After Luo Zheng integrated the will of the world, he himself became the son of the world.

In fact, he is the master of the world!

So he can naturally transfer his power to the world, and even check the memory of any time and place in the world!

But that will spread, but it gradually integrated into the world!

Luo Zheng can't stop this kind of fusion. Because Luo Zheng's will and the will of the world are fused together, now the three wills are fused with each other!

What makes Luo Zheng even more surprised is that this will spreads at a very fast speed!

However, in about ten breaths, this will has spread to the outside of the world. It has fused with the will of other worlds again, and continues to spread rapidly!

"This..." Luo Zheng's face was full of surprise.

After these great worlds were damaged before, Luo Zheng felt that he could explore the further world, such as the sea area of the connected great world.

But at the moment, Luo Zheng also felt that the scope of his perception was rapidly rising at an incredible speed!

Luo Zheng can feel everything in the four great worlds around him.

For example, in the great world in the south, there is only one huge continent, which is almost 20 times as large as the mainland of China, while the sea area in the great world is not large, accounting for about one third of the total.

The vast world in the north is on the contrary. The whole world is a world of oceans. There are many kinds of islands. In this island, there are many kinds of creatures, and these creatures are also mainly human beings

After a hundred breaths, Luo Zheng has been able to perceive sixteen great worlds!

After a long time, Luo Zheng has been able to perceive more than 400 worlds

At this moment, the speed of that crazy diffusion will gradually slowed down.

"Is the limit less than 500 worlds?" Luo Zheng constantly felt in his mind, and he had a general calculation in his mind.

But I don't know if the transfer of power can be aimed at these great worlds. If it can be transferred to these great worlds, it will be a great enhancement for Luo Zheng. However, he hopes that this will spread further!

However, at this moment, Luo Zheng was astonished to find that he could feel the world twice as much, directly from 500 to thousands!

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng was slightly stunned.

After thinking for a while, he soon realized that this will spread out from the center of the star sea of riots, and eventually spread to more than 500 worlds. In fact, there is more than one extremely special will, which also exists in other worlds. Under the continuous spread, the two wills converge and fuse with each other.

"Will millions and thousands of worlds be connected? If this is really arranged by the ancient witches, then what they are planning is really terrible! " Luo Zheng was completely shocked.

When this conclusion was just reached, Luo Zheng's mind was able to perceive the world twice as much.

Three thousand worlds

These wills continuously spread from their own position and began to merge with the wills scattered in millions of worlds. Luo Zheng's perception of the great worlds began to increase, and the increasing speed was faster and faster.

Fifteen thousand worlds

Forty thousand

One hundred thousand

Three hundred thousand


The faster it got to the back, the faster it spread, but it finally stopped.

Because in Luo Zheng's mind, he can already perceive millions of great worlds. To be exact, there are 1.033 great worlds.

It's a very wonderful feeling.

All the things in the 1.033 thousand worlds are connected into a whole!

But Luo Zheng can perceive anything in the whole!

There are countless creatures living, practicing, fighting and reproducing in every great world. There are many secrets, mysteries and treasures hidden in these great worlds, waiting for the warriors to discover, excavate and explore.

But for Luo Zheng, all he needs is an idea, and these secrets are his own.

In one hundred thousand worlds away from Luo Zheng, a war on race broke out on a continent. All the demons were slaughtered by the demon night clan, and the remaining hundreds of demons launched a follow-up counterattack. However, in another connected world, a grand ceremony was held, which seemed to be the wedding of a certain God

From zongmen war to a mortal or even a bug flying high, Luo Zheng can fully grasp the information!

At this moment, Luo Zheng even had an illusion, as if he was the God of all worlds!

What makes Luo Zheng speechless is that when this will spreads to the edge of the world, it seems that there is a faint upward trend, and it spreads to the world along countless ascending channels. The end of this ascending channel is 100000 worlds and countless stars!Luo Zheng is quite speechless. Will this will not spread to the upper boundary? I don't know if the transfer of power will work.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng turned over his hand and clapped it on his chest.

In a vast world tens of millions of miles away from Luo Zheng, a stone in the jungle of a certain continent burst out without warning!

"This..." Luo Zheng's eyes twinkled, but a smile floated in the corner of his mouth.

In theory, Luo Zheng is the integration of all the great world, so as long as he is in the great world, unless his opponent can destroy millions of great world, otherwise he is an invincible existence!

However, it would be very awkward to fight against Tianzun. After all, it is like a candle nine Yin sweeping with its tail, which can destroy a continent. If Luo Zheng continues to bear Tianzun's attack, I'm afraid these vast worlds will be ruined.

Luo Zheng continues to feel the change of the will of the world.

At the same time

Old man Feng and others feel such a change. How ugly is their face now.

"This is the real plan of the ancient witches?" The original sin God's face was heavy.

"They want to control the way of heaven It can't be done! " The Oracle said with a frown.

As for the candle nine Yin in front of them, it also had a dramatic change at the moment. With the huge body constantly twisting, it was constantly shrinking. But this candle nine Yin chose to transform at the moment!

His huge body turned into a petite woman, but she had no hair, and there was only a strange fire burning on her head.

After the transformation, zhujiuyin was still scarred, but staring at you Tianzun, there was a cold smile on his face, "let you down!"

After that, a rune like a map appeared on her eyebrow. The rune flickered like a firefly, but it made the candle fall into a certain state.

So Luo Zheng, who was still exploring the world, suddenly felt a strong consciousness invading the will of the world!

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