"You Where is this going? " Luo Zheng was also stunned.

These two people have the cultivation of the divine extreme realm, and the strength of Daozi. The strong one who changes the divine realm is not their enemy. Who can make them so embarrassed in the middle realm?

Crack thousand cold just a cold hum, then the site knee healing, this degree of injury on the general martial arts, I'm afraid it will be quite bad, but these Taoist who did not take some holy medicine?

Xuanyuan CHENFENG told the truth, "what the hell is this world! All the way to the north, the storm was so strong that we almost didn't die in it... "

"The storm of the riot star sea," Luo Zheng understood at the moment.

Since ancient times, there has been a very strong storm in the sea of violent stars, but Luo Zheng himself has never understood the cause of the storm. He knows the strength of the storm very well. Luo Zheng did not dare to get close to the core of the storm in those days. Even now, I'm afraid he still can't

These two guys rely on their own strength, to see the lower bound should have such a spectacle, two people naturally do not want to miss this opportunity.

I didn't expect that the more I went in, the more terrifying the wind blades were. Some wind blades even contained wind system rules up to eight or nine levels That's equivalent to a full blow from the world leader. How can these two people resist?

For this reason, Xie qianhan also used a defense treasure handed down to him by his family, and then he was able to retreat from the whole body

There are a lot of people in Zhongyu who want to visit Luo Zheng these days.

There are also many people from the business alliance and xulingzong, including the family of yundian, who want to meet Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng refuses one by one.

I'll wait for Ning yudie to return safely

On the fourteenth day, there was still no movement in the world.

On the 15th, the same is true

In a flash, Luo Zheng went back to the cloud hall to wait for half a month.

He was getting more and more anxious.

When I think about the Tianwei clan, I seem to be too anxious. I should ask old man Feng to follow me along the flight path instead of waiting at this end of the flight path.

However, anxiety is only on the one hand. On the other hand, Luo Zheng has doubts about his own destiny. Those people keep a lot of important information from themselves, and even Xun seems to be no longer close to him. When Luo Zheng encounters problems at this stage, he will only consider his own initiative at the first time.

In case Ning yudie is stopped by the ancient witches, he is waiting for nothing now!

Sixteen days after Luo Zheng's return.

The mainland of China

The Dayu kingdom is now holding a grand celebration.

The new Lord of the kingdom of God ascends to the throne at this moment, because the last Lord of the kingdom of God has gone up.

at this moment, the common people of the world will be in the path of ascension, and when the whole world is in the path of ascension.

Half a year ago, the mid region Ningyu butterfly soared, and the great boundary passage moved to the mid region, near Yunhai city.

Three days ago, the last leader of Dayu's kingdom of God ascended, and the passage of his ascent returned to the mainland of the kingdom of God

The new kingdom of Dayu was just a state of life and death.

With the restoration of the flight path, the warlords of Shenhai, who are squeezed in the kingdom of God, have soared to the upper boundary. In fact, the strength of the four great shenstates has not been enhanced, but weakened. After all, the current lords can only live and die. Once they reach the Shenhai, they will be forced into the flight path by the whole world.

Just at the moment when the monarch ascended the throne, a violent vision suddenly broke out in the sky. A thick crack spread along the clouds, as if there was a monster hidden in the clouds, with a big mouth!

Many small black spots suddenly appeared in the crack!

These black spots fall down at a very fast speed

"It's a natural vision!"

"God bless the Lord. This vision coincides with his accession to the throne..."

"It's a good omen!"

"Shut up Liu Min, the leader of Dayu's kingdom of God, was staring at him. His face suddenly changed. He had seen the black spots clearly. He was a lot of warriors!

Because of the distance, Liu can't see these people's accomplishments clearly, but they come from heaven? How can these people be called good omens?

Soon, some of the weaker fighters also saw clearly that the black spots were people who were falling rapidly!

At the moment, Liu Min has seen the leader clearly.

The man seemed to be seriously injured, bleeding and in decline.

But even the atmosphere of decline still makes him very surprised. This man's strength is not as simple as unfathomable. Liu Min has an intuition that this man can kill himself just by moving his fingers!

As for the later martial arts, their accomplishments seem to be a little weaker, but they are all in the realm of the sea of gods

This is the sea of thousands of gods!

Such a huge team, with eyes closed, can destroy the four kingdoms!They're from the upper world!

Almost instantaneously, Liu Min got the answer in his heart.

But what are you doing here? What's worth visiting in this kind of place where birds don't shit?

"No, according to their appearance, some of them are injured, and the leader is still seriously injured. What should they be avoiding..." Liu Min's thinking was extremely quick, and he soon saw the key.

The leader's strength is unfathomable, and he still has such a large group of warriors in Shenhai

Who are they after?

If he is involved, let alone Dayu, the whole kingdom of God, and even the whole world, will suffer.

"Who the hell just now, that's a good omen!"

Liu Min angrily denounced, and the civil and military officials all over the grand ceremony were silent.

Then Liu Min threw the golden crown on his head and shot it into the sky. He knew very well that if he couldn't deal with it well, let alone the throne, he would die What's more, Liu Min never put the throne in his eyes at all. He is already a six armed man in the realm of life and death, and may break through the realm of God sea at any time. At that time, he will fly up to the upper boundary like his father and grandfather, because after the restoration of the great boundary passage, the four great gods have changed one after another.

In the past few thousand years, the monarchs did not change their masters, but because they all chose to ascend, many monarchs left this unhappy Kingdom and ascended directly after less than two years in office.

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