When several heavenly masters came, they naturally received the call of magic and Qianlan Heavenly Master.

At the moment, the first step to the cloud hall is to protect the eight Taoists, but Luo Zheng is determined not to leave.

But they didn't insist. They left Luo Zheng and Xi Youqin here, and then they fled into the void one after another

Now that these heavenly beings are here, the confinement of this space must have been lifted.

In this case, Luo Zheng did not hesitate any more.

No matter how the next situation evolves in this vast world, Luo Zheng should first move Ning yudie to a safe place.

Next, Luo Zheng takes Ning yudie and Xi Youqin to leave yundian. He finds granny Yu and nianer three hundred miles north of Yunhai city. However, he finds Baili Hongfeng, Pei TIANYAO and others

Then he activated the gen word order in his hand in front of all people.

Luo Zheng didn't warn the public. Although the fairy house itself is very important and the secret can't be revealed, the fairy house is restricted everywhere. Without the token in Luo Zheng's hand, they can't move around at all, so the fairy house becomes their temporary refuge.

But Luo Zheng himself did not enter into it.

Since he came back to the world, he felt that some strange changes had taken place in the will of the world.

As soon as he returned, he knew that one end of the world was broken, that is to say, the two worlds were interlinked with each other and there was no obstacle.

In these days, he suddenly found that the barrier at the other end of the world seems to have been opened!

Luo Zheng inquired in the memory of the world, and did not come to an exact answer. Now there are only two definite points. The barrier must be man-made destruction, and the people who destroy it are not the creatures in the world. Most of them are ancient witches. As for what their real purpose is, Luo Zheng does not know.

It is precisely this that Luo Zheng decided to stay.

As for the experience of yundian, the whole central region is also in a state of panic

The news of the disaster is always spreading very fast. All the warriors in yundian are demobilized, and the news of countless refugees in Yunhai city spreads out at a very fast speed through various transmission channels.

Zhongyu is the soil for their survival. Where can they go without Zhongyu? Not everyone can get through the storm of riot star sea.

After these were settled properly, Luo Zheng went into the back of the world by himself.

The back of the world is a void, shrouded in pure darkness. Old man Feng and other celestial beings have long since escaped from the back of the world.

After determining the direction, Luo Zheng quickly fled in the boundless darkness.

Under the hand of Tianzun, they may be able to move tens of thousands of miles in an instant. Luo Zheng can't follow them.

When Luo Zheng was exploring in the void, he was thousands of miles away.

The candle nine Yin, which stretches thousands of miles, is now coiled with a huge body. Above the head of the huge "snake head", the wisp of strange fire is already very dim, and a pair of strange snake eyes are firmly staring at the front.

This candle nine Yin's body is already scarred.

With the strength of zhujiuyin, he can fight against a middle God and remain invincible. The old man Feng, the God of original sin, the God of thunder punishment and the God of Oracle are all the superior gods in the world.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, this ancient wizard's holy beast has no capital to fight.

Huanmiao Tianzun, who had been fighting with zhujiuyin before, was seriously injured and fled away. Qianlantianzun killed the Witch and joined the hunting of zhujiuyin

There are not many expressions on your faces.

This time I escaped to the lower world, I just cleaned up the ancient witches as trouble.

The candle in front of you is a treasure after you kill it. Whether it's a pair of huge snake eyes or a strange fire on your head, it's a very precious material. Several heavenly masters have already begun to think about how to distribute what they get after you kill the candle

But right now.

In the center of the violent Xinghai storm, hidden in front of the most central tower.

Countless warlocks were crawling in front of the tower. The leader of the warlock was holding a bone stick. A dark fire rose from the end of the bone stick. People began to recite a complicated mantra in their mouths.

In this constant recitation, these warlocks began to disintegrate one by one.

From the body to the soul, they all turned into a little dark green flame, and quickly gathered towards the front of the bone staff in the hands of the great wizard!

That wisp of flame is more and more exuberant!


The fire of the nether world soared into the air, and the fire was very fierce. Then the great wizard carefully poked out the bone stick and slowly handed it to the front of the tower!


The fire of the nether world rapidly rose around the tower.


After reciting, the great wizard turned himself into a fire of the nether world and threw himself into itAt this moment, the tower also began to rotate slowly, the speed of rotation is faster and faster, at the same time, many small cracks began to appear on the surface of the tower.

"Kapeel, kapeel..."

The crack is constantly expanding. It seems that something is trapped in it and wants to gush out of the tower!

At the same time, the storm in the core of the riot star sea is becoming more and more powerful, and the wind blades are cutting madly, and the space is constantly cracking!

Under countless wind blades cutting, there are countless space cracks in this area. Some wind blades spread along the cracks.


The tower exploded after all.

From that tower, there is an invisible will, which begins to spread rapidly!

And this storm turns into the power of this will!

At the same time, a similar tower burst out from hundreds of neighboring great worlds. In this great world, there is a place of storm, which is called "Fengshen forbidden area" by the warriors of this great world. It is said that there is a Fengshen living in the center of the storm, so the strong wind will not disappear all the year round. Even if Shenhai escapes into it, there will be no return!

After the tower burst, there was also an invisible will spread out!

There are more than two towers that burst open at the same time. In fact, the towers that the ancient witches planted in the world are also among them according to a certain layout after accurate calculation!

At the moment, these towers are constantly exploding, and the will in the tower will quickly spread in the world, and the barriers of the world are almost broken, and the invisible willpower will spread from the opening of one world to the next world!

Old man Feng and others confronted with such huge things as candle nine Yin for a while, and then the original sin God took the lead.

Even in the face of such a powerful body, the God of original sin is not afraid, but intends to meet the tough


Candle nine Yin sharp sound, huge body in the void twist, it actually chose to retreat.

How can some heavenly masters let go of this candle? One after another, they turned into light escaping and hunted in different directions.

But at this moment, the will had spread out. Several heavenly beings felt the will, and their faces suddenly changed. As if they had been performed the skill of body immobilization, they all stayed in the same place.

Luo Zheng, who wandered in the void, also felt the will, but his face was puzzled, "what is this..." He felt that his will was very domineering, as if he wanted to directly cover the world!

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