The whole team was pulled into a straight line.

Gong Yu led the Tianqiong people to the front, but it didn't mean they were the safest.

There are all kinds of disordered rules in the world. If we take a step, we will be destroyed.

The bengshan people were in the middle of the group, while the Yuanhe people began to break up!

The leader Jin Yue controls the two Wuxiang tianjuan, blocking the rear of the crowd. The other Wuxiang tianjuan starts to fight against the two Wuxiang tianjuan.

Under the impact of the body like a huge mountain, there is a dull roar, and the shock wave will escape, which will set off a series of storms that make people unstable. If the low-level creatures are involved in this invisible power storm, they will be torn to pieces in an instant.

But Jin Yue's strategy is still quite effective. The two wuxiangtianyu are behind, which slows down the speed of other wuxiangtianyu's approach to a certain extent.

But not for long, the ground behind the team collapsed suddenly!


The earth is cracked, and the huge round mouthpiece of wuxiangtianhe comes out from the bottom of the earth. This wuxiangtianhe can not only meander forward close to the ground, but also move freely in the ground!

Several members of the tribe at the back of the hall couldn't escape and disappeared into the mouth of the wuxiangtianhu. Generally speaking, this huge beast is also a huge world in its internal world. However, the wuxiangtianhu's internal world may be quite cruel, and there is absolutely no way to turn back.

Although the wuxiangtianyu, who rushed out from the bottom of the earth, devoured several members of the clan, he was obviously not satisfied with it. His huge body folded in the air and dived towards the team again!

Jin Yue at the rear of the team can only change the target again, press his hands on his head, and set the target on this wuxiangtianhe.

Even with Jin Yue's ability and the six elites of yuan he clan, he could only control two wuxiangtianhu at most. After this wuxiangtianhu lost his nature, one of the former two ends recovered his intelligence and joined the pursuit army at the same time.

It's like a moving mountain. The momentum that can crush almost everything makes everyone scared.

Everyone's heart sank at this moment

The world here, in fact, is a mirror world. This world looks strange, but everything in it is the reverse reflection of another world.

Before they crossed the vast cold flame ice field, the area of the plain in front of them was the same size as the ice field, but the plain was not frozen up

With their speed, in such a vast space, they can't get rid of these formless celestial beings. The only result is that they crush and devour them

"Run fast, I'm catching up!"

"The speed of these big insects is so fast, where can they run?"

"Ah I thought that if I went out to experience with these leaders, even if I didn't get any chance, I could gain some insight. I didn't expect that I would die here today! "

Many foreign warriors in the team howled. Their strength has made great progress in the three holy places of cultivation. Who knows that they are going to be buried here today. They are really unwilling.

Gong Yu, who was leading the way in front of him, was also gloomy.

There are many dangers in the world, but they have not wandered in it once or twice. The countless people who once fell have taught them a lot of experience, which is enough to avoid some fatal traps.

Gong Yu himself has been here many times, and has never been in such a crisis.

"It's our turn to cut off the rear!"

Thunder Toad's dull voice sounded like thunder, and the eyes of the avalanche people in the Dragon hunting team showed a strong and domineering spirit.

They are the most famous hunters in the forbidden area of Shenlian. They are the only ones who hunt foreign animals. How can they tolerate being hunted by foreign animals?

"It's no use, brother leichan. You can't stop so many wuxiangtianyu," said Gong Yu, frowning. His eyes were fixed on the front, looking for something.

"It seems that we can't escape after all. It's better to go back and fight. Maybe we can gain a chance of life," Ray toad replied.

Gong Yu is silent

He didn't understand Lei Chan's words. It's impossible for him to sprint with their speed faster than Wu Xiang Tian Hu. This situation is not optimistic, but Lei Chan's so-called first chance of life is not reliable. To keep up with 100 Wu Xiang Tian Hu is just looking for death!

At this moment, his eyes suddenly brightened, and there was a dark ball floating slowly over the side of the plain!

The black ball is like a pure black star, which completely absorbs the light around it. It looks very abrupt visually, because the black ball can't refract any light, giving people the feeling that there is nothing in the spherical area.

"That's it. Follow me!"

When Gong Yu saw the black ball, his face became excited.Some people don't know where to go, but Gong Yu is the guide of this trip. As a leader, he leads the direction of the people, so naturally everyone goes with him.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Hundreds of warriors turned around at the same time.

Luo Zheng and the Han family have been in the middle of the team, but there is nothing more to do except to follow.

After that abrupt black ball appears, everybody also noticed naturally.

"What is that?"

"Shall we rush in like this?"

"Don't ask. Now that the leader of the palace has found a way out, he must be able to avoid the wuxiangtianhe behind him..."

Tassel's face is very depressed. She also knows that the trouble is still caused by her. Since she left Han's home, she has found this strange place for a long time. No matter where she fled, she seems to have a fatal temptation to these low intelligent creatures.

She couldn't figure out the reason.

However, in Baixi time, this group of people had already reached the black ball, but Gong Yu suddenly stopped in front of the black ball, and then said: "the black ball is a special space, and it is connected with the other nine black balls in the inner world. It will take a little time to open the black ball. Please resist, and Gong will try his best!"

After that, Gong Yu clapped his hands, and the blue real yuan spread out, and then continuously condensed into a ball, which turned into a huge blue jade seal. Then the blue jade seal was covered in the black ball.

"Nine stars? Is this one of the nine stars of Shentai? " Luo Zheng's eyes were slightly fixed.

If you want to build the world, Shentai nine stars are indispensable.

There are countless stars in the Dayan universe where Luo Zheng is located, but most of them are just a foil. The key nine stars are inlaid in the Milky way.

These nine stars are eternal and indestructible. They are also the brightest of the four celestial realms in the East, West, North and south. However, when the upper boundary was wandering, Luo Zheng's research on the stars in the sky was still short, and he did not pay much attention to these nine stars.

After the end of an era, many stars fall, and countless stars rise, but nine of them never fall. Nine stars are the source of the power of saints!

But the situation of Shenlian forbidden area is special.

That Hatoyama seems to have found another way, his power source directly into the bengshan clan, and his own nine stars have been completely abandoned!

This is Luo Zheng's conjecture. This conjecture should be eight or nine.

But Luo Zheng didn't know why the "Jiusheng" wanted to abolish the nine stars and move the source of his power to the foot of Shengquan mountain of bengshan people?

"There's no time!"

"Those big bugs are coming!"


In a shrill cry, the three formless creatures stretched out and fell down from the sky, and instantly penetrated into the ground, leaving three huge pits. Then the three formless creatures disappeared into the pit and went deep into the earth.

Together with these formless heavenly beings, there are thirty or forty warriors, most of whom even disappeared before they could scream.

It takes some time to open the black ball. Gong Yu's jade seal is in it, and there are emerald green lines spreading along the black ball. But at the moment, more and more Wuxiang heavenly beings are coming. It's too late

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