Seeing the white light in front of him, the power of space law wrapped them up. Luo Nian closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw only a trace of the remaining white light around him, and the power of space law began to dissipate.

At this moment, Luo Zheng and Luo Nian have penetrated the boundary

"Master said that the light of Yingshui is very powerful. Even if you master the law of space, you can't penetrate it!" Luo Nian said as if endorsing.

"Master? Who is the master Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"My master's surname is Zong!" Said ronian.

Luo Zheng immediately knew who the master Luo Nian said was. He was Zongrui, once the chief Rune master of yundian.

I didn't expect that Luo Nian's divine tattoo skill was inherited from Zong Rui

"So high, so high!"

As Luo Zheng flew higher and higher, the clouds below were also far away at his feet. Those clouds were like a white ocean rolling slowly below. Luo Nian was excited and couldn't help crying out, completely forgetting the horror of Luo Zheng before.

"Dad, if you keep flying like this, can you fly to the upper bound?" Luo Nian suddenly asked.

Luo Zheng thought about it and replied with a smile, "yes."

If you can withstand the destruction of the wind layer, you can really go all the way up and escape into the world.

"My mother-in-law said that she went to the upper boundary Can we find our mother by flying like this? " Luo Nian asked again.

This kid's mind

Luo Zheng smiles a little. If he doesn't take the flight path, he will go up all the way along the airspace of the world. Ordinary people in Shenhai don't know that they can escape to the nearest big world only when they are young.

The little guy is too small after all. Naturally, he won't explain this to Luo Nian. He just said with a smile, "mother will come back."

"When will mother come back?" Luo Nian's eyes suddenly lit up.

Luo Zheng stares at the end of the sea of clouds, and then firmly says: "it shouldn't be too long. In half a month, nianer will be able to see her mother."

He only hoped that Ning yudie would not have any problems in the flight path.

The space is divided into front and back.

The back of the space is not an independent world, but it complements the familiar space

But the vast majority of creatures do not like to live in the back, where the sun can not shine, there is no real yuan, no life, everything is empty.

The ancient witch race is the only one living in the back of the world

This race is too mysterious. The emperor once investigated their purpose, but they all got nothing. Not only that, they also caused a lot of troubles, such as the fact that they were covered with skeletons

Although these little skeletons can't do any harm to the God, they can't be destroyed or removed. They can only make trouble to get rid of the curse or even banish them directly. It's still very annoying.

Over time, no one is willing to cause this trouble.

What did the ancient witches rely on to survive? What were they planning? The secret of this culture has become more and more mysterious with the precipitation of years

It was only recently that a small number of high-level people in the world became aware of the news revealed by the Tianwei clan. This is a conspiracy lasting for more than ten generations and hundreds of billions of years.

In front of this time span, even Tianzun is just a moth in a flash, unable to make any changes.

It's really a game between the gods and the gods

It's a pity that the beginning and end of a Yanji in the world has come to an end.

This game has come to an end. That's why the situation has become so fierce and painful. At the same time, the world's own mechanism has become sensitive and powerful. As a result, genius seems to come out of every corner without money.

Among them, Luo Zheng's world is the most peculiar. He not only gave birth to a Ziji Yinti, but also walked out of huatianming and Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng thought it was a coincidence.

But the ancient witches didn't see it that way, neither did old Feng. In fact, after Luo Zheng left, old Feng had finished the first round of layout

After all, Luo Zheng's blood flowed in Luo Nian's body. Although father and son met for the first time, it took only a few days to get acquainted.

The little guy is naughty, but he is extremely intelligent.

He seemed to have countless whys in his head. When he stayed by Luo Zheng's side, he threw them out one by one.

"Dad, why do martial arts practitioners practice..." Asked ronian.

This question sounds very simple, even some idiots, but it directly points to the essence, instead of asking Luo Zheng.

He thought for a while, then said with a smile: "in order to protect the people around, if there are bad people bullying nianer, I can help you..."

"But why rise? Isn't it good in this world? " In luonian's mind, Zhongyu is already a great environment.

For ordinary people, such a large piece of Middle Kingdom is boundless. It is not a good choice to fly away. The upper world is not a fairyland, but a world with more cruel competition."To be stronger," Luo continued.

So Luo Nian's question became "Why become stronger..."

This question has fallen into a cycle in logic, which is indeed an unsolvable answer.

If you want to find the most basic answer, I'm afraid you need to trace back to the first group of creatures born in chaos. Why does chaos give birth to divine realm? When did the saints in the realm of God have a sense of competition

What kind of scene is the end of the martial arts road?

Luo Zheng will eventually find the answer, but he can't answer Luo Nian's question at this stage.

So Luo Zheng is very honest to tell Luo Nian, "dad doesn't know."

Luo Nian is a little curious. He thinks that Luo Zheng is omnipotent. Unexpectedly, there is something his father doesn't know.

"I'll tell you when I know it later." Ronian blinked and said seriously.

Hearing Luo Nian's words, Luo Zheng suddenly laughed, "it's not easy to pursue this answer."

"Ronian is not afraid of difficulties," he said, still very serious.

Luo Zheng is also very pleased to have such ambition at a young age. Maybe he doesn't understand what he wants to pursue, but with this persistence, many difficult things will become very easy for him.

These days have passed by in a flash.

On the 12th day, Luo Zheng still did not detect the fluctuation of the world.

But I didn't expect that the troubles caused by Xie qianhan and Xuanyuan CHENFENG

The two men went to Zhongyu for a walk, but when they came back, they were scratched.

In particular, the injury on his body was very serious. His whole body was covered with thin incisions. It seemed that he was injured by sharp instruments.

Xuanyuan CHENFENG is not much better. He looks very embarrassed

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