With this magic circle wave, all the people began to panic.

Especially the bengshan people.

The giant wood forest is not far from the bengshan people. All the bengshan people have known since childhood that there is a monster in the forest that they can't afford. Some children of the bengshan people have made mistakes, and the adults of the family also use this monster to intimidate them.

So the bengshan people are very aware of the power of the Zhenwu sacred beast.

Panic, ray toad suddenly burst to drink, "give me calm! Dragon hunting team, keep formation

The strength of the Dragon hunting team is second only to that of the God hunting team, and it is the backbone of the bengshan tribe. Under Lei Chan's command, most people still maintain the magic array, but the gap on the left still exists.

Someone in the hunting team wanted to fight, but was stopped by Lei Chan.

When the rope entered the Fengmo formation and began to chase after the tassel, leichan knew that this girl was what Zhenwu holy beast was looking for.

The Zhenwu holy beast is not a powerful existence that the bengshan clan can fight against, and the only one who enters the magic sealing array is the steel rope. If the divine hunting team takes action, it will probably irritate the Zhenwu holy beast. At that time, the bengshan clan will face the danger of total extinction. It's better not to act rashly at this moment.

Bengshan people have no obligation to protect foreign warriors. Besides, they are not qualified to join the hunting team!

The body method with fringes is really very ingenious. Under the constant twisting of her graceful body, it is like a flower that keeps spinning. It makes people dazzled. Suddenly, she comes to Luo Zheng.

"Help me," tassel winked.

As the voice fell, she naturally got behind Luo Zheng

She dodged all the way, her face was very calm, but hiding behind Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng felt the tassel behind a shiver, before she could suppress the fear, but after she found a safe harbor, the fear was completely released.

This scene let Luo Zheng show a little bitter smile, which contains tassel is very sure that he will save her?

"You, stay away from me!" Ray toad said coldly.

Luo Zheng is the key person in their trip. If Han Liusu wants to die, he can't take Luo Zheng as the back. He also knows that Han Liusu and Luo Zheng have known each other for a long time, but he will never allow this kind of thing to happen.

At this moment, the thunder toad seems to rush to throw the tassel out of the magic array!

However, he Zuowei and others did not allow this kind of thing to happen. The first step was to stop leichan. "The princess is the little daughter of the emperor. If she falls, the emperor will be angry. Even the forbidden area of Shenlian will pay the price!"

"Go away!"

Lei Chan is also hot tempered. This is not Shenyu. He doesn't care about Shenyu!

But it's also because he Zuowei and he Zuowei stopped them for a while. The steel rope has already extended to Luo Zheng. Suddenly, it turns around and rolls towards the tassel behind Luo Zheng!

"Luo Zheng, don't mess around!" Ray toad stopped.

Luo Zheng is a little smile, in the face of the thick steel cable, his hands are suddenly out, stuck into the gap of the steel cable, embrace the steel cable!

At the moment of touching the cable, Luo Zheng understood why those foreign warriors had little resistance under the cable.

The strength contained in the cable is so huge that it is beyond imagination!


Luo Zheng's strength burst out, the octagon platform began to shine, and the power among the nine stars began to extract madly

Now Luo Zheng can't keep up with the speed of his power. Under the constant twisting of the steel rope, he suddenly throws it towards the top! Luo Zheng immediately took off and went straight up. In an instant, he drilled through the branches of countless huge trees and was thrown out hundreds of feet!

Hiding behind Luo Zheng, Han Liusu was stunned for a moment, staring at the nearby steel rope. The color of fear on her face was more intense. She never thought that she would die here!


The steel rope rolled directly around the waist with tassels!

As soon as the tassel was about to be pulled out of the crowd, several of the mountain collapse people in the Shensi hunting team were relieved. Since this woman caused the trouble, Zhenwu holy beast swept it away, I'm afraid the trouble will be over.

As for he Zuowei and others, their eyes are ready to crack.

"With the life of reincarnation, I will make a great wish again..."

It has to be said that he Zuowei is really loyal. Those who can protect Princess Chang from entering the forbidden area of Shenlian are determined to exist for Han's family!

There is only one wish in this grand wish. After making a wish, you must return it! He Zuowei's previous great wish has never been fulfilled, and he can't perform his great wish again at the moment, but there is a way to escape this restriction, that is, to make a great wish by losing one's life or even reincarnation!

For he Zuowei, this is suicide!

But he Zuowei's great wish has not been issued yet. From the trees above, a human figure suddenly came down!

It's just a shadow landing, but people feel that this person has a strong power, as if countless mountains are stacked together, suddenly trample down!This man is Luo Zheng!

When he was thrown up by the cable, Luo Zheng had summoned the power of the nine stars, and condensed these forces under his feet to form an extremely sharp blade of power!

Luo Zheng learned from Ji Luoxue in this move.

But instead of the crescent front, it is the power concentrated to the limit!


He stepped on the wire rope and directly cut it into two pieces!

In fact, before Luo Zheng stepped on the cable, the force tore it.

The steel rope containing the tassel lost its strength and slipped down from the tassel, while the other steel rope kept twisting and quickly withdrew from the magic array.

Both the bengshan people and the foreign warriors had already dodged away, leaving an open space in the middle. So they looked at Luo Zheng in the center and the tassel behind him

"This time I'm afraid it's too bad, "said one of the cavers in the team.

As soon as the voice fell, the steel cables in all directions had no more scruples. It was like countless tentacles of Octopus swarming in. When they met the Fengmo array, they directly smashed and rushed to Luo Zheng and Han Liusu.

Luo Zheng's action can be regarded as a complete exasperation to this Zhenwu holy beast!

"Wow..." When those cables creep, they make a huge noise.

All the people, including the ray toad of the Shensi hunting team, stood still and did not dare to move.

No one can fight against the Zhenwu holy beast. Fortunately, the Zhenwu holy beast pours all his anger on Luo Zheng, directly over the heads of the people and towards Luo Zheng.

It has not been injured for countless years, but Luo Zheng has cut off one of its limbs!

The tassel swept all around, but he drew a deep breath from me

Contain tassel to nod, immediately pasted on the back of Luo Zheng!

At this moment, the nine stars in Luo Zheng's inner world began to shine with unprecedented light. When people in that continent saw this vision, they all prostrated on the ground and knelt down constantly. For the people in the inner world, this is the oracle of the blessed one. All the babies born on this day will be protected by God!

One third of the power

Luo Zheng didn't know what would happen if he used such a terrible force at one time.

When the strength reaches a certain level, it is difficult for Luo Zheng to estimate how much strength should be used. To be on the safe side, the more the better!

This time, take out one-third of the power of nine stars, is the ultimate of Luo Zheng!

Those invisible forces spread out and formed a small ball about one foot in diameter. Except for the tassel on Luo Zheng's back, everything in the ball was annihilated by this force. The dead leaves, branches, soil and scavengers on the ground were not turned into powder, but directly disappeared!

"Hum -"

this terrible power is exerted to form a high-frequency roar. The sharp sound makes all people temporarily deaf at the moment, and everyone can't hear the sound. They just feel that the whole world is in silence!

They looked at Luo Zheng in panic, at the fringe behind Luo Zheng, at the invisible force squeezing the surrounding space, and outlined a sphere!

And all the cables, at the moment of twisting to the ball, did not break, but directly disappeared!

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