These days, Luo Zheng is sitting upright in the ice palace, keeping a close watch on the whole world.

After flying to the world, Luo Zheng still has a mysterious link with the world, but he can't use his power to transfer.

After this return, he communicated with the will of the world again, but found that some changes had taken place in this will.

The whole world is rhombic. If you look down at it from a very high place, it looks like the rhombic scale of a fierce beast. But this time Luo Zheng noticed that there is something strange at the top of the rhombic scale. It seems that there is a flaw on the edge of the world

Luo Zheng himself can't tell what the will of the world is.

For the warrior, will is the mental state of the warrior to achieve a certain goal, which is usually expressed in words and actions.

But for the world, language can't exist. Otherwise, Luo Zheng is connected with the will of the world. He doesn't have to say anything to himself. As for action

The only action should be Luo Zheng's trip to the kingdom of God in those years. The world condensed the incarnation, hoping to make up for the flight path through the incarnation.

It turns out that the will of the world is swallowed up by Luo Zheng, and the flight path is repaired by the upper martial arts.

Since then, the will of the world did not exist any action, just can help Luo Zheng transfer power.

But this time back to the lower bound, Luo Zheng found a bit of movement.

I don't know whether the barriers of the world were destroyed by the world itself, or accidental and sudden situation?

The will of the great universe actually entered another great universe nearby. However, the scope of the will covering the other great universe was not extensive. Under Luo Zheng's investigation, he only felt a small piece of vast sea area, and there were some common creatures in the sea area.

Although Luo Zheng has never been to other great worlds, he should be similar to his own.

If there is time, Luo Zheng even wants to see the edge of the world. Although the barrier has been broken, Luo Zheng seems to be able to escape into it, cross this world and enter another world. This has never happened before.

However, at this stage, Luo Zheng naturally does not have that mood

After the other Taoists settled down, they chose to walk around. After all, they did not come to the lower world. Although they could not compare with the world, they were actually curious about the local conditions and customs here.

As for xiyouqin, who accompanied Luo Zheng for a day, she chose to go back to xulingzong. After all, her relatives are still in xulingzong. After reconstruction, xulingzong now has a rising posture. If xiyouqin can go back, it will help xulingzong to improve a lot. After all, xiyouqin is a figure in the divine sea, and no one in the world can be her The enemy of unity!

This day, Luo Zheng is still closely monitoring the whole world

At the gate of the palace, however, a small head protruded. The eyes on the head were very bright, like Luo Zheng in his childhood.

Ronian's impression of his father only exists in his imagination.

Although Luo Zheng has risen, his mark has been deeply engraved in every part of the cloud hall. Luo Nian, a young man, has heard too many legends about his father.

He once wanted to see his father very much. When he was six years old, he said that he would fly up to find his father.

But this time, Luo Zheng's return disappointed Luo Nian.

This father met him for the first time, and he scolded him mercilessly. In his young mind, the heroic image of his father collapsed and suddenly became a terrible monster.

It should be noted that no one dares to control him in the cloud hall.

Before that, when Ning yudie was there, he could still restrain Luo Nian. When Ning yudie rose, Granny Yu was just indulgent, and he gave full play to his mischief.

In Luo Nian's small mind, the only impression of Luo Zheng is "hate".

However, Luo Zheng is his father after all, and he still has an irrepressible curiosity about Luo Zheng.

After two days, he finally sneaked to the top of the cloud hall and looked at Luo Zheng in the corner.

Although Luo Zheng's eyes didn't look past, Luo Nian was covered by the invisible perception under his closed eyes. Luo Nian's body, appearance and size All are depicted in Luo Zheng's mind.

Luo Zheng has to admit that he is naughty, but he has a solid foundation!

Compared with Luo Nian in his childhood, Bi Luo Zheng could not catch up.

Yundian is not a small Luo family after all But then again, the inside information is important, but the efforts of the day after tomorrow will have a decisive role.

For example, Xuanyuan CHENFENG, Ji Luoxue and others have no one in the world to compare their details, but this does not mean that they can easily get the first place. Their own hard work and efforts are also decisive factors.

Luo Zheng himself is only the best example.

That's why, according to Luo Zheng, this boy's character must be correctedBut I just saw Luo Nian, and I was so strict that I'm afraid I scared him.

After all, it's still the result of Granny Yu's indulgence. We can't blame him.

Think of here, Luo Zheng knees slightly a lift, figure has disappeared in situ.


Luo Nian's eyes are a little curious, but his reaction is not slow. He immediately realizes that Luo Zheng is aware of himself, turns around and wants to leave. Looking back, he finds that his father has already stood behind him with a kind smile on his face.

Although Luo Zheng had a smile on his face, Luo Nian still showed a timid expression.

"Ronian?" Luo Zheng opens his mouth and shouts.

"Well?" Luo Nian answered subconsciously, his eyes turned, and then he called timidly, "Dad..."

With this cry, Luo Zheng holds Luo Nian in his arms.

Luo Zheng has the memory of Luo Nian from childhood to adulthood. As long as he wants to, he can call anything that happens to anyone at any time in the world.

But this memory belongs to the world, not to Luo Zheng. The strangeness between him and his son can't be eliminated after all.

At the moment, he heard Luo Nian call his father. A strange feeling came from Luo Zheng's heart, that is, he grasped Luo Nian and said, "I'll take you out!"

But he put Luo Nian on his neck. His figure suddenly flashed, and he flew to the sky!

Although all the uncles in the cloud hall take care of them, they are not Luo Nian's father after all. Now Luo Nian knows that "Dad" can still play like this

"Ha ha..."

Flying in the air, they quickly get close to the boundary of "the light of water".

"It's going to hit you!"

Luo Nian is very familiar with the boundary. It looks like a water wave, but it's really amazing to hit it.

"Close your eyes," Luo ordered.

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