sounds, the three swords are on the body of Lei Fengyou sword!

It's like knocking on the snake's seven inches.

Every point of the sword makes Lei Fengyou's sword weak!

After the three swords, the sword meaning that originally condensed on the surface was abruptly scattered by Hua Tianming.

"Your swordsmanship is not dominant," Hua Tianming said calmly.

Luo Zheng's Yishen sword is certainly powerful, but Hua Tianming's sword technique is even better!

What he practiced was the beginning sword technique created by the warlord

All the sword moves in this world, or the sword to take the edge, or to win by sharp, or to kill the Dao sacrifice sword.

But in the end, it can't escape the cover of "Shichu sword technique"!

No matter the speed, or the sword moves are restricted everywhere, under the initial confrontation between the two, Luo Zheng is completely suppressed!

Even in this case, Hua Tianming is still not lax.

The Luo Zheng He is facing can never be so weak!

However, after the suppression of Luo Zheng, Hua Tianming also gradually let go and strengthened his offensive!


With the silver light surging!

Teng snake sword blooms out again, and that ray of mercury like awn of the sword starts to flash again with Hua Tianming's rapid walking on the light!


Under the crisscross of swords, the sound of swords will last forever!

Chop, hang, point, stab

The sword moves in Shichu sword technique are very similar to the basic sword technique realized by Luo Zheng.

It can also be said that it is the complete version of basic swordsmanship!

With the speed of huatianming, it can be said that it is perfect!

With Hua Tianming's active attack, Luo Zheng can't break the opponent's sword skill, he can only defend passively!

However, Hua Tianming's speed has already stepped into an instant. When he steps on the light, Luo Zheng is surrounded by dangers. Even after he opens the eight tunes of flying smoke, he still can't avoid Hua Tianming's attack

But Hua Tianming didn't want to end the fight. He had enough patience and he was still waiting.

"Ha ha, I'll say that Luo Zheng is no match for Hua Tianming."

"There's no fighting back."

"The sword moves are not dominant, the speed is not dominant, and the power is not dominant. What does he use against Hua Tianming?"

"Fortunately, I bet on huatianming. There's no suspense if it goes on like this!"

, "what is as like as two peas?"

"Isn't Luo Zheng similar?"

On the chessboard, Luo Zheng's steps were less than one foot away, and he only moved within one foot.

But Hua Tianming's destiny is different. He is like a flying butterfly. Once in a while, he splits a sword. After staying for a while, he disappears

In the past, when Luo Zheng faced his opponents, his speed was always superior.

But now, even if Luo Zheng opened Gangyuan, he still can't follow each other's steps with Baqu Feiyan!

In the face of huatianming, Luo Zheng's disadvantage is really great!

However, with Hua Tianming's attack and killing, Luo Zheng also fell into the realization.

"Hua Tianming's sword technique..."

The moves of this "Shichu sword technique" are extremely simple. Originally, it is consistent with Luo Zheng's basic sword technique, but there is a potential hidden in this "Shichu sword technique" that Luo Zheng can't understand!

Among the potential, there is a potential beyond minimalist Kendo!

If Luo Zheng's minimalist swordsmanship is "one", then the minimalist in Shichu swordsmanship is "zero"

That is a very wonderful potential, it is also indescribable, indescribable potential!

It's not that Luo Zheng's understanding is not enough!

But this potential is accumulated by Chi you, which is the potential from the Lord of ten thousand soldiers!

This sword technique is called "the beginning", which is the foundation of all sword techniques. It is in an unbreakable state in moves!


When Hua Tianming cuts with one sword, Luo Zheng cuts with the same sword!

as like as two peas, the two men are almost the same. But what he has done is not much.

No matter it's form, worship or spirit, it's less!

"What is the less?"

Luo Zheng put his sword across his chest and fixed his eyes on Hua Tianming.

Hua Tianming circled in the distance and then came back again. This time, the Teng snake sword circled Hua Tianming's side. After a whole circle, it came straight at Luo Zheng!"Come again!"

This sword, Luo Zheng is also vertical split!


The two swords slide away from each other, and they also cross each other. But at the moment of crossing, Luo Zheng has a long and narrow wound on his body!

And huatianming is floating away

"You can't break my sword moves, the gap is too big," Hua Tianming took the overwhelming advantage, but he still gave Luo Zheng full respect, but there was a trace of sadness in his heroic eyes

He regards Luo Zheng as a real opponent! The most important goal!

A few years ago, even if he ran wildly, he couldn't catch up with this goal.

But only six or seven years

He stood in front of Luo Zheng again, but found that he had already surpassed this goal.

Hua Tianming doesn't like this feeling. Luo Zhengming can be stronger!

"Come again!"

Thinking of this, his eyes showed a sense of happiness, but it was a sword, straight to Luo Zheng!

At this moment, Luo Zheng once again used the same sword move as huatianming, which was also a sword rush!

However, there is something else in Luo Zheng's sword


After the intersection of the two swords, Hua Tianming's eyes toward Luo Zheng were surprised, and he was stunned in the same place. The wave light at his feet was slowly spreading in the same place.

He felt the potential in Luo Zheng's sword, the potential in Shichu sword technique!

Although it is very small, it has begun to take shape


At this moment, Hua Tianming's eyes seemed to glow with a look!

At the beginning of the sword

In order to practice this sword technique, he spent almost three years.

Three years

In fact, in Chiyou's treasure, Hua Tianming has been trapped in it for 300 years, where the time rule has been changed, and the time flow rate is 100:1.

For three hundred years, what he practiced repeatedly was the "Shichu sword technique", which was similar to the basic sword technique.

Twenty years, he got a point!

Eighty years, but two points!

150 years, three points!

In two hundred and twenty years, there has been a quarter of potential

It took three hundred years for him to get the Wufen potential in Shichu sword technique!

Five points is Xiaocheng. It took huatianming three hundred years to reach Xiaocheng, that is, three years for the outside world.

But Luo Zheng just had a potential?

It's just less than a long time

Through my swordsmanship, Luo Zheng realized the essence of Shichu swordsmanship?

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