Luo Zheng also worried that the flight path would not lead to the distant sea area, or even to the side of Poseidon continent.

Although Luo Zheng has the cultivation of the divine realm, it will take him some time to cross the vast sea. If the pursuit is urgent, he may not be able to help.

In mainland China, the situation is much more optimistic.


Luo Zheng immediately informed Hua Tianming and others.

Xiyouqin comes back early after xulingzong's visit. Although she has a bad feeling towards Ning yudie, she pays more attention to Luo Zheng's mood and knows that Luo Zheng needs help most at the moment.

Huatianming, xiyouqin, kudeng, dugujian, Xiaoxiao and kudeng are on standby and can start at any time.

At this moment, Luo Zheng called, and everyone responded.

It was Xie qianhan and Xuanyuan CHENFENG who showed hesitation on their faces. After a few days of recuperation, their injuries were completely healed, or even disappeared. The most excellent holy medicine of wunian was very effective.

They don't know why they are following. It seems that they follow Ji Luoxue when they see that other Taoists are also coming

But two people and Luo Zheng are not quite right, where is willing to work for Luo Zheng?

Luo Zheng is also lazy to pay attention to these two people. He has ordered people to open a gap in the light of Yingshui, and then he is about to fly out.

"Dad! Dad! Nianer is going, too

But Luo Nian ran out. He couldn't escape, so he kept waving his hand on tiptoe.

"Nianer, just wait at home, Granny Yu, please!" Luo Zheng zhengse said.

In fact, Luo Zheng thinks that there is no absolutely safe place in the world, and the only safest place is Xianfu. But seeing Luo Nian like this, it is absolutely not a simple thing to put him in Xianfu. At the moment, it can only be entrusted to granny Yu.

Although mother-in-law Yu blames Luo Zheng a lot, she can only try her best to coax Luo Nian at the moment.

After that, Luo Zheng has turned into a rainbow, and then huatianming, xiyouqin, and dugujian come out.

Ji Luoxue now is carrying both hands, floating in front of Xuanyuan CHENFENG, eyes swept crack thousand cold and Xuanyuan CHENFENG one eye, then light said: "my advice, you forget?"

Xuanyuan CHENFENG knows what Ji Luoxue means. He hums coldly, "hum, you should have helped me!"

Ji Luoxue shakes her head, "who takes the first assistant, you lose to him after all!"

"That's because I didn't try my best," Xuanyuan CHENFENG's face still showed a resentful expression when he mentioned the defeat. It can be seen how unwilling he was to lose at that time.

"Lose is lose, Luo Zheng may not do his best," Ji Luoxue smiles.

Xuanyuan morning wind curled his mouth, sighed, and then got up.

Crack thousand cold shakes his head, is also a pair of ghost expression, the gods mindless three people this just followed up

In the corner of the cloud hall, red maple and Pei TIANYAO squat to one side, looking at the light in the sky.

"Luo Zheng, that guy, won't even see one side!" The red maple looked a little annoyed.

"Didn't destiny say that? The Lord didn't return. He didn't want to see you. There were too many people who wanted to visit Luo Zheng. He refused one by one. He must be in danger, "Pei TIANYAO said faintly.

"If the Lord of the temple is in trouble, at least say hello, and we can help!" Baili red maple is still a little upset.

Pei TIANYAO said with a faint smile, "look at the strength of those guys. They are a higher level of cultivation than Shenhai realm. Those who are strong in Shenji realm, do you want to help or make trouble?"

Hundred Li red maple curls his mouth, he has the intention to refute, but Pei TIANYAO's words are too right, the strength gap is too big, what can he do? To show the fancy escape method?

Hundred Li red maple's eyes have been staring at the air, then found a light suddenly stopped, stopped is a little monk, the little monk seems to feel something, eyes actually straight toward them.

The corner where Baili Hongfeng and Pei TIANYAO are located is very remote, and most people don't notice it.

Hundred Li red maple also feel strange, patted Pei TIANYAO's shoulder and said: "ah, your colleagues, what does he mean when he looks over?"

"What's my colleague?" Pei TIANYAO's face was gloomy.

"Ha ha, aren't you a monk reincarnated? You are also a monk..." Red maple said with a smile.

Pei TIANYAO is mild in character, but it is not like when Hua Tianming was there. If Hua Tianming was so ridiculed, Bai Li Hongfeng would be in bad luck.

"I don't know, but I also think the little monk is very special," Pei TIANYAO also wondered.

Buddhism in the Middle Kingdom is not prosperous, and the only few Buddhism forces have only three grades. However, few of the skills in yundian are suitable for Pei TIANYAO's cultivation. He did not know that there was a powerful super force in the world, the holy land of Ten Thousand Buddhas!

The little monk who stops in the air is naturally a bitter lamp.

Kudeng was going to follow Luo Zheng, but suddenly, he felt his Buddhist heart beating and a sense of closeness rising. He was surprised. Turning around, he saw Pei TIANYAO.Kudeng's face shows the color of thinking. Seeing the figure of Luo Zheng who has gone away, he thinks that he will not leave here for a moment. He'd better help Luo Zheng solve the problem first and then say

On the clear sky of Zhongyu, eight figures turn into thin lines, and quickly escape towards the front!

Under the leadership of Luo Zheng, all the way north

These eight people's escape speed is not fast, not long after they have crossed the central region, into the sea of riots.

Looking at the storm everywhere in the sea of stars, Luo Zheng stopped for a while.

For Luo Zheng and others, there are still certain risks to directly cross the storm. At least the core of the violent star sea must be avoided.

"You don't want to cross it directly," said Xie qianhan, with a trace of fear in his eyes. The storm here left a deep impression on him

At the beginning, in order to avoid the storm of the violent star sea, the team of Tianwei clan chose to move forward on the back of the space.

But on the back of it, we meet the shadow clan, which is the ancient witch clan.

Luo Zheng closed his eyes and was immersed in his mind.

He saw that Ning yudie seemed to settle down in the mainland of China and was recuperating. He didn't mean to leave immediately.

There's plenty of time

"Follow me!"

Luo Zheng turned into dunguang, but he was marching toward the northwest.

The violent star sea is certainly terrible, but as long as it is not close to the core, they can completely circle a arc to avoid the most powerful storm in the center.

Although the distance is longer, it is safer

The mainland of China.

Thousands of core disciples of Yuqing holy land were placed in the huge imperial palace.

Most people are concentrating on healing

The fighting power of the ancient witches was not necessarily strong.

The key is that after killing the creatures of this race, they will be cursed. That damned little skull is like a nightmare. It has been pestering the warrior to death. There is no solution at all.

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