High above

"Cough..." The master of the nine palaces suddenly coughed twice.

I'm afraid this half month is the most difficult time for the master of the nine palaces.

The little skull is more terrifying than the maggot of tarsal bone. When Zhenyuan is abundant, the Lord of the nine palaces can resist it for a while, but it won't be long before the little skull will eat up Zhenyuan. Then what it eats is his skin, flesh and blood, even bones and internal organs. One of the little skull goes directly into his internal organs and is pulled out by him But it also caused quite serious injuries, and the Jiugong master is now holding on

"It seems that there are towns below, but I don't know which power they belong to?" Asked the master of the nine palaces.

Looking down from a very high place, Ning Yu butterfly can see the whole continent

Seeing the shape of this continent, Ning yudie denied Zhongyu for the first time, and soon got the answer, "this is the mainland of China, the power of the human race!"

Ning yudie has never been to the mainland of China, but she remembers that Luo Zheng mentioned that the shape of the mainland of China is very special. There is a circular inland sea in the middle, and the mainland surrounds the inland sea. It is like a bracelet shape, and the middle is empty. This shape is very easy to identify, so it was quickly determined.

"The kingdom of God?" The master of the nine palaces was stunned, and there was a trace of disdain on his face.

The power of the kingdom of God only exists in the lower boundary, but it is almost impossible to exist in the upper boundary. Whether it is the alliance of humanity or the mindlessness of gods, in the end, it is the alliance of countless ten holy places to form a super power.

In fact, the four families of Xuanyuan, Xie, Ji and Ji are also another form of the kingdom of God. However, under the joint efforts of these four families, it is no longer necessary to claim the title of emperor.

The really powerful don't need to add the names of emperor of war and emperor of war after their own names.

Because their own names already represent the most powerful in the world.

What's more, the most powerful in the world originally had the title of heaven.

"Well Those guys are sealed by me. It will take a while to break them. Let's have a rest before we make plans! "

There are quite a number of core disciples in Yuqing holy land, who follow the nine palace master into the path of ascension. These people's talents may not be much in the world, but they are definitely the main force in the future of Yuqing holy land. He unintentionally sheltered so many core disciples, which is a great achievement in Yuqing holy land.

If in the past, the Lord of the nine palaces would be very happy, but now he is not happy at all. I'm afraid the holy land of Yuqing will not exist in the future. No matter how great the credit is?

As soon as he finished, a shadow came up from below.

This man has a yellow robe and a real dragon coiled around his sleeve. Under this dress, both the Lord of the nine palaces and Ning yudie know that this man should be the Lord of the kingdom of God.

"You are capable, I am Liu min. I don't know what you are doing when you come to Dayu. If we can help you, we will do our best!"

Although Liu Min ascended the throne of the Kingdom, he was very respectful. He was very clear about the strength of these people, and whether he cooperated or not was not important. People could destroy the kingdom of Dayu in an instant. It can even be said that these people were not even interested in destroying the kingdom of Dayu

In this case, it's better to be polite first. If Liu Min can help, he can help them as a "last resort". If he can't, he can send them away with good words.

The Lord of the nine palaces didn't say anything. Since Ning yudie had risen in this big world, she would take care of these things.

"The kingdom of Dayu? I'm Ning yudie, the master of cloud palace in the Middle Kingdom, "said Ning yudie lightly.

"Central Ning Yu butterfly in Tianbei Liu Min was stunned.

Since Luo Zheng went to the mainland of China, the four great kingdoms have gradually attached importance to the central region. After the stop of the Xinghai storm, there are people in the two continents communicating with each other.

Because of the storm, although it was not very convenient, it was much closer than before.

There are even some rich businessmen in Shenzhou, who have identified some business opportunities, risked huge risks to cross the sea of riots and stars for trade, and put on the agenda to build a space channel on the two continents

The power of yundian now can rival any of the four kingdoms.

Liu Min has a copy of the information about Ning yudie, the owner of yundian!

I didn't expect that the Lord of cloud hall also flew up, but after that, he came back with thousands of warriors in the sea and an unfathomable strong man. What's the matter?

"To tell you the truth, there is a strong enemy in the flight path. We only hope to take advantage of your land to recuperate and then try to stay," Ning yudie said.

Sure enough! Liu Min's heart is sad. What he guesses is that he is always on the verge of ten. He is really being chased and killed. Listen to Ning yudie's words, he should recuperate first, and then make the decision to stay or go. What can he do? He wants these people to leave quickly! But Liu Min knows that he has no choice.

Ning Yu butterfly naturally has some selfishness in her heart.

In ancient times, if the people and ghosts of the Wu clan were led to the Middle Kingdom, wouldn't they harm the cloud hall? Now we can only sacrifice the mainland of China."Everyone, please come here," Liu Min said with a bitter face.

Da Neng is also a honorary name.

Just like the strong in the mainland of the kingdom of God, the most powerful is the sea of God. Naturally, we need to add the word "sea of God is powerful.".

There are thousands of talents in front of us


Luo Zheng at the top of the cloud hall suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

When Luo Zheng felt the vision of the world, he soon captured the memory of Ning Yu butterfly.

Ning yudie's memory was interrupted in the will of the world less than a year ago, because Ning yudie rose at that time, and she would not leave a brand of memory in this will, but at the moment of return, Luo Zheng recaptured the memory of Ning yudie.

Although the memory is very short, it only records the memory of Ning yudie's conversation with Liu Min, the kingdom of Dayu, after she entered the world.

But enough to let Luo Zheng determine the location of Ning yudie!

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