This scene makes Hua Tianming feel incredible.

He is also hard to accept his own judgment

He believed that Luo Zheng's talent is extremely high, should be slightly better than him, but the gap is not so big!

It took him 20 years to understand the "Shichu sword technique" before he began to see the way.

Luo Zhengcai and he have a few moves, have a little understanding?

Naturally, Hua Tianming was not clear. Luo Zheng's Enlightenment was based on minimalist Kendo and gradually improved.

And the Kendo contained in the Yishen sword comes down in one continuous line with it

Under the two complements, Luo Zheng and Hua Tianming fight again, forming a two-phase complementary trend. It's also natural to realize the potential in Shichu sword!

"Since you intend to be enlightened, I will share this opportunity with you!"

In terms of sword moves alone

In fact, Hua Tianming's sword technique has occupied an advantage.

The swordsmanship of the master of ten thousand soldiers was born shortly after chaos was opened up. It is the foundation of all swordsmanship between heaven and earth.

Then Kendo extended to several factions, and then carried forward

Although Luo Zheng's Kendo is simple to the extreme, it has lost its potential!

Hua Tianming regards Luo Zheng as his biggest opponent.

However, he did not grudge Luo Zhengwu's acquisition of this "Shichu sword technique"

His offensive is still fierce.

But the speed has slowed down by 60% and the strength has weakened by 30%!

At the moment, Hua Tianming and Luo Zheng are not competing for swordsmanship. They are fighting each other. At the same time, they are learning from each other!

Luo Zheng felt the motive of Hua Tianming, and his eyes also showed a strange color.

It's not that if Hua Tianming has the advantage in moves, he will definitely lose.

But Hua Tianming keeps the truth. He has the advantage of sword moves, but he refuses to take this advantage as a breakthrough. He is really a great gentleman!

This is the way of Hua Tianming!

This is his way of justice!

"What are these two guys doing..."

"Their moves suddenly slowed down. It seems that they don't have the heart to win. Are they fighting swords here?"

"How can this sword technique be so exquisite!"

Countless onlookers are confused

In this world chessboard, who does not dispute?

If you win the next game and take one more step, you will gain more weight. This is the second place in the world. If you are close to one, you will have more opportunities in the future!

Where are the two people having a bad fight? They even come here to have a fight?

"What on earth are they doing?" Luo Xixuan asked.

After she was kicked out by Hua Tianming, her mood was not affected. On the contrary, she appreciated Hua Tianming very much

"If I guess right, Hua Tianming's sword skill is not complete," one of the Tianwei people, Tianzun Daneng, said faintly, "this sword skill is really strange, but it has a kind of artifact potential after the complicated sword!"

"What's terrible is that Luo Zheng and Hua Tianming didn't fight each other for long, but he was also infected with this potential. This is what Luo Zheng understood Hehe, this talent can't be described as terrible any more. Have you ever been a little guy with a golden throne! However, the boy didn't seem to be very obedient. The old clan leader asked him to come, but there was no movement in a few years, "another Tianzun of Tianwei clan said coldly.

After staring at Luo Zheng for a long time, the God nodded and said, "I know that Hua Tianming has encountered a bottleneck in his sword skills. He should be able to teach Luo Zheng his sword skills, that is, to help him make a breakthrough through Luo Zheng's training."

After all, they are heaven's strong men, and their eyes are really fierce. Maybe they can't understand the origin of Shichu sword, but they can analyze Hua Tianming's idea.

Besides pursuing a balance, Hua Tianming does have this idea in his mind.

He is only a small success in Shichu sword technique. So far, he has only five points of potential. If you want to break through it again, it is difficult to keep it!

The carrier of this sword is just a piece of jade.

Inspired by the true yuan, there is a big shadow, picking up the sword and practicing

In three hundred years, it occurs once in the morning and once in the evening, and each time there is only ten breaths.

The realization of huatianming is purely the understanding of the view!

This is to watch the figure practice the sword technique, and then practice it yourself.

In that time compressed and extremely stable treasure, he could not find others to compete with him.

A good knife needs the sharpening of a sharpening stone.

Hua Tianming can't find such a "grindstone". He can't find it in the lower world, nor can he find it in the world!

If Luo Zhengzhen can understand some of the potential of Shi Chu Jian FA, he can become his own "sharpening stone"

Of course, swordsmanship competition is originally about polishing each other!

In this way, the benefits to Luo Zheng are also obviousThe only question is, can Luo Zheng realize the "Shichu sword technique" in a short time?

Hua Tianming didn't have such an idea before, but after a few swords, Luo Zheng had already begun to see the way, which greatly enhanced his confidence!

No matter how Luo Zheng did it, he only knew that his idea was feasible!

"Ding, Zheng, Ping..."

They are just like the beginners, comparing the basic swordsmanship.

Stabbing sword, hanging sword, sealing sword, erecting sword, playing methodically.

It can be seen that the martial arts people with potential are OK. This potential has a kind of feeling of Wanshi returning to the sect. If you think about it carefully, you can feel breathtaking!


There are many warriors in the world who are in a state of complete incomprehension. They all have a confused expression on their faces.

"Are these two sick?"

"This basic sword technique is learned by children of several years old. Isn't it a waste of time?"

"It's been a long time, these two guys..."

There seems to be no time limit on the chessboard.

The Taoists above are extremely patient, but no one urges them

In this constant competition, Luo Zheng's understanding of sword moves is more and more clear.

It seems that my grasp of sword is more profound!

"Zheng -"

this sword, provoked by backhand, is a direct attack on Xianghua Tianming!

In the sword, the implication of "the sword technique at the beginning" adds another point

"I've realized three points, so fast!"

Hua Tianming was a little surprised. He was already familiar with it. His long sword was like a plate, so he took away the challenge of Luo Zheng.

"I don't know how long it will take Luo Zheng to catch up with his Wufen Xiaocheng?" There was a little expectation in his eyes

The sword moves of the two men have reached 3000.

But no one was tired. On the contrary, both Luo Zheng and Hua Tianming were in great spirits at the moment!

It seems that every time I stab a sword, I will strengthen a little bit!

This wonderful feeling is a chance that many people can hardly meet once in their life

Three points

Four points


When Luo Zheng realized the beginning sword technique to five percent, he was regarded as Xiaocheng!

Compared with Hua Tianming's three years of cultivation, Luo Zheng's speed is countless times faster!

Talent here can only be regarded as one aspect, and the bigger reason is that "Shichu swordsmanship" originally coincides with Luo Zheng's swordsmanship!

or almost as like as two peas.

He just did the most simple arithmetic, and put the "one" in his heart to zero.


Since Luo Zheng won the small achievement of "Shichu sword technique", his sword will be sharp!

An unseen momentum spread around and filled the whole chessboard

The warriors outside the picture can hear the sound, but they can't see or feel the momentum.

However, the other eight Taoist pieces on the chess pieces seem to fall into the illusion of chaos. The pressure of that momentum is not strong, but it gives Xuanyuan CHENFENG and others a wonderful experience. Not only the momentum is magnificent, but also their mood is incomparably broad and open!

"What did this guy understand, such a big move!" Crack thousand cold discontented said, standing on the chess pieces are affected by Luo Zheng, he just want to say is really hell.

"It should be a breakthrough in kendo!" Xuanyuan CHENFENG said with a frown.

Before that momentum spread out, huatianming retreated tens of Zhang in an instant. This time, he really arched his hand to Luo, "Congratulations!"

"Thank you," Luo Zheng nodded, quietly feeling the wonderful potential!

"You're welcome. I'm also for myself..." Hua Tianming smiles a little and his sword is horizontal.

But he can't understand how to use this sword to block the sword?

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