No matter how the cables are whipped, as long as they touch the ball, they will immediately disappear

In the center of the ball, Luo Zheng's heart also relaxed a little.

Now he can't directly control this power. If he injected this violent power into his body, his body would be annihilated and disappeared in a millionth of a blink of an eye, so he could only project it in the way of "supernatural power".

It may be inefficient or even wasteful to use this power in this way, but the actual power should not be underestimated!

With tassels has the whole person climbing on Luo Zheng's body, that pair of pretty eyes full of surprise.

She was lucky that her hunch was right, but she didn't expect to be so right Once han Liusu thought that Luo Zheng could catch up with his brother, but now it seems that Luo Zheng has surpassed Han cangyan too much in terms of strength.

This man is destined to take himself to zhenhunya!

She turned her mouth slightly, but she closed her eyes and put her head on Luo Zheng's shoulder. If he can't take him to zhenhun cliff, no one in the world can go.

No matter how those cables beat the ball, it is futile. The cables are constantly annihilated and disappeared, which is also a loss for the Zhenwu holy beast. After all, every cable is its arm.

Soon after, all the cables went back at the same time.

When the cables receded, all the people were sweating at the moment. When they looked at Luo Zheng again, there was a trace of panic in their eyes.

When Luo Zheng was a member of the bengshan tribe, the moment when he showed his strength was to concentrate the strength of the nine stars three inches in front of his fist. At that time, everyone thought it was Luo Zheng's own strength. No one could notice this detail except Luo Zheng himself.

But this time, Luo Zheng directly spread his power outside the body. Naturally, everyone felt different.

They don't think it's pure power!

After all, ordinary martial arts use their power through physical drive. They can't simply "force" their power out of the body and exist independently.

Like Luo Zheng, he turns strength into a round egg and completely wraps himself up. It looks more like some kind of magic power.

But what magic power can have how strength? This Luo Zheng is still just the cultivation of the extreme state of God to block the attack of Zhenwu holy beast?

He Zuowei and other world leaders should be the most powerful ones among the foreign martial arts. However, even if he Zuowei's grand wish is displayed, it's impossible to completely block so many cables, not to mention that Luo Zheng completely annihilated those cables!

They can't imagine that Luo Zheng is using the "boasting magic power" to directly project power from the internal world to the external world

Long after Luo Zheng removed the ball formed by the power, many people felt a pain in their ears.

Under the high-frequency vibration of the previous great force, everyone's ears were completely numb, and no sound could be heard at all.

After the power disappeared and the ears gradually recovered, there was an unbearable pain. Many of the warriors covered their ears at the moment. Some of the weaker ones even had blood escaping from their ears.

But just as people's ears began to recover, the ground began to shake again!




The roaring footsteps came from far away, and the sound was very dense. It was obvious that a huge object was approaching here at high speed.


The trees in the distance fell one by one.

Every vibration seems to be stepping on the hearts of all the people!

As the vibration gets closer and closer, the vibration on the ground becomes more and more severe. Every step sounds, and everyone will fly two or three inches in an instant. Some warriors deliberately stare at their feet on the ground.

"Boom, boom..."

With the front of a huge wood to both sides of the collapse, the behemoth finally appeared in the public's line of sight.

All the people looked up to the giant.

"Is this the true warrior beast?" Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

The shape of the Zhenwu holy beast is like a giant snake, but it has four legs. There is a huge crown on its head. On the crown, there are countless small cables. These cables are constantly creeping. It turns out that the cable is just its beard.

What's strange is that the Zhenwu holy beast has nearly the same body, which is made of the cyan gray metal. The other half has light green skin, and the surface of the skin is grid shaped, with diamond scales inlaid.

In terms of body size, Zhenwu holy beast is not particularly huge, but it is slightly higher than the surrounding giant wood, about six or seven or eight feet high. This kind of body size is much smaller than the Wuxiang Tianhe that Luo Zheng had seen before.

But when this Zhenwu holy beast appeared in front of the public, all people, including Luo Zheng, had a strong sense of oppression!

As if such powerful existence should not appear in this world!

Although the bengshan people are well-known for their bravery, they do not dare to go out at the moment. They know that there is a Zhenwu holy beast here. But for countless years, the true face of this Zhenwu holy beast has been a legend. No one has ever seen its true face. At most, they have only seen its tentacles, that is, the steel cables.Luo Zheng's strength may be abundant to a terrible situation, but he still does not have the strength to fight with Zhenwu holy beast. Strength is very important for the warrior, but it is not decisive in many cases.

In the face of such powerful existence, Luo Zheng once again had a feeling of insignificance


The Zhenwu holy beast took another step, but his blood red eyes were staring at Luo Zheng and the tassel behind him.

This vision was like substance, which gave Luo Zheng a great sense of oppression.

Even though Luo Zheng's power has been increased by countless times, it can't give him any sense of security at all!

His right choice now should be to hand over the tassel, but Luo Zheng, with the help of this woman, promised to take her to zhenhunya in exchange. Naturally, he didn't have any idea of compromise in his heart!

So this kind of eye contact continues.

Not far away, Lei Chan bit his teeth. He tried to persuade Luo Zheng, but he didn't speak.


A steel rope and beard extended from the crown of the real wusheng beast and rolled slowly towards Luo Zheng.

The goal of the steel wire beard is still tassels!

However, in front of Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng suddenly waved his hand and formed a sharp arc.


The wire was cut in an instant.

Hearing the sound of the broken whiskers of the steel rope, people's hearts were trembling!

If the Zhenwu holy beast is hairy, can the people present survive?

The most depressing thing is that they are foreign warriors from the divine realm. Before that, they heard that the bengshan people mentioned the Zhenwu holy beast, and they were still wondering what it was.

Now, after seeing the true face of this thing, many martial arts people have recognized it, and they are secretly scolding it. It's a Xuanmu weasel!

The real spirit hatched on the Ruomu!

There are only seven or eight of them in the divine realm. One of them was seriously injured and was taken in by the owner of the forbidden area. The Xuanmu weasel never showed up. Unexpectedly, he got half of the body of the puppet and became like this

What's most important is that Luo Zheng is going to compete with Xuanmu weasel?

The guy in the divine realm, fighting with a real spirit?

Are you crazy?

Many foreign martial arts people think that way in their hearts, including the little old man Yao an, who had secretly regretted that he had planned to leave the bengshan tribe. This time he went out with the team to observe Luo Zheng secretly, but he didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. It was extremely unfortunate.

"Luo, Luo Zheng Hand over the woman behind you, "a warrior advised.

But Luo Zheng turned a deaf ear, his black eyes showed persistence, and he still looked at the Xuanmu weasel.

He cut off a beard of Xuanmu weasel, but the other side still didn't choose to fight. Luo Zheng's persistence is not reckless. It seems that this thing is also taboo, or it doesn't want to fight with itself at all?

After a while, the weasel poked out a steel whisker again and rolled to the tassel behind Luo Zheng.

Seeing that the steel rope and beard rolled over, Luo Zheng felt his back tight, but the warm fragrant nephrite behind him tightly strangled his throat. He could feel the tension and fear with tassels.

The heart of he Zuowei and others is also suspended in their throat. As the holy emperor, they have more insight than the ordinary people in the divine domain. They know more about the origin of the Xuanmu weasel. If the eldest princess is really swallowed by the Xuanmu weasel, the holy emperor really can't help it.

However, Luo Zheng still wields a fist, an invisible half moon suddenly condenses out, cuts off the steel rope beard again, Luo Zheng does not have the slightest intention of concession.

After being blocked twice by Luo Zheng, the Xuanmu weasel suddenly raised his head.


There was a sharp roar, and all the trees in the giant wood forest swayed with it, including the warriors on the scene who were also unstable. The warriors in the snake hunting team and tiger hunting team suddenly fell down, and even fainted!

Luo Zheng also felt the pain of his head, but he still stood still.

As Xuanmu weasel roared, he put his long head forward and approached Luo Zheng's face until his voice stopped

Luo Zheng tightly clenched his fist and stared at the Xuanmu weasel close at hand. He could smell the fishy smell from his nose, and his heart was beating wildly.

If this guy swallows it, do you choose to fight back?

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